Classic honey cake - a recipe for everyone's favorite cake. Classic honey recipes with condensed milk, sour cream, custard


Honey cake is a cake that everyone knows and loves.

For many, its taste is associated with childhood.

A classic honey cake is made from thin cakes, smeared with cream and emits an incomparable aroma, sunny and warm.

But how to cook it?

Classic honey cake - general principles of cooking

Honey - this is exactly the ingredient that gives the cake layers a special structure. Without it, a real honey can not be done. And the taste and aroma of the cake depends on it. You can take any honey, but real. Molasses will not work.

Honey dough prepared with heating in a water bath, how to do this is described in detail in the recipe below. Next, eggs are added to the mass. And here it is very important to cool the melted mixture with honey to a warm state, otherwise the protein will curl up and nothing will work. At the end, flour is added and the dough is ready!

Cream - A necessary component of any cake. The juiciness and taste of the honey cake depends on it. Creams based on sour cream, cream, condensed milk, including boiled, are ideal for cakes. And, of course, we must not forget about the classic custard. This is one of the cheapest and most delicious options for spreading cakes. By the way, it can be either vanilla or chocolate.

Classic honey cake: recipe with sour cream

A batter recipe that does not need to be rolled out. Sour cream perfectly penetrates into cakes, soaks, dessert turns out to be very juicy and tender. For the classic honey recipe, it is better to use thick and fat sour cream.


For shortcakes:

• 0.1 kg butter;

• 0.2 kg of sugar;

• 1 tsp soda;

• 3 eggs;

• 80 ml of honey;

• 2 cups (0.2 each) of flour.

What is needed for the cream:

• 0.8 kg of sour cream;

• 0.2 kg of sugar.


1. Water bath. We get 2 pots of different diameters. Pour water into a large and set to boil. Then put a smaller one on it and we will heat the contents. You can use a large enameled bowl, suitable in diameter.

2. Put butter in a smaller saucepan, add honey and sugar. We send to the previously prepared bath and heat it. Almost all sugar and honey should dissolve. The mass will become much thinner.

3. Add soda, pour a little bit. The reaction will go, mix vigorously.

4. After a minute, remove the mixture, leave it on the table.

5. In another bowl, beat the eggs and gradually pour into the honey mass, which should not be hot. Mix.

6. Add the flour, stir and you're done! The mass will turn out as thick as sour cream, but viscous.

7. On a baking sheet with stele, baking paper and a spoon spread the dough in a circle. The layer thickness is 3-4 millimeters.

8. Bake for 4-5 minutes at 180 degrees. While preparing this cake, spread the next one. We bake all the dough.

9. For cream, simply combine sugar with sour cream, mix.

10. We cover the cooled cakes with a lid from the pan and cut them to get a perfectly round shape.

11. Grease the cakes with sour cream, grind the scraps and sprinkle the cake on all sides.

Classic honey cake: rolling recipe

Another version of the classic honey cake recipe, for which you need to roll out the dough with a rolling pin. We will also use sour cream, but you can use any other, below there are different ideas.


• flour 500 grams;

• 1.5 tsp soda;

• 70 grams of honey;

• 0.1 kg of oil drain .;

• 3 eggs;

• 0.2 kg of sugar.

In cream:

• 0.6 kg of sour cream;

• 0.1 kg of sugar;

• 0.2 kg of condensed milk, can be boiled.


1. Combine sugar with honey and butter, warm until liquefied. We extinguish soda in it. Remove and cool a little.

2. Add eggs and flour, mix, divide into 8 pieces and remove for half an hour in the refrigerator.

3. We take out the pieces, one roll out in a circle, put the lid on the pan of the right size, cut off the excess and transfer the cake to the baking powder sprinkled with flour.

4. Bake for three to four minutes at 200 degrees. Cakes are prepared very quickly, you need to have time to roll out the next piece during this time. We simply collect the scraps in a pile, at the end we bake a very ruddy cake for sprinkling.

5. Mix the condensed milk with sour cream and sugar, coat the cakes.

6. Grind the last cake from the scraps, sprinkle the cake on all sides.

Classic honey cake: custard recipe

Bake cakes for a classic honey cake, the recipe can be used any of the written options above. But we prepare the custard cream, according to the following recipe.


• 8-9 honey cake layers;

• 300 ml of milk, can be melted;

• 0.2 kg of sugar;

• 150 grams of oil (plum.);

• egg;

• 30 grams of flour;

• vanilla or honey essence.


1. Soften the oil. To do this, just take it out of the refrigerator and leave it warm for an hour.

2. Combine sugar with flour, add the egg and 50 ml of milk. Beat with a fork until smooth, it is best to do immediately in a saucepan.

