Tomatoes with mustard for the winter - a popular billet with a thousand options. Top 10 best recipes for tomatoes with mustard for the winter


Any homemade preparation is a great treat for any table and for any reason.

Tomatoes with mustard for the winter have a special aroma and unique taste. They are ideal as a cold snack or as a supplement to the main vegetable, meat and other dishes.

Salted, canned, pickled, lightly salted tomatoes with mustard for the winter - there are many recipes, and you can't list them all. But the best recipes of conservation can be considered only those that are time tested.

Tomatoes with mustard for the winter - the general principles of cooking

For the preparation of tomatoes with mustard for the winter, choose strong, elastic, not overripe fruits without any signs of spoilage and damage. It is best to use fleshy tomato varieties, otherwise the tomatoes will come out too watery and, accordingly, not so tasty. Before you start cooking tomatoes with mustard for the winter, tomatoes should be sorted, selected in size, degree of maturity and variety, then thoroughly washed and dried. Thanks to this unpretentious preparatory stage, the preparation will turn out to be of excellent quality and unsurpassed taste.

The remaining ingredients that are part of the preservation: greens, leaves, garlic, vegetables and other products should also be thoroughly washed and dried. Spices should be selected high-quality: if ground spices are used in the recipe, it is best to grind them yourself, rather than buying ready-made sachets; salt should be coarse, but without any impurities; Vinegar can be used any - table, apple, wine.

Another main ingredient of tomatoes with mustard for the winter using two types - regular mustard powder and French mustard in the grains. The differences between them are significant. If the first type of mustard gives the dish a special sharp notes and a specific aroma, then the second type is softer and the tomatoes are especially tender.

1. A simple recipe for tomatoes with mustard for the winter


• two kilograms of ripe tomatoes;

• half a line of hot peppers;

• litere of water;

• three to five cloves of garlic;

• 10 grams of dry mustard;

• sprigs and seeds of dill;

• 50 grams of sugar;

• 60 grams of salt.

Cooking method:

• Pour clean water into a small saucepan, pour in sugar and salt, boil the brine just before pouring for two to three minutes.

• Tomatoes are thoroughly rinsed, dried, carefully laid out in a three-liter sterile jar, trying not to tamp them too much so that they do not burst.

• Pepper and garlic are crushed, not forgetting to put on gloves, so as not to accidentally get burned when processing hot peppers.

• Add laurel leaves to the tomatoes in the jar, dill - seeds and branches, chili and garlic, all fall asleep with dry mustard.

• Fill the prepared ingredients with boiling brine, roll it up.

• Cool under a bedcover, turning the jar upside down for about 14-15 hours.

2. Tomatoes with French mustard for the winter


• about eight small ripe tomatoes;

• two cloves of garlic;

• a few sprigs of cilantro and dill;

• a pair of bay leaves;

• 20 grams of sugar;

• 15 grams of salt;

• a teaspoon of French mustard;

• ten black peppercorns;

• 10 ml of vinegar;

• litere of water.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare the tomatoes for canning: wash, dry, put in a clean and sterilized jar.

2. Add whole peeled garlic cloves, bay leaves, herbs, mustard and black pepper.

3. Pour in boiling water and then gently pour it into the saucepan, trying not to pour the ingredients already in the jars.

4. Prepare the brine: boil the poured liter of water with sugar and salt, pour vinegar into the boiling liquid, mix.

5. Fill the tomatoes with hot pickle.

6. Bank roll up and cool.

3. Salted tomatoes with mustard for the winter


• tomatoes of the same size and variety;

• one and a half liters of water;

• several black peppercorns;

• bay leaves;

• 80 grams of sugar;

• 50-60 grams of salt;

• 50 grams of mustard powder;

• horseradish leaves;

• carrot;

• Dill umbrellas;

• leaves of cherry and currant.

Cooking method:

1. Put the prepared tomatoes, garlic, carrots, grated on Korean carrot, horseradish leaves, currants, cherries and peas into a sterile jar.

2. Pour mustard, sugar and salt.

3. Fill all the ingredients with cool boiled water.

4. Cover the jar with a lid and shake well so that all spices are evenly distributed.

5. Leave the jar of tomatoes for three days on the kitchen table at room temperature, then roll up and put it away in a cold place.

6. It is possible to consume the workpiece after three weeks.

4. Barrel tomatoes with mustard for the winter


• two kilograms of tomatoes;

• two tablespoons of salt (60 grams);

• peppercorns (black and sweet);

• garlic;

• a couple of small spoons of dried dill;

• 20 grams of mustard powder;

• two centimeters of horseradish root.

Cooking method:

1. Sterilize the jar, put all the ingredients specified in the recipe at its bottom, except for tomatoes and salt.

2. Tomatoes themselves carefully wash, do in several places punctures toothpick or fork.

3. Dissolve the salt in boiled, cooled water, pour the packed components into the resulting brine.

4. Cover the jar with cotton cloth or plain gauze.

5. Leave the jar in this form for two weeks in a slightly cool room.

6. After we cover the container with tomatoes with a capron lid and put it in the fridge for another two weeks until ready.

5. Canned tomatoes with mustard for the winter without vinegar


• ten kilograms of tomatoes;

• two glasses of sugar;

• ten liters of water;

• two glasses of salt;

• fifteen aspirin tablets;

• two heads of garlic;

• a glass of French mustard;

• kilogram of bell pepper;

• dill, horseradish (leaves and roots).

