Diet for a week - a detailed description and useful tips. Weekly diet reviews and sample menus.


Diet for a week - a detailed description, reviews, useful tips

More and more sophisticated systems for losing weight are constantly appearing on the Internet - various miracle diets that give magical results. But for some reason they scare them with their scientific definitions, and they absolutely do not want to follow them. And old tried and tested methods remain popular and effective. Why it happens?

Mono diets for a week

Take, for example, common mono diets. You can lose weight very quickly, just choose a product for yourself and stick to the mono menu for a week. Why is it so difficult to fulfill all destinations? In fact, the answer is simple - almost any diet for weight loss can give results. It only stops us that these options are more like ordinary fasting.

The number of foods that are offered to be eaten per day is just miserable, compared with what we are used to consume. Apple, kefir, chocolate, watermelon and many other options require only the use of one healthy non-fat product for a week. To withstand such stress for the body is quite difficult, if not simply impossible. Due to prolonged use, foods can even cause disgust, so mono diets are best used no more than 3-4 days, and in no case should they be used for more than 7 days. There are many more varied and even delicious diets. It is advisable to choose a complex of vitamins and take it daily in parallel with dishes.

Diet for a week - menu examples

But the fastest diet for a week is considered a weight loss program based on reducing the calorie content of dishes. If you think through the menu as detailed as possible, and following it, replace products only with equivalent ones, you can also lose 6 -10 kilograms.

1 day

Breakfast: half a glass of milk, a slice of rye bread with butter, a salad of vinaigrette.
Second breakfast: a slice of black bread, low-fat cottage cheese (100 grams),
Lunch: vegetable salad in vegetable oil, borscht in vegetable broth, rye bread. Snack: poison or cook fish in a double boiler, (150 grams), a slice of rye bread.
Dinner: cereal porridge (do not use semolina), milk - half a glass, a slice of black bread.

2 day

Breakfast: boil a hard-boiled egg, cut vegetables and prepare a salad, black bread and butter - 1 slice.
Second breakfast: a small slice of rye bread with milk (200 + 25 grams).
Lunch: soup on a vegetable broth without meat, vinaigrette, a slice of rye bread and boiled meat.
Snack: low-fat cottage cheese - 100g.
Dinner: vegetable salad, a glass of milk, a slice of rye bread.

3 day

Breakfast: boiled or salad vegetables, rye bread with a slice of butter and cheese, 10 grams of honey.
Second breakfast: milk (half a glass) with rye bread - 100g, rye bread - 25g.
Lunch: a portion of vegetarian soup, vegetable salad, boil meat (100 grams), a slice of rye bread.

Snack: 150-170 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.

Dinner: vegetable salad (such as vinaigrette), a glass of tea on herbs. Slice of brown bread with butter.

In the following days, the menu repeats, that is, we cook again the same dishes in a specific order. The last day of the diet is unloading. The calorie content of food is reduced to 600 calories (2.5 times).
Meat Diet: Basic Principles

Women are more than men hostages to taste buds. Figures lose their shape for the most part due to gastronomic delights - how can one resist such an abundance of culinary masterpieces. In order to look attractive - go on a diet. But not exhausting, but nutritious. At the same time, you can eat meat and vegetable dishes, deciding for yourself - which one to cook today. As a result of this weekly meat diet, you can lose 6 kg:

- Every day you need to eat 300-500 grams of vegetables, (potatoes and carrots are an exception);
- protein food - eating no more than 450 grams of meat, fish or eggs per day. It is advisable that the daily amount of calories consumed does not exceed 1500 calories.
- allowed drinks: tea without sugar, coffee. Mineral water without gases.

But do not think that this is too easy - all other products are banned. The diet should be divided into equal intervals between meals. 2, 5 hours before bedtime, it’s better not to eat anything at all. Dishes can be boiled, stewed or steamed, but do not fry the nickname in any case. The maximum effect is obtained with a complete rejection of fats, and for example, vegetable salads seasoned with lemon juice. Aerogrills, or double boiler can do good service with such a diet.

Diet "7 kg per week"

A rigid diet is stress for the body. Undoubtedly, this diet is stressful, especially when the weight is already low and only these 7 kg are superfluous. But if you are in a hurry and still decide to try it on yourself, do not try at this time to engage in additional physical activity. It is better to limit yourself to simple walks in the fresh air and easy exercise, since rapid weight loss can lead to poor health. This option is based on a protein menu.