3. Add the rest of the milk, put on the stove and cook until the cream thickens. Remove and cool. We mix constantly, since the mass is prone to sticking.

4. Beat the mixer with soft butter and add the cooled cream. First, enter a spoon so that the oil does not catch in lumps.

5. Put the vanilla and you're done!

6. It remains only to collect cakes and decorate, well, or just sprinkle with crumbs.

Classic honey cake: recipe with boiled condensed milk

Another version of the cream for greasing the cakes of a classic honey cake, the recipes of which can be seen above. You can cook condensed milk yourself or use purchased in a store.


• 2 cans of condensed milk;

• 450 grams of oil;

• cakes for honey.


1. Beat softened butter until fluffy foam. It should turn white and double in volume.

2. Separately mix the condensed milk until smooth.

3. Combine the oil with condensed milk.

4. We smear the cakes and the cake is ready!

Classic honey cake: recipe with creme brulee

One of the most delicious creams for the cake, which perfectly emphasizes the aroma of honey and always turns out to be delicious. Fatty cream will be needed, not less than 30%, otherwise the mass will not beat.


• 8 cakes for honey cake;

• 300 ml cream;

• 200 grams of condensed milk;

• 100 grams of sugar;

• 1/5 tablespoon of citric acid;

• a pinch of soda.


1. Cook sugar syrup and 50 ml of water for a couple of minutes after boiling. At the end we put citric acid, add a bit of soda. Cool.

2. Whip the cream into foam, add syrup in a trickle, then boiled condensed milk. The cream is ready!

3. Grease the cakes, leave the cake for soaking for 6 hours and you're done!

Classic honey cake: recipe with chocolate cream

A classic honey recipe for chocolate lovers. A tile is added to the cream, if desired, the amount can be slightly increased or decreased. It is better to take chocolate, in which at least 70% of cocoa. Bake any cakes.


• 450 ml of milk;

• 100 grams of chocolate;

• 4 yolks;

• 0.1 kg of oil;

• 8 tablespoons of sugar;

• 1 tablespoon of starch;

• 3 tablespoons of flour;

• 1-2 tablespoons of rum or brandy.


1. Break the chocolate into cubes, mix with hot milk without 100 ml, and set to dissolve on the stove.

2. Combine the yolks with sugar. Grind, add starch, flour, remaining milk, whisk with a whisk.

3. Pour the mass into boiling milk with chocolate, stir intensively and cook the cream until thickened. Cool down.

4. Add soft butter, rum or brandy, you can pour vanilla or leave a light chocolate flavor.

5. Lubricate the cooked cakes with cream and the classic honey cake is ready!

Classic honey cake: recipe with prunes and walnuts

A gorgeous cake recipe with a rich taste, pronounced aroma and light sourness, which gives prunes. You can also use any cakes, cook according to one of the recipes above or according to your own version.


• 250 grams of cream;

• 500 grams of sour cream;

• 200 grams of prunes;

• 200 grams of nuts;

• 170 grams of sugar.


1. Beat cream and sugar in a lush foam. Add sour cream, you can put a little vanilla. The cream is ready!

2. Rinse the prunes, leave 10 pieces for decoration, cut the rest into strips. If the plums are too dry, it is better to soak them a little.

3. Dry the nuts in a pan, cool. We pour it on a cutting board, then roll it with a rolling pin three to four times.

4. Grease the first honey cake with cream, sprinkle with chopped prunes.

5. Lubricate the second cake and sprinkle with nuts. We continue to assemble the cake, alternating the layer. Cut prunes should go all over.

6. Take the crumbs from the scraps, chop. If there are nuts, then mix with them. Sprinkle the top and sides of the honey cake.

7. We cut prunes into halves or quarters, lay out scatter across the cake or lay out something, for example, flowers.

Classic honey cake - useful tips and tricks

• Oil creams can also be used for honey, but they do not saturate cakes well. But this is easy to fix, just soak them with sweet syrup. It’s great to use honey cake with impregnation from brewed and chilled coffee, but do not forget to fill it with sugar.

• How many cakes to cook from dough? In fact, there is no clear rule. But the thinner they are, the faster they are saturated. But you can also prepare a delicious and fragrant cake from thick cakes, but you will have to grease it with thicker layers of cream.

• Cut the honey cake only with a sharp knife. Otherwise, the cakes will be crooked and the cake uneven.

• The more cream on the cake, the more tender and juicier the cake will turn out. But what to do with sour cream, which is often liquid and drains? You can add a special thickener for creams or gum. A little dissolved gelatin is also added. And if there is absolutely nothing, then put in a liquid cream a little crushed scraps from the cake. But do not overdo it. They will soften, the mass will become a little thicker.
