Grapefruit diet - a detailed description and tips. Reviews of grapefruit diet and sample menus.


Grapefruit contains a lot of useful substances - it contains vitamins B, D, C, P, and mineral elements calcium, magnesium, potassium, and essential oils, and fruit acids, which in general has a beneficial effect on the body and strengthens the immune system. These fruits are recommended to be used for the prevention of diabetes mellitus, especially for people with a predisposition to this disease, because grapefruit contains substances that reduce the concentration of sugar in the blood.

Grapefruit will be useful in diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is able to reduce cholesterol levels in the body, due to the increased content of magnesium and potassium. And this is not all the beneficial properties of this sunny fruit. Its pulp contains a special substance - naringin, which accelerates the digestive process. It naringin gives a bitter taste to this fruit, and most of it is contained in films and partitions. Grapefruit-based nutritionists have created a special diet that can speed up the metabolism. This diet is called grapefruit diet.

Grapefruit diet - description and general principles

Grapefruit diet is gaining increasing popularity and an army of fans. This is due to its impressive results. After a diet that lasts an average of seven days, it is possible to get rid of four kilograms of excess weight without much effort. The only strict restriction is the rejection of salt, fatty fish and meat, sauces and seasonings. Nutrition three times a day, without snacking. If you can not drown out the feeling of hunger, it is allowed to drink a glass of low-fat yogurt or eat an orange or an apple. Dinner - no later than seven o'clock in the evening. A prerequisite is the daily use of at least one and a half liters of liquid without sugar - green tea, non-carbonated water. The use of natural (insoluble) coffee is allowed. But due to the fact that coffee slows down the process of burning fat, drink it should be limited - no more than a cup per day, and, naturally, without sugar.

It is recommended to start a diet in winter or spring - in this way it will be possible not only to lose weight, but also to enrich the body with vitamins, especially C, which will help protect yourself from colds and beriberi. And the fiber contained in the fruit will help cleanse the body of accumulated toxins. There are many options for the grapefruit diet, but the basic principle comes down to one thing: you need to eat half a grapefruit before each meal. The diet is relatively balanced, provides the body with many elements necessary for life support, but due to its low-calorie content, it has its drawbacks. Namely, adhering to this diet, you can not leave the feeling of tiredness and irritability. Therefore, you should, if possible, exclude physical exertion, visits to gyms, other sports activities for this period, it is better to let yourself relax for a week without having to do household chores.

There are several variants of the grapefruit diet, but each of them is based on eating half a grapefruit before each meal, so that the enzymes that burn fats begin to work. Also, subject to the grapefruit diet, it is necessary to reduce the caloric content of your daily diet to 800 kcal.

The diet has contraindications: it is strictly not allowed to follow the grapefruit diet for people who are allergic to citrus fruits, have a stomach ulcer and gastritis with high acidity. If you have chronic gastrointestinal diseases, you should get advice and permission from your doctor before starting a diet. And one more small minus is the price of this citrus fruit. This is not to say that this diet is too expensive, but you will have to incur additional financial costs for food.

Grapefruit Diet - What Foods Can I Eat?

- black bread;
- natural honey (limited) - no more than 1 tea. lie in the day;
- natural coffe;
- green, herbal tea;
- vegetable, natural fruit juices;
- fried foods - vegetables, meat and so on;
- baked potato;
- lean breed fish;
- natural fish canned food (in own juice);
- orange;
- apples;
- nuts;
- cereals;
- any vegetables (except starchy);
- lean poultry meat (fillet, breast), lean beef, pork, lamb;
- lean ham;
- low-fat kefir and cottage cheese, low-fat milk, cheese (20-30%), nonfat natural yogurt;
- red hot pepper;
- olive, vegetable oil.

Grapefruit Diet - What Foods Cannot Be Used

- wheat bread, any flour and sweet bakery products;
- sweet potato (sweet potato);
- sugar, sweets, desserts;
- seasonings, spices (except red pepper);
- corn, beans and other legumes;
- sauces;
- fatty meats, fish, lard, animal fats;
- peanuts;
- salt;
- any alcoholic beverages.

Grapefruit Diet - Menu Examples

The first day

Breakfast: one fruit of grapefruit or its freshly squeezed juice, two slices of low-fat ham (50g), unsweetened tea or natural coffee.
Lunch: half a grapefruit, a portion (250g) of vegetable salad with greens (sprinkle lettuce with olive oil or lemon juice), unsweetened tea.
Dinner: half a grapefruit, 150g of lean meat in any form - grilled, skillet, baked or boiled, salad (200g) of green vegetables with greens, seasoned with lemon juice or olive oil, tea with honey.

