The meaning of the name Valery: strong, healthy and unpredictable. The nature and fate of a girl named Valeria


The name Valeria - has ancient roots and acquired its meaning quite a long time ago. Lera (such is the diminutive form of the name) will have good health, since the meaning of the name is "health", "health". An alternative value was considered the value of "have power."

Often this name was used to name babies who were born rather weak, whose hope of survival was minimal. It is in order to give them a chance for a full life. Our ancestors believed that the name given to the baby - helps him in solving life's difficulties, allows them to be foreseen.

The origin and history of the name of Valery

The name has ancient Latin roots. The name is redone from masculine, so the girls named by him have a rather complex disposition and are not always flexible. It is believed that Valery’s day is supposed to be celebrated on June 20th, but girls can be called by this name on any day of the year.

The zodiac sign that patronizes Valeria - Twins. This makes the girl pretty unpredictable. She can be both good and at the same time, principled and evil. A girl with this name was born under the auspices of the planet Mercury, which gives her a pretty strong and mysterious disposition. Not every man will risk connecting his fate with Valeria.

The origin and history of the name of Valery, determine the color that has been considered ideal for her from time immemorial - this is purple. She can put on a purple outfit and feel how she calms down, how her emotions return to normal. A tree whose fruits can heal from many ailments is a fig. The plant that is the mascots for the girl is a lily. The stone that protects it from the negative impact is garnet. He will give Valeria wisdom and endurance.

The nature and fate of Valeria

Valeria is quite unpredictable. She can have a huge number of positive qualities of character and show people only the negative aspects of temperament.

The positive features of her character are:

• Confidence;

• Cheerfulness;

• Sentimentality.

Even the positive character traits of Valeria can dramatically turn into negative ones. A girl can be too active and self-confident, which will lead to constant conflicts with others. Also, she may be too attentive to those people for whom she is already pretty tired.

Her sentimentality can border on deep sadness and harm not only Valeria, but also her close people. The negative character traits of Valeria include:

• short temper;

• self-will;

• Unpredictability.

Parents from an early age notice the peculiarities of Valeria’s behavior and communication and try to teach her to behave correctly in society, not to conflict, not to cause indignation among other people, however, the girl herself sometimes does not know how she will react to this or that situation. She can react too sharply to the remark and create a real scandal, demanding to apologize to her.

Another time, she will not pay attention to extraneous statements and there will simply be no scandal. She fenced off from the opinions of others, and she decides for herself. Valeria has a rather complicated nature, which at different times is revealed somehow especially.

So, in early childhood, she is quite often capricious and requires attention, while she is not satisfied with simple praise, she should always be the only one. She should be a beloved girl with the most devoted friends and the most loving parents.

If Valeria has problems in her childhood with health, she becomes even more capricious and simply unbearable. It begins to seem to parents that they will never rest from their duties. That they will always need to support Valeria in different actions. For example, if a girl decides that she really wants a new toy, it will be practically impossible for her parents to convince her.

Valery is friends with everyone, but not everyone maintains her sharp temper, not everyone will maintain friendship after Valery screams, or insults a person. She does this without a twinge of conscience, believing that she is doing quite rightly. She didn’t want to offend anyone, it just happened.

Valeria is vulnerable and can make scandals in her teens only because her relatives do not hear her, do not pay enough attention to her. Sometimes it provokes quarrels and scandals, which later regrets pretty much.

The value of the name Valery determines her cheerfulness and curiosity. It’s very difficult for little Valeria to sit in one place and not to break anything, not to eavesdrop anywhere, not to give anyone advice.

As an adult, Valeria comments less on other people's actions, but happily gives instructions and advice, moreover, does not consider this something shameful, unnecessary. She will always find time to discuss someone else’s action, especially if she warned of a possible failure and the person did not listen to her.

Frequent mood swings worry not only those around her, but herself. She herself is not glad that she started that scandal that she had a fight with that person who reacted sharply to a simple phrase. She is burdened by this whole situation, which does not allow her to live normally.

In some cases, Valeria finds strength within itself and simply changes its character, begins to realize its hot temper, which greatly simplifies the life of its loved ones. Some Valerias are overly impressionable and can become hysterical due to the extraneous opinion of them.

Valeria does not tolerate gossip about herself, although she herself can very actively discuss someone and make inquiries about someone. Such a mismatch explains the girl with self-love and indifference to the fate of other people. But, and this indifference can arise in it spontaneously.

She may even rush to refuse help to a loved one, but, after some time, change her mind and still help. Therefore, relatives are often silent about their needs, or wait for Valeria to improve her mood.

What does the name Valery mean for personal life and career

In Valeria's personal life, everything is quite complicated. She attracts men like a magnet and disappoints them very quickly. Literally, after the first scandal, the chosen one of Valeria is ready to leave her and not come to her anymore. She is very restrained in her statements and actions at the beginning of the relationship.

But, very sharply reacts to everything already when they are completed. Sometimes Valeria is too capricious and this causes anger in her second half. She can be very demanding of her husband, but not every man will tolerate such an attitude.

Every failure in her personal life makes a woman even more unstable, vulnerable and sensitive. An ideal option for Valeria would be a man older than her, who clearly knows what he wants, and who can provide her with everything necessary.

It would seem that this is complicated? To please a young and beautiful woman? The nature and fate of Valeria make her too independent, and then not every man will become her life partner. Many will simply abandon such an undertaking.

It is worth noting that Valeria is a wonderful hostess, but she is too jealous and suspicious She can constantly check her man’s phone, look for signs of correspondence with other women in him, and even if he was not going to correspond with anyone, make a complaint about this. After all, the next time he can write, he can call, but she doesn’t know who she is.

Sometimes, jealousy causes Valeria to panic and paranoia. At these moments, even close people do not know how to help the girl. At first glance, they begin to make stupid attempts to calm her, but such a care is very pleasant for a girl, and she can play the role of a victim for hours. And close people at the same time will be simply shocked by such behavior.

Valeria does a wonderful business. She often takes risks, but does not regret it. She lacks endurance and inner peace in such matters. But, Valeria believes that, taking a chance - you can defeat anyone.

Valeria is very creative, if parents do not restrain her daughter's desire to engage in singing, theatrical art - a wonderful actress, journalist, singer will grow out of her. Often Valeria associate the nature of her activity with psychology.

This is predictable, because they themselves want to figure out what is wrong with their inner world, why are they all the time upset, they are all wrong, they are disappointed? What leads to such their reactions? Why do they even arise? Giving themselves the answers to all the questions, Valeria often continues to develop in psychology.

They can have several higher educations, be proud of it, try to teach others and recommend that they also engage in self-development. At the same time, do not respect someone else’s personal space and someone else’s time.

Valeria loves children and when she becomes a mother, she immediately changes her attitude to life. She turns into a caring and very calm woman who knows exactly what she wants from life. Sometimes Valeria is silent for a very long time about her pregnancy, not wanting to arouse envy and negativity in others. And this can be understood, since it often attracts the attention of strangers to itself by charisma and self-sufficiency.

If you are lucky to be friends with Valeria, she will do everything possible for you, help in difficult times, and always substitute her shoulder. Will never give up friendship with you. Just do not quarrel with her first. Do not point out to her shortcomings - she is very upset by this.


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