Is it possible for children in the bath: the pros and cons. Find out if children can go to the bathhouse and at what age it is better to start bathing procedures


Many people consider the bath house not only as a means of relaxation, but also as a source of good health and good mood.

Therefore, fans of the steam room are interested in the question of whether it is possible to visit a bath with children in order to strengthen their immunity.

Is it possible for children in the bath: the pros and cons

Almost all doctors agree that for most children, a bath is an excellent means of healing and hardening. Changes in air and water temperatures have a beneficial effect on the circulatory and respiratory systems. Then the body is freed from toxins and lactic acid, which is a source of fatigue. Baths are especially useful for children who often have acute respiratory viral infections.

For the first visit, it is better to choose a Finnish sauna with a "dry" steam. Its hot air is easier to carry than the moist steam of a Russian bath. After all, it is known that the greater the humidity, the stronger the high temperature is felt.

However, some childhood diseases interfere with visiting the bath:

• Otitis media, sinusitis and other inflammatory diseases are contraindications for the steam room. If the baby has chronic sinusitis, then a visit to the bath will be useful for him when it comes to the period of exacerbation.

• High body temperature, which can be caused by any disease (ARI, flu, tonsillitis, etc.).

• Congenital heart defect.

• Some pathologies of the nervous system. To determine whether it is possible to attend a bath with children, in this case only a neurologist can.

• Various skin diseases also require consultation with a doctor before visiting the sauna. Children who have many moles on their skin need a gentle temperature regime in the steam room.

It is worth noting that the healing effect of the bath will only occur with regular visits, for example, every week. One-time visits to the steam room can only be considered as a fun pastime with parents, which, however, is no less useful for the baby.

Is it possible in a bath with children up to a year

A trip to the bathhouse with a baby is possible only if mom is a big lover of the steam room and visited her during pregnancy. Before going to the sauna, you need to talk with your doctor and carefully monitor the child's reaction to temperature changes.

The temperature in the bath should be between 40-50 degrees. For the first time, do not stay in the steam room for more than one minute. If the baby's skin turns blue, turns pale or turns purple, leave the steam room immediately. If the baby feels comfortable and is not capricious, you can repeat the call 2-3 times. As a rule, breast-fed babies tolerate a bath better.

After each visit, a steamy child must be doused with water. Pouring not only removes impurities and toxins from the skin, but also is an excellent means of hardening.

It is better to start with water at room temperature. It will contrast sufficiently with steamed skin. If mom and dad are supporters of dousing with cold water and the child is used to such tempering procedures from birth, then you should not make exceptions in the bathhouse.

The good mood of the parents in the bath is sure to be passed on to the baby and will positively affect its nervous system.

Despite the fact that since ancient times in Russia, the whole family was washing in the bath, and the question of whether it was possible to have the smallest children in the bath, today many doctors do not recommend visiting a steam room for kids under 3 years old. This is due to an imperfect system of thermoregulation in the body of a small child.

In any case, each parent must himself, after consulting with a doctor whom he trusts to determine when his baby is ready to go to the bathhouse.

Is it possible to prepare a child for a bath

Preparing a child for a bath, as well as a bath for visiting a baby, is simply necessary. It is best if it begins in the womb. Women who regularly visit saunas during pregnancy note that their children behave calmly in the bath and can tolerate temperature extremes.

The main stage of preparation is the hardening of the child, which can begin from the first days of life. For starters, let it be air baths. To do this, when changing a child, you need to leave him to lie naked for several minutes, gradually increasing this time.

After 6 weeks, the baby can be bathed in a large bath, and then doused with water 1-2 degrees less than the temperature of the water in the bath.

The baby's reaction to such procedures will be an indicator of his readiness to go to the bath. If after hardening the skin does not turn blue, does not turn pale, it does not start to hiccup or cry - welcome to the bathhouse.

In addition, it is important to prepare the child emotionally for the bath, because temperature differences, despite their beneficial effect, are stressful for the whole organism. Most children copy the reactions of adults to certain events. Therefore, if parents get pleasure from going to the bathhouse, then the child will also like this procedure.

However, some kids react hard to the most minor changes in their lives: the arrival of relatives, acquaintance with children and adults, or a trip to rest in another country. Such children should not be forcibly attached to the bathhouse, this will cause a negative effect and may discourage the desire to visit the steam room for life. You need to calmly accept the characteristics of the character of the baby. Children themselves will determine whether they can in the bath. In order to arouse the kid’s interest in the bathhouse, you can tell him about the healing properties of the steam room and the pleasant sensations from visiting it.

When visiting a bath, a child must abide by the rules that are relevant for adults:

• You can’t go to the bathhouse on an empty stomach or with a tightly packed stomach (the ideal interval between a steam room and a meal is 1.5 hours);

• Before entering the steam room you need to take a shower, but leave your hair dry;

• After the bath, the body needs to replenish its fluid reserves, and simple water or herbal tea is best for this.

Before going to the bath, the baby needs to purchase a separate hat, towel and rubber slippers if the baby is already walking.

So, following these simple tips, you can have fun and usefully spend time with your child in the bathhouse.


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