Second day

Breakfast: one fruit of grapefruit or its freshly squeezed juice, two steep eggs, unsweetened organic coffee or green tea.
Lunch: half a grapefruit, 150g of cottage cheese or 50g of cheese.
Dinner: half a grapefruit, 200g of fish - boiled, baked or grilled, 250g of vegetable salad from green bell pepper, lettuce leaves, cucumbers, cabbage, seasoned with a mixture of lemon juice and vegetable oil, a slice (20g) of black bread, green tea.

Third day

Breakfast: one grapefruit fruit or freshly squeezed juice, a portion of granola or oatmeal with raisins (a tablespoon), nuts (two or three pieces), seasoned with milk or low-fat yogurt, unsweetened tea or natural coffee.
Lunch: half a grapefruit, vegetable soup or chicken broth with crackers.
Dinner: half a grapefruit, 200g chicken breast, two fresh or grilled tomatoes, green tea.

Day four

Breakfast: one grapefruit, a glass of tomato juice, one cool egg, unsweetened tea or coffee.
Lunch: half a grapefruit, a salad of raw grated carrots and green vegetables (250g), seasoned with lemon juice and vegetable oil, a slice (20g) of black bread.
Dinner: half a grapefruit, stew of stewed vegetables (carrots, celery, cabbage, zucchini), green unsweetened tea.

Fifth day

Breakfast: fruit salad from grapefruit, apple and orange, seasoned with a spoon of natural yogurt, green tea or natural coffee.
Lunch: half a grapefruit, salad (200g) of green vegetables or cabbage, seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil, a large baked potato.
Dinner: half a grapefruit, 250g of fish, beef or chicken breast, a glass of tomato juice.

Day of the sixth and seventh

It is allowed at its discretion to choose any of the five menus listed above.

Grapefruit diet - useful tips and reviews

It is recommended to buy grapefruits with pink pulp, because they contain more beta carotene. Once in the body, beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A, which is very important, without causing an overdose. The fact is that if the body has this vitamin in abundance, then beta-carotene, without turning into vitamin A, will work as an antioxidant.

If the increased acidity irritates the stomach wall, or you have heartburn, before you eat a portion of grapefruit, it is recommended to drink a spoonful of olive oil. This will save the stomach from discomfort and possible unpleasant sensations. Despite the fact that the diet is low-calorie, many people tolerate it easily, without experiencing excessive hunger. Use the grapefruit diet should be no more than once every one and a half to two months. To consolidate the results after returning to normal diet, you need to eat for dessert, after lunch, one grapefruit and do not forget about exercise.

According to available statistics, the grapefruit diet brings very good results - usually more pounds are lost than originally expected. Although there are exceptions, when this diet gives and disappointment - the hopes placed on the diet are not fulfilled. For example, the weight goes too slow or you have to finish the diet ahead of time due to the intolerance of the same type of menu. It all depends on the characteristics of the individual person and his body.

The disadvantages of the grapefruit diet can be attributed to its contraindications. So, it is not recommended for people with gastritis or stomach ulcers and women in menopause, as some studies allow us to draw a parallel between the passion for grapefruit and breast cancer. However, scientists have not yet made absolute conclusions. In addition, the use of grapefruits is not recommended to combine with taking certain medications.


Fergi 05/21/2016
I am against such a diet !!! you will earn an allergy, that's all !!!

Alexandra 03/23/2016
Now, in my opinion, it's time to go on this diet. It is necessary to enrich the body already with vitamins, and the weight should be corrected. After all, on the nose - summer! Long live light, translucent dresses and short skirts! Grapefruit will add to everything and sunny mood!

Vera 03/23/2016
My friend dropped the link from this page, she herself also regularly sits on a grapefruit diet. And the result is very inspiring. and even when she is on this diet, it is always the soul of the company, all sparkles and glows. Although, it is not so gloomy.

Leela 03/23/2016
Girls! The diet is very effective! It is suitable for rapid reduction in volume and weight. I have already used it several times and recommend it to all my friends! Of course, it is also necessary to move. And the skin is cleansed, all sorts of pimples and rashes pass. And complexion - lovely sight!

Anyuta 03/23/2016
Began to follow this diet two days ago. and already have your results! Minus 2 cm at the waist. What, in fact, I sought. In general, I like the fact that it is the volume that leaves, and not just the weight is reduced. I have added additional exercises to myself, I will be a beauty!


Watch the video: Grapefruit Diet Menu. Grapefruit Diet Plan (June 2024).