How to lose weight on a diet for the lazy: a menu for a week. Compliance with the drinking regime and the selection of dishes in the diet for the lazy (menu for the week)


The reasons for the appearance of extra pounds people are accustomed to consider the lack of time, money, opportunities, but not their own laziness. But it is in it that most often lies the main reason.

Especially for lazy people, a nutrition program has been developed that will allow you to get rid of 10-12 kg in just 2 weeks and find a dream figure.

Building a diet for the lazy: a menu for a week

The most common diet for the lazy, which gives good results, is considered water. The essence of such a diet is the regular use of water according to certain rules:

• 15-20 minutes before any meal you should drink 2 cups of clean still water;

• after a meal, you can not drink water for 1.5 hours;

• in between meals, you can and should drink a colorless liquid in any quantity;

• after 8 o’clock in the evening or in some cases at night, when you feel hungry, you can drink water, but in small quantities to avoid swelling.

The diet for the lazy got its name due to the fact that many products can be included in the menu, from which it will be easier to make a diet. Weight loss will occur due to heavy drinking. But still a little restrict the list of products will have to increase the effectiveness of the diet. Exclude from the menu:

• dishes prepared by frying;

• fatty and smoked foods;

• sugar;

• bread, baking, pastries;

• confectionery;

• sweet carbonated and alcoholic drinks;

• sauces of high fat content, mayonnaise.

In a sense, the diet for the lazy is proper nutrition, but with a clearly thought-out menu. If you distribute your diet strictly by the hour, then the effectiveness of the diet will be higher due to a more active production of gastric juice.

It is very important to choose the right menu, since the effectiveness of the whole diet will depend on this stage. The menu must have vegetables and fruits to stabilize the intestines.

Diet for the lazy: a weekly menu and nutrition rules

Specialists recommend a diet for lazy people on the water no longer than 21 days. Further use will be harmful to the body.

Menu for losing weight for 7 days:

1. Monday - An example of a detailed daily routine with meals and hours of drinking fluid. Each subsequent day, you can adhere to the proposed drinking regime, changing only breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as making a variety of snacks. So:

• 7.30 - you need to drink water in the amount of 2 glasses;

• 8.00 - breakfast, you can eat 1 boiled egg and a portion of 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese;

• 10.00 - drink 400-500 ml of water;

• 10.30 - snack with any unsweetened fruit, it can be an orange, an apple;

• 12.30 - pre-reflux water intake, again 2 glasses;

• 13.00- lunch, prepare a cream soup based on zucchini, eat a small piece of boiled chicken breast and a salad of vegetables;

• 15.00 - drink 400-500 ml of water;

• 15.30 - snack with dried fruits - up to 100 g of any fruit;

• 17.30 - water before dinner, 2 glasses;

• 18.00 - fish baked without oil on a pillow of the same vegetables. Fish need to choose a low-fat variety, up to 200 g portion.

2. Tuesday - drink all day on a similar Monday regimen. Food ration:

• breakfast - scrambled eggs in non-skim milk with vegetables and herbs, can be cooked in the microwave;

• lunch - any fruit, you can choose grapefruit;

• lunch - green lean borsch without meat with a slice of black bread;

• afternoon tea - a boiled egg and greens - can be served in the form of a salad, finely chopped or chopped egg on a grater;

• dinner - stewed vegetables, grilled chicken or oven.

3. Wednesday - do not forget about water during the day:

• for breakfast, oatmeal with honey and fresh berries;

• second breakfast - standardly an orange or an apple;

• lunch - boiled potatoes, but in no case fried in oil, a slice of boiled chicken;

• afternoon snack - a salad of vegetables, for example, cucumber, tomato, pepper, it is allowed to season it with olive oil and add greens;

• dinner - again you can bake fish and eat fresh tomato.

4. Thursday - as a rule, drink at least 2 liters of water per day:

• for breakfast, cook herculean porridge, eat a slice of lean meat and a light salad of cabbage, cucumber and carrots;

• second breakfast - a portion of low-fat cottage cheese - 100 g;

• lunch - a glass of tomato juice, porridge with fish, salad of vegetable and rye bread;

• afternoon tea - you can drink tea or another unsweetened drink with crackers;

• dinner - any vegetable dish, for example, stew, baked vegetables or another option, a glass of kefir.

5. Friday - do not forget about water (2-2.5 liters per day):

• breakfast - buckwheat porridge and a glass of milk with honey;

• second meal - 2 ripe pears;

• lunch - a portion of vegetable soup in the bite with buckwheat bread;

• afternoon snack - natural yogurt without artificial additives with real raspberries or strawberries;

• dinner - tomato salad with herbs, 2 boiled soft-boiled eggs.

6. Saturday - in addition to drinking water, you must follow this menu:

• breakfast starts with boiled eggs and a cup of green tea without sugar;

• for lunch, you can eat a salad of carrots, cabbage and greens with olive oil dressing;

• lunch will consist of vegetable broth, any porridge for a side dish and chicken breast;

• snack before dinner - the curd is not sweet, or yogurt;

• dinner - boiled beef, a side dish of green canned peas.

7. Sunday - again the same amount of water in the allotted time for this and such food:

• breakfast - fresh celery or fresh vegetables, a piece of low-fat veal;

• second breakfast - a handful of nuts;

• lunch - broccoli and cauliflower soup puree, for the second - baked fish;

• afternoon tea - a green apple;

• dinner - oatmeal with dates (5 pcs.).

The advantage of the diet for the lazy is not only insignificant restrictions on the menu, but also the ability to protect yourself from cooking and creating culinary delights. All dishes are quite simple and do not require large expenditures of finance and time to create them.


Watch the video: Keto Recipe - Ultimate Breakfast Rollups (July 2024).