Godetia - planting and cultivation features of this garden flower. How to take care of Godetia and protect the flower from pests


Godetia is a garden bush-like annual belonging to the family of cypress plants. The birthplace of this brightly flowering plant is America.

Today, there are more than two dozen species of this plant, which is a very unpretentious flower, which greatly facilitates the task of caring for it and growing it.

Brightly blooming with saturated greens, Godetia will become a real decoration of any flowerbed, lawn or garden.

Godetius and cultivation features of this radiant flower

Godetia has a stalk with a length of 25 to 60 cm and inflorescences with a diameter reaching 10 cm. There are species of Godetia that are excellent in shape, both cup-shaped and bell-shaped. The colors of the inflorescences of this plant are enchanted by the variety of colors of the petals having a smooth or terry structure.

The most popular varieties of Godecia are:

• Large-flowered Godetia - is a low plant with luxurious red-pink flowers.

• Adorable Godetia - a feature of this variety is a stem height of up to 60 cm, while the bright inflorescences of the plant are small, having a diameter of not more than 5 cm.

Plant Features:

• Godetia does not like overheating, in connection with which it is necessary to close the plant during the onset of hot periods from direct exposure to the rays of the sun.

• Godetsia does not accept excessive moisture, therefore watering should be carried out as necessary, using only warm water for it.

• A temperate climate and humus-rich soil is what this plant needs.

• Lowering the temperature in the spring, the plant tolerates with ease.

• Planted in the sands of Godetia feels bad and requires regular watering, especially in the drought.

Godetia - Planting and Seed Growing of a Flower

Many amateur gardeners, having gained some experience in breeding flowers, recommend Godezia to sow directly in the open ground, not messing with seedlings. This flower, like many others, does not always take root when planting seedlings.

Just before planting, it is more advisable to hold Godetia seeds in a weak solution of manganese, for about an hour.

Also, the seeds of this flower can be sown right in the fall, especially if they are resistant to various adverse conditions and pests.

Seeds can be planted in open ground soil or in containers of a certain type with a height of at least 15 cm, with a drainage layer at the bottom.

Godetia - landing in the open ground

It is better to plant godetia in neutral or slightly acidic soil, in sunny places, preferably in the southern part of the garden.

The bed is pre-excavated, loosened and spilled abundantly with water. Planting seeds to a depth of 0.5 cm, at a distance of 20 cm from each other, for convenience, mixing with the ground.

Having planted the seeds in the ground, on top of them you need to sprinkle with earth and from the watering can again spill some water.

When creating such conditions for planting, Godetia seeds will sprout quickly literally in 10-12 days, and the sprouts will take root and grow well.

Godetia - landing in containers

In a container filled with soil, seeds are placed (it is better to plant up to 2-3 seeds in one container, in case the others do not germinate) and are covered with a small layer of soil on top.

After the containers are covered with covering material or film to create greenhouse conditions for future plants. At the same time, the film must be cleaned every day for about thirty minutes, to ventilate the container with seeds.

If the soil has dried it must be moistened with a spray bottle. After a couple of weeks, when the shoots appear, the film needs to be removed completely. Many amateur gardeners already at this time begin to carry out the first feeding of young plants.

Godetia - planting plants in the ground

In order for Godetia to turn into a magnificent flower over time, you need to know some rules for planting it in the ground with seedlings. Seedlings are planted when the first two or three leaves appear. Depending on the region of planting, the soil is heated, and a greenhouse is installed over the seedlings, if climatic conditions require it.

In prepared holes made from each other, seedlings are planted at a distance of 25 cm. Containers with seedlings are pre-shed with water so that it is easy to get a plant out of them, right with a lump of earth on the root system, without damaging it. It is more advisable to carry out a transplant in the evening or in cloudy weather, so that the seedlings are better adapted to the new habitat.

Advice! Before embarking on transplanting seedlings in open ground, it is necessary to conduct hardening. To do this, containers with bores need to be taken out of the house onto the street for another hour, while gradually increasing the time spent by the seedlings on the street.

Godetia - plant care and care

Godetia, although an undemanding plant, like many flowers, loves taking care of it and is sensitive to it. In connection with what it is necessary to carry out regular weeding (to protect the flower from pests living in the grass), loosening, watering and feeding it.

Godetia care and top dressing

The gardener should be aware that this plant perfectly perceives organic fertilizers, especially during active growth. These organic fertilizers include - chicken droppings (in small quantities), mullein.

Before blooming Godetia, you can use top dressing in the form of a solution of nitrophosphate.

When the plant blooms, it is more advisable to alternate organic fertilizers with mineral fertilizers that are most suitable for this flower.

Godetia care, watering and flowering

It is necessary to water Godetsia regularly, but in moderation. Do not overfill the flower, as this reflects poorly on its appearance. The plant may begin to wither, rot, and hurt.

It is best to wait until the topsoil dries out, and then repeat watering.

Godetia begins to bloom in July and continues to delight the eye with its inflorescences of gardeners almost until the first frost. The flowering quality of this plant depends on the proper watering.

Godetia care and pruning

If the plant is tall, it needs support, for example, in the form of a peg, since the branches of the flower can break.

Many lovers of Godezia cut it, but this is not necessary. Just for the beauty of the appearance of the plant, it is necessary to remove faded and fading inflorescences from it, possibly dry foliage that has appeared.

After such a procedure, the beautiful Godetia will once again direct all her energies to the formation of new buds and luxurious flowers.

Godetsia care and how to protect the flower from diseases and pests

Like many other flowering plants, Godetia can be exposed to diseases and pests. Most often, she gets sick with fungal diseases, rust, peronosporosis.

The appearance of certain spots indicates the first signs of the disease. To prevent the disease from spreading further, Godetia's flowers must be regularly examined and treated with fungicides.

You also need to weed the plant around the weeds so that pests that have settled in the grass do not harm Godetia.


Watch the video: How to grow Godetia Flower at home (June 2024).