Belyash in the oven: why buy, if you can cook? Recipes of beloved belles in the oven: with meat, vegetables and citruses


Belyash is a fairly common pastry that came from Tatar cuisine.

It is quite popular with us.

That's just the majority perceives the whites as fast food, although quite a favorite.

But not everyone can cook it on their own, often just reluctance.

In vain! Baking whitewash in the oven is no more complicated than making pies or rolls.

Having done this once and having tried the result, you are unlikely to want to buy this dish at street stalls. The whites that are baked in their own kitchen are much more useful and tastier.

Belyashi in the oven - the basic principles of cooking

To prepare whites in the oven you need:

  • knead the dough;

  • prepare the filling;

  • send the dish for baking.

The process is not so complicated so as not to overpower it.

Most are used to the fact that whites are a fried dish. As a rule, they are sold in this form.

However, you can only gain from cooking whitewash in the oven, and not in a skillet filled to the top with oil. Baking is much more useful and, at the same time, no less tasty: juicy, aromatic and very tender.

Traditional whites have a round shape and meat filling. A small hole is placed in the center.

Today, it is not necessary to observe just such a form and use only traditional filling. You can sculpt products in the form of any geometric shape.

They fill the whites with vegetables and even fruit. But the hole in the center should be required.

The secret of this belish is to knead the dough correctly. It is prepared fresh or yeast.

The meat is chopped with a knife or passed through the largest grill of the meat grinder. Stuffing must be with fat. You need to knead it well for a long time, then lightly beat off. Add salt, pepper, onion to minced meat. Zira, suneli hops, coriander, and chopped greens are also popular.

Prepared for baking whites should be infused for at least ten minutes. The dough can be greased with a beaten egg or just the yolk mixed with a spoonful of milk.

The baking sheet is covered with baking paper soaked in vegetable or butter.

Belyashi is baked for about twenty or twenty-five minutes at 180-200 degrees.

1. Belyash in the oven with minced meat



• 0.8 kg of flour;

• 5 gr. dry yeast;

• 30 gr. sandwich oil;

• 125 ml of milk and water;

• one egg;

• teaspoon of salt;

• Art. a spoonful of sugar.


• 150 g of pork meat and 150 g of beef pulp;

• three onions;

• three tbsp. l kefir;

• one teaspoon of pepper and salt.

Cooking method:

Melt the sandwich oil. Separate the yolks in a separate bowl.

Add yeast to milk with water. Dissolve salt and sugar as well.

Pour a spoon or two flour here. Pour oil and yolks. Add more flour and knead the dough. It must be kneaded until it becomes tight.

Grind meat with a meat grinder.

Cut the onion into small cubes. Salt and mix with minced meat. Add kefir and pepper.

Roll the pieces of dough into circles. Place minced meat in the middle. Each whitewash needs to be wrapped so that a hole remains in its center.

Set ready-to-cook foods for about ten minutes.

Place on a baking sheet and send to bake. After twenty minutes, fragrant and lush whites can be removed from the oven.

2. Belyash in the oven with chili pepper


• 900 gr. yeast dough;

• 0.300 kg of minced pork;

• two onions;

• eight branches of parsley;

• hot pepper (chili);

• two pinches of pepper and salt.

Cooking method:

Prepare the dough as in the previous recipe.

Cut the onion into small cubes. Add salt. Mix with meat mass.

Finely chop the parsley. Free the chili pepper from seeds and internal partitions and cut into small pieces. Add together with parsley in a bowl with minced meat and fry it in a pan.

Roll out slices of dough into circles, make cuts, but do not cut to the center. Place the meat filling in the middle.

Wrap the resulting petals in a circle on top of each other. Belyash leave for ten minutes to insist.

Lubricate with yolk, which has been loosened and mixed with milk. Bake for twenty-five minutes (180 degrees).

3. Belyashi in the oven with pumpkin and grapefruit filling


• 0.45 kg of yeast dough;

• 0.3 kg of pumpkin;

• one grapefruit;

• one lemon;

• 10 g of granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

Cut the pumpkin into small pieces and bake in the oven. Fifteen minutes (200 degrees) is enough for this. Grind baked pumpkin in mashed potatoes with a blender.

Peel the grapefruit, divide into slices, remove the thin skin and pat it dry with a paper towel.

Cut lemon zest into strips or grate.

Slices of dough after rolling, cut into strips.

Put the filling on their edges: first place a spoonful of pumpkin puree, then one or two grapefruit slices, a pinch of zest, and sprinkle sugar on top.

Wrap the dough twice in an envelope. Decorate the seam curly. Bake in the usual way.

4. Belyashi in the oven "Simple recipe"



• 600 gr. flour;

• 15 gr. dry yeast;

• teaspoon of salt;

• Art. a spoon of granulated sugar;

• 300 ml of water.


• onion;

• 0.4 kg of minced meat;

• salt and pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

Dissolve yeast and sugar with salt in water.

Add flour a little and stir clockwise. Knead the dough until it stops pestering. Clean in a cozy corner of the kitchen, covering with a towel or plastic wrap.

Cut the onion into small pieces and lightly fry. Mix it with minced meat, add salt and pepper.

Roll out the dough, wrap it in a sausage and divide into portions. Each roll again, place the meat mixture and pinch the edges.

