Safe diet: how to lose weight without harming the body. Varieties of safe diets for weight loss: oat, curd and others


Every beautiful woman dreams of a beautiful slender figure. A major role in achieving this goal is played by food, where among the variety of diets, young ladies are increasingly choosing safe weight loss diets.

With them, one can enjoy life to the fullest, and correct the figure, do not torment the body with hunger strikes, protect themselves from the development of consequences in the form of gastritis, anemia and other diseases from extreme diets.

Key Features of a Safe Diet

Any experienced nutritionist will say that it is impossible to single out one safe diet that is ideal for everyone. It will not be possible to predict in advance the effectiveness of a particular diet. But there are some general principles that can characterize both effective and harmless methods of losing weight.

1. A sharp change in the number of calories consumed in a smaller direction - negative experiment. Especially people with obesity or chronic illnesses should not drastically reduce their calorie intake. To calculate the optimal number of calories, you need to calculate the average daily intake, and then the resulting figure is divided by 2. Within seven days, the result can not be exceeded.

2. Flour, sweet and fatty - The main enemies of a slim body. Therefore, for starters, you need to halve their consumption. After a week of diet, the daily number of calories needs to be halved again. After another week, reduce the diet so that it is three times less than at the beginning of the diet. Fatty, sweet and starchy foods should be almost completely excluded from the diet.

3. Instant results in the form of significant weight loss will not appear. The optimal level is 1-3 kg per week with a safe diet. Therefore, in a month, it is possible to get rid of only 5-12 kg. To maintain health and remove more excess weight, you should be patient.

4. If possible, it’s worth limit salt intake, and increase the amount of fluid drunk. Daily should be consumed no more than 5 g of salt, and drink at least 1.5 liters. water.

5. Sports will only benefit. It is not necessary to organize huge races and entire marathons. Ideal for a weight loss program in conjunction with a diet volleyball, walking, swimming, badminton. Losing weight is necessary not only with the help of diet, but also sports.

6. So that extra pounds are not returned, even after the diet is stopped you need to monitor your diet. Fasting days will help to consolidate the achieved result in the absence of a doctor’s contraindications and proper nutrition.

Compliance with fairly simple rules that apply to any safe diet will help you lose weight and consolidate the result without damage to health.

Alternatives to Safe Weight Loss Diets

There are many varieties of safe diets. All of them are united by the rejection of salty, fatty, fried, smoked and starchy foods. The list of prohibited foods includes fast food, alcohol, convenience foods, canned food, sauces, soda. The cereals, fruits and vegetables, boiled meat, fish, sour-milk products were included in the white list. Occasionally pasta is allowed, but only their hard varieties, potatoes, dry wine in small quantities. Be sure to drink plenty of mineral or purified water without gas, natural juices, green tea. Thanks to them, the body will receive the necessary vitamins and nutrients and there will be no need to purchase an additional complex to strengthen immunity.

Among the most popular safe diets are the following:

1. Banana Dietin which excess calories are burned quickly and easily. You only need to use bananas, you can drink them with low-fat kefir. Such a diet will be useful to people with diseases of blood vessels, gall bladder, liver.

2. Curd diet - with it, the daily rate of a healthy dietary product is 500 g. If necessary, the curd menu is supplemented with low-fat kefir.

3. Bulgarian diet - One of the mildest ways to get rid of extra pounds. There are no serious food restrictions, but there is one rule for such a diet. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the same type of menu. For example, eat 2 eggs, meat, bread and green tea for breakfast, eat fish, bread, vegetable salad and an orange or an apple for lunch, and repeat the breakfast ration for dinner. For dessert, you can eat a fruit salad, excluding bananas and grapes from the selection of fruits.

4. Oat diet, contributing to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body and the removal of toxins from it. With such a diet, the daily diet will consist of a plate of oatmeal cooked in milk for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a snack, you can use fruit, you can drink water and green tea without restrictions.

5. Pineapple diet, since this fruit contains in its composition a special substance - bromelin, which can effectively burn fat. The maximum norm is 2 kg of pineapples per day. You can combine them with dietary cottage cheese, lean meat, wholemeal bread.

Such diets are designed for a week. During this time, it is possible to achieve effective results without harm to health.

5 common myths about safe weight loss diets

Along with the spread of news about the safety and effectiveness of certain diets, common myths and misconceptions about them began to appear. Here are the main ones, following which you cannot achieve successful body transformations:

1. Limit the daily calorie intake to 1800 and eat any food your soul desires.

If, for example, all calories are contained in burgers or french fries, excess weight will never go away. Much depends on lifestyle. If you want not to limit yourself to food, then the lifestyle should be saturated, and active sports. Then the body will not gain a single gram.

2. You can eat any meal, but until 6 p.m. (2, 3 hours before bedtime, etc.).

In fact, the stomach doesn’t care how much time food enters it. It's all about its calorie content. He can digest light food and distribute its carbohydrates, fats and proteins. But a roll of butter eaten before bedtime does not apply to such food and all others like it. This is the whole difference of beliefs, it is worth distinguishing them correctly.

3. To safely lose weight, eat small, but frequent portions.

Scientifically, the fact of greater effectiveness of frequent meals in comparison with a three-time ration has not been scientifically proven. At the same time, "windows for burning fat" do not open, metabolism is not accelerated. The only plus is that the stomach shrinks from small portions. Therefore, you can eat as conveniently for you, without exceeding the norm of daily calories. And those who move more and actively burn them lose weight.

4. It is necessary to exclude from the diet the most harmful substances - fats and carbohydrates.

Without any of the three main components - proteins, fats and carbohydrates, not one organism can function normally. Fats, as you know, are harmful and beneficial. Without nutrients, not all vitamins can be absorbed in the body. And refusal of carbohydrates during periods of training is especially fraught with loss of strength, constant fatigue.

5. There are white and black lists of products. If you abandon the "bad", eat everything and not bother the body with physical exertion, then you can still lose weight.

For each individual diet there is a diet and corresponding lists. But even with them you can find exceptions, for example, bread is very often forbidden, but from wholemeal or rye flour is not only possible, but even useful. Any product eaten in excess will not benefit the body.

The Best Safe Diet - Healthy Eating

To effectively lose weight, it is not necessary to adhere to any diets. Properly composed proper nutrition can be for your body not only a source of harmony, but also health. Surprising is the fact that with proper nutrition, the body tunes in psychologically to lose weight, diets are associated with a length of time after which you can supposedly relax, and proper nutrition involves a long, possibly even constant period. With him, you always need to have breakfast, make the menu varied to launch more vitamins and nutrients from various foods into the body, as well as limit the intake of spices and seasonings to the maximum.


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