Pest control on cherries: how to spray in the spring, after flowering and when ripening. How to protect cherries from aphids: how to process a tree


Tasty and juicy cherries become an object for pests throughout the summer season.

If the summer resident does not take measures to control pests on the cherry, then the number of crops will be significantly reduced.

What insects harm a tree than spray a cherry?

The most common pests of cherry and methods of dealing with them

Modern methods of control and prevention will help protect the tree from adversity, and preserve the harvest. How to recognize the danger and help the tree?

Cherry is often attacked by pests:

  • cherry aphids;
  • shoot moth;
  • cherry weevil;
  • hawthorn;
  • goldfish;
  • slimy sawfly;
  • ringed silkworm.

Avoid the appearance of harmful insects by taking preventive measures in early spring.

Before the sap flow begins, trees need to be treated to destroy all insects wintering on it. For spraying cherries, you can use a solution of urea 700 gr. for 10 liters of water. The procedure must be performed before the swelling of the kidneys.

You can get rid of flying insects with the help of biological preparations: Fitoverm, Healthy Garden, Askarin. You can apply all these solutions once a month.

If preventive spraying did not help, and the pests nevertheless attacked the cherry, then it is worth resorting to more effective drugs.

Chemicals for spraying cherries

For preventive purposes, in the early spring, professionals advise tree treatments. For this, complex-acting preparations are used: Iskra, Decis, Topsin-M.

After swelling of the kidneys, the crown, shoots and trunk are irrigated with a Bordeaux mixture. After a few days, treat with iron sulfate.

How to spray cherries in the garden

1. Cherry aphids.

Most often, the tree is attacked by cherry aphids. The insect settles on the underside of the leaf, the tops of branches and pedicels. Recognizing aphids on cherries and fighting it is very simple. Small individuals are visible to the naked eye. And the tops of young branches are twisted, drooping and do not develop.

To combat aphids on cherry, first of all, you need to remove all the weeds near the tree. If the tree is slightly infected, you can try spraying cherries with herbal infusions. Before budding, the cherry aphid effectively fights infusion of onions, garlic or dandelion, which is mixed with ash. Spraying should be carried out in dry weather.

It is better to add a little laundry soap to the infusions, which helps the ash not to be washed off from the leaves and shoots of the tree. As a preventive measure, planting plants that repel pests in the garden is practiced. Of the flowers you can sow marigolds and marigolds.

If there are too many pests, then you can not do without the use of chemicals. Aphids should be processed on cherries systematically. Spraying with drugs must be carried out strictly at the specified dosage. The last treatment should be no later than three weeks before harvesting. Apply for these purposes the drug "Spark" or "Int-vir."

2. Shoot moth.

In early spring, you can see on the kidneys of the cherry greenish caterpillars of the shoot moth, which in the summer turns into a white butterfly. It harms the fruit buds of a tree, biting into them and sucking out the juice. The buds fade and crop yields drop sharply. Caterpillars of the shoot moth attack the young leaves of the tree, wrapping them in cobwebs and damaging the stamens on the flowers. The ovaries of cherries become smaller, ugly and crumble.

You can get rid of the shoot moth by regularly loosening the soil around the trunk circle. In summer, butterflies massively go to the ground for pupation, so loosening helps to destroy pests.

In case of severe infection, it is better to use drugs: "Decis", "Actara".

3. Cherry weevil.

Weevil infects young cherry fruits, preventing them from developing and ripening. The pest is populated during flowering and feeds on young ovaries and buds of the tree.

The appearance of a pest on a cherry leads to a decrease in yield. To prevent the appearance of weevil, the soil under the tree is dug twice a season. You need to do this in the fall and early spring. When digging, wintering individuals are destroyed.

Of the chemicals to control pests on cherries, a double spraying of karbofos helps. Irrigation should be carried out after flowering and fruit formation. The interval between treatments is not more than 7 days. You can also use drugs: Actellik, Fufanon.

4. Hawthorn on a cherry.

Hawthorn is a large white butterfly that looks like a cabbage butterfly. Caterpillars from early spring eat up leaves, flowers, ovaries of a tree. The plant is bare and dries.

Treatment against caterpillars of hawthorn is carried out in the early spring by chemical preparations or manually, collecting and destroying pests.

5. Gold shingles on a cherry.

Recognizing the pest on the cherry and taking control measures is simple. Nocturnal white butterfly with a fluff on its abdomen lays grayish caterpillars on a tree. To destroy the nests, you need to remove them manually. Preparations for control are used in the spring after the caterpillars exit and in the fall, when the pest is collected for the winter. The drug "Spark" helps well.

6. Cherry sawfly.

This pest gnaws the entire surface in the leaves, leaving only the skeleton. Sawfly larvae can be found on the underside of the leaf. Since mid-summer, the pest begins to multiply actively and causes a lot of damage to the tree. With a strong infection with the yield, you can say goodbye.

Treatments are carried out three times per season. Since early August, cherbophos has been sprayed with cherries, and caterpillar preparations are treated before flowering and after. When the crop is harvested, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment in order to reduce the number of pests preparing for wintering.

7. Ringed silkworm.

Cherries are often damaged by the caterpillars of a nocturnal brown butterfly, which lays hairy larvae. Overwintering larvae on tree shoots. You can notice them by a kind of dark dots, similar to beads. In one clutch up to 100 larvae.

From early spring, with buds open, the caterpillars quickly begin to eat young castings and shoots. With severe damage, the tree is quickly exposed and densely braided with cobwebs.

To spray cherries to combat the pest, you need the drug Entobacterin.

Cherry Prevention and Spraying

Beginners can not always recognize pests on cherries and very often remain without a crop. In order to avoid this you need to apply complex methods of combating harmful insects.

Almost all varieties of cherries are affected by the same types of insects.

For the purpose of prevention, it is better to use systematic wood treatments with folk remedies.

1. From all the caterpillars and butterflies, a decoction of the tops of tomatoes helps well. For 10 liters of water you need to take 4 kg of tomato stems with leaves and boil for 30 minutes. The finished solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3 and up to 30 grams of laundry soap is added there. Spraying is carried out with an interval of 7 days.

2. From pests that eat fruits it is better to use the infusion of potato tops. For 10 liters of water you will need 1 kg of tops, the solution is infused for 4 hours. To the finished infusion add soap and ash. Spraying is carried out several times a season.


To preserve the tree and increase productivity, you need to timely inspect the tree for pests, and take measures to combat them.

Carry out preventive treatments and dig up the root zone, plant useful plants in the garden.


Watch the video: Why is My Tree Dropping Fruit & How to Stop Fruit Drop (June 2024).