Semi-finished products are fried in a pan on both sides and sent to the oven for twenty minutes.

5. Belyash in the oven with potatoes and meat



• 350 gr. wheat flour;

• 160 gr. ghee;

• a cup of kefir;

• ½ tsp. salt and soda.


• 300 gr. beef;

• one onion;

• two potatoes;

• Art. l dry adjika Caucasian;

• table salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

In a bowl with flour, add ghee, salt.

Stir the soda in kefir and add to the flour.

Knead the dough. It will be very soft and supple. Cover it and set aside for fifteen minutes.

Make minced meat from meat.

Finely chop the potatoes and onion. Add to a plate with meat. Vessels, pour spices, add salt and thoroughly mix the meat mixture.

Divide the dough into separate pieces, roll out, place the meat filling in the middle. Wrap the whites, leave a hole in the center. Bake in the usual way in the oven. After twenty minutes, remove the pan. Put a small piece of melted butter on each whitewash. Place the baking sheet with the whites in the oven for another five minutes.

6. Belyash in the oven with lamb


• 0.8 kg of dough;

• 400 g of mutton;

• one large onion;

• two pinches of coriander;

• ½ teaspoon of zira and black pepper.

• one and a half teaspoons of salt.

Cooking method:

Cook closely according to the previous recipe.

Pour coriander, black pepper, salt and zira into a mortar and crush.

Grind the onion. Add cooked spices to it and stir.

Then grind the lamb in a bowl with onions.

Mix the meat mixture very carefully.

Pour vegetable oil onto a baking sheet and distribute it evenly over the surface. They should grease their hands.

Pinch off a piece of dough and roll it with your hands directly on the baking sheet.

Smooth the meat mixture over the surface. Wrap the dough in folds.

Baking of whitewash in the oven takes about twenty-five minutes.

7. Whites in the oven "Vegetarian"



• a glass of 15% sour cream;

• one tsp soda;

• one tsp. sugar and salt;

• ½ cup vegetable oil;

• 0.4 kg of flour.


• White cabbage;

• carrot;

• salt;

• a pinch of turmeric and curry;

• sour cream for lubrication of whites;

• 50 g of hard cheese.

Cooking method:

Pour sour cream into a ladle, mix with soda. After a couple of minutes, pour in the vegetable oil. Pour sugar and salt. Whisk with a whisk.

Pour in flour and prepare soft and airy dough.

Roll it into a thick tow. Cut into identical pieces. Cover with a napkin.

Cut cabbage into small squares. Grind carrots with a coarse grater.

Stir vegetables, add salt and spices. Fry in a saucepan until soft.

Roll out the dough pieces and fill with the vegetable mixture. Wrap and pinch the edges.

Spread the whitewash on a baking sheet with greasy baking paper. Grease the edges with sour cream.

Grind cheese coarsely. Sprinkle the top of the whitewash where the filling is.

Place the pan in the oven for twenty minutes (200 degrees).

8. Belish in the oven in Korean


  • a pound of yeast test;

  • 250 gr minced meat;

  • 400 gr. Peking cabbage;

  • large onion;

  • five cloves of garlic;

  • two tbsp. l soya sauce;

  • one teaspoon of salt;

  • pepper to taste;

  • two pinches of ground coriander.

Cooking method:

Minced meat to cool. Before cooking, he needs to lie down on the shelf of the refrigerator for at least an hour.

Peking cabbage is very finely chopped.

Skip the onion slices through a meat grinder. Crush the garlic with a knife and chop additionally.

Mix cabbage, onion and garlic. Add minced meat, coriander and soy sauce. Salt and pepper.

Knead the filling thoroughly with your hands. To ensure that it is not dry, add a tablespoon of cold water. The filling needs to settle for about ten to fifteen minutes.

Roll out the dough with a tourniquet. Divide into equal parts weighing approximately 50 grams.

Collapse in the form of a kolobok each piece of dough. Wet hands with sunflower oil and grease balls. Leave them for about twenty minutes.

For convenience, divide the filling into the same number of parts as the dough.

Mash each bun in a cake, a couple of millimeters thick. Fill it with filling and form a whitewash with a hole.

Bake in the oven for about half an hour (190 degrees).

Belyashi in the oven - tricks and tips

1. In order for the baking to be magnificent, premium flour is used. She must be sifted.

2. When mixing, flour is not added immediately, but one glass each. Then the dough is kneading better and faster.

3. The most optimal are the following proportions of ingredients:

- liquid and flour - 1: 2;

- per 1 kg of flour - 10 g. dry yeast;

- the ratio of onion and meat in minced meat so that it is juicy - 1: 2.

4. For elastic dough, it is advisable to use milk of at least 1% fat.

5. If dry yeast is used, milk and water do not heat up. They should be at room temperature.

6. You can check the readiness of the dough with your finger. It is not quite soft and a little, as if resisting.

7. It is better to add only the yolks to the dough for whitewash, since the proteins will make it too tight.

8. For juiciness of meat filling, it is worth pouring a gram of fifty ice water.

9. If you cut vegetables and not pass through a blender or meat grinder, they give their juice to the minced meat, make it tastier.

10. It is advisable to add soda dissolved in warm water to the yeast dough. This will help remove the acidity inherent in this test.


Watch the video: Как приготовить домашние беляши. Pies with meat "Belyash" (June 2024).