Scientists have identified the ideal difference in the growth of men and women


The well-known claim that women prefer to be paired with higher cavaliers, and men choose women who are lower than them, is finally scientifically grounded. According to a recent study by a group of scientists from the University of Groningen, the majority of the fairer women choose partners who are 20 centimeters higher than themselves.

A strong floor tends to a height difference of 8 centimeters. 700 men and women took part in the survey. As expected, the vast majority of respondents answered that a man should be higher than a woman. The researchers found that representatives of both sexes want to be in a pair, where the woman is slightly lower than the man.

Along the way, scientists were interested in the survey participants, as far as those who are satisfied with their own growth. It turned out that the ideal height for women is 174 centimeters, and for men - 190 centimeters. A recent study showed that in 3.5% of couples partners have the same height, in 4% - a woman is taller. Scientists tend to explain growth preferences by biological law, which states that a man’s reproductive success directly depends on his growth.

The authors of the scientific work claim that a man unknowingly is looking for a woman who would be lower than him. Along with this, a woman dreams of a partner who would be several centimeters higher than her. This desire is based on the laws of biology, since it is believed that a high man is more likely to leave behind a full-fledged offspring. In addition, high growth is associated with endurance and strength.


Watch the video: Jordan Peterson. The Difference Between Men and Women (June 2024).