Cooking method:

1. Pour sugar, mustard powder and salt into water.

2. Horseradish and dill my, clean and dry.

3. We wash tomatoes and peppers, peppers are peeled and cut into long thin strips.

4. Put the spices, peppers, garlic, roots and tomatoes in the pre-prepared sterile jars.

5. In each jar add three aspirin tablets.

6. Fill it all with brine, boiled from water, salt and sugar.

7. We roll the whole container with lids, remove for storage.

8. Conservation will be ready for use in a month.

6. Green tomatoes with mustard for winter


• two kilograms of green tomatoes;

• 25 grams of mustard powder;

• 100 grams of sugar;

• two tablespoons of coarse salt;

• peppercorns;

• garlic;

• two centimeters of hot pepper without seeds;

• a bunch of dill;

• horseradish sheet.

Cooking method:

1. On the bottom of the sterile packaging, lay out the crushed chili peppers, peppercorns, laurel, dill greens and a horseradish leaf torn by hands.

2. Cut the garlic into slices, insert two or three slices into the puncture made on clean tomatoes at the place of attachment of the stem.

3. Put the tomatoes on top of the spices.

4. In a glass of cold water dissolve the salt and sugar.

5. Pour the resulting mixture into jars with tomatoes, add regular boiled cooled water to the edges of the container.

6. Pour the mustard powder on top.

7. At the neck of the jar, we stretch gauze, keep the tomatoes for two weeks at room temperature, then, with the lid closed, remove for twenty days in the refrigerator.

7. Lightly salted tomatoes with mustard for the winter


• six kilograms of tomatoes;

• half a kilo of celery roots;

• two small heads of garlic;

• about thirty peas allspice;

• bay leaves;

• 250 grams of salt;

• a pound of sugar;

• 200 grams of mustard powder.

Cooking method:

1. Tomatoes, garlic and celery roots wash and dry.

2. Cut the celery and garlic into strips.

3. Next to the stalks of tomatoes, make cuts.

4. In each such incision we insert several straws of garlic and celery.

5. We put bay leaves, peppers, tomatoes on the bottom of sterile cans.

6. Dissolve sugar and salt in four liters of water, throw a few peas allspice.

7. Bringing the marinade to a boil, remove the pan from the heat and let the liquid cool to 50 degrees.

8. Fill the marinade with the ingredients in a jar, pour over the mustard, close the jars with nylon caps.

9. After five days of aging in a cool place, tomatoes can be rolled up and stored.

8. Spicy tomatoes with mustard for winter


• small tomatoes;

• ten liters of water;

• a pound of sugar;

• 280 grams of salt;

• four heads of garlic medium size;

• eight hot peppers;

• ten aspirin tablets;

• 130 grams of mustard powder;

• dill - greens and roots;

• horseradish leaves.

Cooking method:

1. Water is boiled, cool slightly.

2. Add aspirin, sugar and salt.

3. We interfere with all the ingredients until they are completely dissolved.

4. Put the pods of pepper, garlic cloves, dill and horseradish into sterile jars.

5. Top gently distribute the tomatoes.

6. Sprinkle all the mustard powder on top and pour the brine.

7. Cover the jars with lids, sterilize in a preheated oven for fifteen minutes.

8. Banks roll, cool, turning them lids down under a blanket.

9. Cherry tomatoes with mustard for winter


• 600 grams of cherry;

• 400 grams of plums;

• 20 grams of dry Italian herbs;

• 200 grams of small onions;

• several clove buds;

• peppercorns;

• garlic;

• Dill umbrellas;

• 100 grams of sugar;

• litere of water;

• 30 grams of salt;

• 25 ml of vinegar.

Cooking method:

1. Gently place on the bottom of each sterile liter jar on an umbrella of dill, a couple of clove buds, peas, some Italian herbs.

2. Peel the onions, wash the cherry trees, release the plums from the seeds by cutting them into two pieces.

3. Alternating, lay out onions, tomatoes and plum slices in jars on top of spices.

4. Fill the ingredients with boiling water, insist half an hour.

5. Pour some water from the cans into the pan, add, if necessary, even cold clean water to one liter, add salt and sugar, bring to a boil, continue to boil for another five minutes.

6. Pour vinegar into the marinade and immediately pour the cherry.

7. Roll up, cool.

10. Sun dried tomatoes with mustard for the winter


• one and a half kilograms of cherry tomatoes or just small tomatoes;

• salt;

• sugar;

• ground black pepper;

• dry mustard;

• oregano;

• rosemary;

• olive oil.

Cooking method:

1. Tomatoes are washed, dried, cut into four parts.

2. Remove the partitions and the pulp from the middle of the fruit.

3. Put baking paper on a baking sheet, lubricate it with a little butter.

4. Spread tomato slices in neat rows so that they do not touch each other.

5. Pepper tomatoes, salt, sprinkle with sugar.

6. Put the baking tray in the oven heated to 80 degrees and, without closing the oven door, keep the tomatoes for eight hours.

7. Cool dried tomatoes cooled, put into sterile jars.

8. Pour each layer of tomato with a small amount of olive oil, mixing it in advance with oregano, rosemary and mustard.

Tomatoes with mustard for the winter - tricks and tips

• Harvest tomatoes with mustard for the winter is best in three-liter or one-liter jars, which should be thoroughly rinsed and sterilized.

• Tomatoes are perfectly combined with plums; they add original sweet-sour notes to the preservation.

• Do not skimp on spices and spices, feel free to add ginger, horseradish, chili, anise, cinnamon, star anise, basil to your taste. All these additional ingredients will only decorate and complement the tomatoes with mustard for the winter.

• Overdoing with ingredients such as cloves, bay leaves is not worth it, the longer the tomatoes stand, the more these spices reveal their flavor. And this in turn can overshadow the taste of the tomatoes themselves.

• Approximate measure of weight of commonly used ingredients in the workpiece: 1 tbsp. - 17 grams of dry mustard, 30 grams of salt; 25 grams of sugar; 15 ml of vinegar.


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