How nutrition during pregnancy affects fetal development


This article is about the proper nutrition of a pregnant woman, as well as its effect on the proper development of the fetus and on the birth process itself.

The nutrition of a pregnant woman has a huge impact on the proper development of the fetus and on the birth process itself. This was proved by an American gynecologist from New York. He treated 20 young women whose pregnancy was aggravated by mismatch of the Rh factor: as you know, the antibody reaction, if the father’s blood has a positive Rh factor and the mother’s blood is Rh negative, can lead to miscarriage. The women studied, being pregnant for the first time, received food with a large number of fresh salads, citrus fruits, vitamins K, C, rutin and calcium.

Statistics of pathological births show that in such circumstances, a third of births occurs with placental abruption and 79% of newborns have deviations of the serological reaction. This indicates that in these cases there was a "mixing" of blood and the formation of antibodies. However, in women using the aforementioned diet, placental abruption and antibodies were not detected. Thus, the diet had a protective effect. It was also found that meat consumption adversely affects the capillaries, making them inelastic and brittle.

On the basis of medical research, a conclusion was made in the genetics department of the Child Health Center in Warsaw on the negative impact of poor-quality nutrition on mothers in children. Among other things, it was revealed that the reason for the abnormal development of the child may be the consumption by a pregnant woman of milk from cows grazing along roads with heavy traffic.

The herbs growing there accumulate chemicals that are very harmful to human health, including toxic lead compounds. These compounds pass into the milk of cows, and at first the adults who consume it do not feel the painful effects. But when a pregnant woman drinks such milk in large quantities systematically, this can lead to serious disorders of the central nervous system of the fetus.

"Even before the birth of a person, we unconsciously destroy it; poisoning the body of parents with an abundance of harmful substances in the environment, which are the product of people who often don’t realize what they are doing, or a lack of natural trace elements and vitamins."

A popular proverb says: "Than you flood, so will the smoke." In the case of a pregnant woman, you can say: "What kind of food, such a birth." She is not required to eat “for two”, but studies show that it is important to know that a proper diet, especially in the last 2-3 months of pregnancy, greatly affects the course of childbirth.

The science of nutrition has confirmed the fact that the health, as well as the physical and mental development of an adult, is strongly related to how his mother ate when she was in her womb. Pregnant women should not overeat, as this can lead to a metabolic disorder in the fetus and cause obesity in the mother.

Unfortunately, no doctor can give a full guarantee that the baby will be born healthy and that the delivery will be successful. But it is known for certain that an improper diet during pregnancy, excessive addiction to drugs, smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs, sharp and synthetic seasonings and radiation exposure harm the nascent life.

But healthy foods, such as whole grain bread, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, honey, vegetable oil and others, create conditions for a favorable pregnancy, a successful outcome of childbirth and healthy offspring.


Watch the video: Healthy Pregnancy 101 (June 2024).