1 day - Boil soft-boiled 6 eggs and eat 1 egg during the day after 2-3 hours,
2 day - distribute 1 kilogram of fat-free cottage cheese 5 times
3 day - 500 grams of boiled chicken (without skin),
Day 4 - Cook 100 grams of rice. Distribute 3 times, in between drink water and tea without sugar,
5 day - Bake in uniform 6 boiled potatoes,
6 day - 1 kg of apples
7 day - all day you can only drink kefir or water.

Low carb weekly diet

If we consider this diet as a nutrition system, then we can expect normalization of weight and its preservation for life. Special discomfort is present only when addictive, at first. Therefore, it is difficult to maintain a diet only in the early days. It is lighter, and over time it may well become a habit. In a week, you can throw up to 5 kilograms.

First, you need to reduce the amount of starch consumed from sugar. Due to this, glucose is formed in the body and ketones are used from the reserves of fats and proteins present in the body. Inside the body, the amount of fat decreases, as they participate in the synthesis, the body begins to use those fats that make up excess weight.

This process is achieved by the exclusion, first of all, of confectionery baking and pasta. All flour products should be limited, as well as fruits and starch. Unlimitedly you can eat only greens, vegetables, nuts and seeds, beans. Meat and fish are also not prohibited, only they need to be cooked separately from other products. preferably white poultry, lean pork and beef.

As with any diet, it is imperative to maintain a drinking regimen (2 liters per day of clean water). Multivitamins will help to adapt the body to the correct metabolism faster.

Low Carb Menu Example

Breakfast: cottage cheese in the amount of 200 grams, a small apple, coffee or tea without sugar. Breakfast can be supplemented in a couple of hours with a vegetable salad, seasoned with lemon juice and a spoonful of olive oil.
Lunch: make a salad of boiled meat and leaf lettuce, season with lemon juice or mix it with vegetable oil.
Dinner: vegetarian vegetable soup, with broccoli, a slice of cheese.

Diet for a week - useful tips and reviews

Many diets are necessarily associated with the daily use of servings of salads, from vegetables with lemon juice. Little vegetable is used, and a small amount of salt. Instead of salt, garlic can be used if there are no particular contraindications. If the seven-day diet seems too long for you, try cooking one day fat-burning onion soup.

To do this, take onions (6 pieces), celery (greens), cabbage (small heads of cabbage), tomatoes (2 pcs), bell pepper (2 pcs), chop the vegetables finely and pour cold water. Boil for 10 minutes and cook for another 40 minutes. This low-calorie soup can be eaten all week, adding any amount of raw vegetables and fruits every day. Some nutritionists do not recommend consuming a lot of raw vegetables and fruits, so as not to stretch the walls of the stomach, however, along with onion soup is not scary - you still lose a few pounds.

Expert Opinion

Most diets are accompanied by an obsessive feeling of hunger, associated with a sharp restriction of calorie intake. It is it that becomes the most common cause of "failure" - early termination of the diet. How to overcome it will tell Olga Torozova, a dietician at the Bormental clinic: "Willpower in such cases, as a rule, is not enough, the body needs help - a direct effect on the center of hunger in the cerebral cortex. For example, with the help of the drug Cefamadar: its effective the substance acts directly on the receptors of the center of hunger, reducing cravings for food. Due to the absence of sibutramine in the composition, its action is mild, without negative side effects. After the reception is complete, there is no sharp increase in appetite and new Abor weight. "


Marat 12/19/2016
Hello, please correct the error in the menu examples: 1 day ... Snack: poison (can boil)

Irina 03/22/2016
7 kilograms per week say. I don’t know, I don’t know, I really want to check. Thank you for providing a full menu for the week, which once again does not load the brain)))

Olya 03/22/2016
A low carb diet is good. Mom was sitting on a similar one, she really wanted to get rid of layers of fat))) You know, she did it. Pasta, flour did not eat for some time and the figure came into shape.

Valya 03/22/2016
Thanks for the healthy salad recipe. And then already boring monotony. And the diet is nothing so normal, and really helps, I tried and worse. It’s still gentle ...

March 03.22.2016
You know, and so we need to, emptied the refrigerator and sit, only on dry soldering. There must be a limit to everything. Stop dreaming of a beautiful figure. It's time to act !!!


Watch the video: A Sample Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan (June 2024).