How to drink whiskey. How to bite whiskey. All options for drinking whiskey and how to bite whiskey, sommelier tips


Each of us at least once heard of such a strong alcoholic drink as whiskey.

This drink is made from natural cereals, water and yeast.

Today it is very popular all over the world, including in our country.

This article will be the proper use of this great drink.

Whiskey - what is it?

Whiskey is an alcoholic beverage, the strength of which, as a rule, is from 40 to 50%. The name of the drink can be literally translated as life-giving water. Whiskey is a drink of a serious, confident person.

This drink is made by distillation of fermented wort from grain. After gaining maturity, the drink is blended, that is, water and alcohol interfere (in some cases, wine or flavorings are used). The color of the drink varies from light honey to bright chestnut.

Whiskey is a favorite drink and is very popular not only with serious and famous men, such as the fictional best spy of all time James Bond or the famous British writer Walter Scott. He is also loved by women, the most famous admirer of whiskey is the British lady Margaret Thatcher.

The birthplace of this magnificent drink are considered to be Ireland and Scotland, they are also the largest producers and exporters of whiskey around the world.

How to drink whiskey: possible options

Traditions of Scotland

In Scotland, this drink is taken with water. Often, whiskey is served with a glass of ordinary water, in some cases soda. That is, everyone mixes whiskey at his discretion. Most often, water takes half or a third of the volume of the drink. However, if it comes to expensive brands, such as, for example, Jim Beam, then even in the homeland of the drink it is preferable to use it in its pure form.

Sommelier Recommendations

Sommeliers from all over the world recommend drinking the drink clean, without any additives. In addition, it is recommended to drink whiskey a few hours after a meal and not use an appetizer, as it may interfere with enjoying the aroma and taste of this noble drink.

However, this advice applies primarily to expensive varieties of Scotch whiskey. For drinks made in America, Canada and other varieties, the use of other ingredients and snacks is acceptable. The reason is that these countries use corn grits in the manufacture of the drink, which gives the whiskey a specific taste, and you can kill it with juice or cola. But in order to distinguish these taste shades you need to be well versed in whiskey, only true gourmets can do it.

How to use whiskey with cola

Today whiskey with cola is very popular almost all over the world, this fashion has reached our country. It is in this form that whiskey is served in drinking establishments in Russia, and although everyone knows how to make this cocktail, not everyone knows how to use it correctly.

For such a cocktail, not too expensive and high-quality varieties of the drink are suitable, the use of whiskey with a blend of up to three years of age will be most suitable. Depending on the strength, cola and whiskey are mixed in a ratio of 1 to 1 or 2 to 1, respectively. But do not forget that the smaller the ratio of whiskey will be in the cocktail, the weaker the taste and aroma of this valuable drink will be felt.

Jack daniels

Jack Daniels is an American whiskey variety. Its distinctive feature is a rich aroma and a mild flavor with a touch of smoke. For the most part, this variety is recommended to be used in pure form or in the form of cocktails with apple or lemon juice and ice.

White horse

White Horse - a blended whiskey from Scotland, has a tart, sweet taste and bright aroma. This variety in our country is very popular, but not everyone knows how to use it correctly.

In Scotland, take the White Horse to drink diluted in plain or sparkling water, while in Europe it is most often used with ice. True gourmets advise not to interrupt the soft and amazing taste of this variety with other drinks, take it slowly, enjoying the rich flavoring bouquet and great aroma.


Jameson is the most popular whiskey from Ireland, which has more than two hundred years of history and is recognized as one of the best drinks in the world. It is prepared from the best barley malt, undergoes triple distillation and aged for at least 6 years in sherry barrels. It has an amazing taste and aroma, which is not recommended to interrupt with cola or water.

Jameson is a whiskey for true connoisseurs, so you just need to pour 50 g of the drink at room temperature and take sips slowly to enjoy its amazing amber taste in great company. So they drink it in Ireland and around the world.

Red label

Red Label is the most affordable variety of Scotch blended whiskey, which is very popular in our country. It is prepared from 35 grades of whiskey and has an endurance of three to five years, which gives it rigidity and astringency. Experts advise beginners to use it with cola, ice or any juice, so as not to spoil the impression of this drink.

As for the more refined and elite varieties of Blue, Gold and Green Label, but their incredible taste is better not to interrupt.

How to bite whiskey: all options for appetizers

An unequivocal answer is: which appetizer is not suitable for whiskey, because each type of drink has its own type of appetizer. Let's figure out which snack is best suited to a particular drink.

1. Red meat, beef tongue, foie gras, goose or duck liver are perfectly suitable for varieties of drinks with a fruity and tart taste or smoky aftertaste. Scotch whiskey varieties are best suited for such an appetizer: White Horse, William Grant's, the Family and others.

2. Salmon and other smoked fish are ideal for such varieties as Glen Grand, Teacher's, Famouse Grouse Blend.

3. Whiskey varieties with an unusual herbal aroma such as Jameson, Glenmorangie, Ballantines and Finest go well with seafood.

4. Varieties characterized by astringency and a smoky, peaty flavor, such as Red Label, Dewar's White Label and Famouse Grouse are perfectly combined with meat, in particular lamb and beef.

In addition to all of the above types of snacks, the taste of whiskey can be combined with a slice of melon. It is not recommended to combine the drink with citrus fruits such as lemon, orange and mandarin, as they are able to interrupt the noble taste of whiskey.

All of the above types of snacks relate mainly to the traditions of drinking in Europe. As for the United States, they are somewhat different in their originality of choice. It is customary to combine whiskey with different fruits and desserts, but in the first place they have bitter chocolate, which can enhance the unique taste of this gourmet drink.

That, in fact, is all that you need in order to learn how to drink whiskey correctly. But do not forget that whiskey is strong alcohol, and you need to use it in moderation.


Watch the video: How To Drink Whisky Like A Gentleman. 5 Whisky Drinking Tips (June 2024).