8% of women apply makeup several times a day, and 15% never


Women are used to spending a lot of time in front of a mirror. And today, as they say, all the cards are in their hands: the store shelves bend under the abundance of decorative cosmetics. The Women's Opinion portal conducted a social survey to find out how often Russians use it?

According to statistics that were obtained during the study, 8% of beauties do not go to people without makeup at all. They can be painted several times a day, remaking make-up as needed. Even while on maternity leave, these girls use decorative cosmetics to a greater or lesser extent. Everything is used: the foundation for makeup and foundation, eye shadow, mascara, eyeliner, a pencil for eyebrows, eyes and lips, blush, powder and bronzer, lip gloss and lipstick.

Almost 52% of women apply minimal makeup once a day, and, according to circumstances, make evening make-up. Some understand the term “minimal make-up” as painted eyebrows and eyelashes, others diligently use a cream base, mascara and lip gloss, while others are painted a little even on vacation.

According to their mood or occasion, make up 24.9% of Russians. Many of the respondents consider themselves too beautiful to make up tons of cosmetics, but claim that makeup is part of a business image. Therefore, they go to work pretty makeup. If a woman is going to a business meeting or a party, how can she not embellish herself? Before the most important events, you can visit the makeup artist. But while staying at home makeup is useless.

And another 15% of women never use makeup or rarely make-up. They believe that the natural beauty that Mother Nature awarded them is above all tubes and bottles there. Thus, according to our conservative estimates, almost 60% of Russians daily make up.

The social survey "How often do you apply makeup" was attended by 5980 women aged 20 - 45 years old, living in 149 cities of Russia.


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