Egg face masks are the best recipes. How to make egg masks at home.


Did you know that eggs have a huge variety of useful properties, so that they are actively used in cosmetology?

And not for the first century, women from different parts of the world support the beauty of their faces with the help of masks, the main ingredient of which are raw eggs.

The whole secret lies in the fact that eggs are a storehouse of useful organic substances that can specifically affect the condition of the skin and improve not only its appearance, but also the state as a whole.

Eggs are added to the mask, if it is necessary to soak the skin well, for a small amount of time, remove the redness and inflammation that has arisen from nowhere at the most inappropriate moment, as is often the case with many women before some important event. Most of us rush immediately to search for miracle creams and are ready to go around all the shops of the city and give away any money, just to get rid of the ugly pimples and reddening as soon as possible.

Dear women, here is good news for you: if a similar situation happened to you, then you should not panic and tear the hair on your head. Just go and check your refrigerator for eggs. If they are there, then consider that the problem is solved.

Egg masks are prepared quite simply. At home, you can prepare a decent and effective tool that will make a good competition for cosmetics, displayed on store shelves. In the mask of eggs do not need to add any special ingredients that are impossible to find or difficult to get. It doesn't matter what products you mix eggs for your mask with. The main thing is that in the end it is perfect for absolutely any skin type.

Egg masks - tips

Proteins and yolks have a completely different effect on the skin. If you want the mask to produce the proper effect, then remember that the yolks should be used when you need to moisturize the skin of the face, relieve it of peeling and give a feeling of freshness. The fact is that the yolks are saturated with microelements and vitamins that help soften the skin and restore its protective functions. It often happens that the skin on the face is irritated and has an unhealthy color. This can be corrected with an egg yolk mask. The presence of lecithin in it helps nutrients penetrate as deeply as possible under the skin and have the best effect on it.

Protein will be more beneficial for people who have oily skin. It contributes to the return of elasticity stretched skin, has the effect of drying, removes oily sheen and makes the skin matte. Egg white narrows pores, penetrating deeply into it and cleansing them.

But, if you want to use the whole egg for your mask, then nothing bad will happen to your face, even on the contrary, then the power of the yolk and protein will unite, and together they will help you to achieve the desired effect.

The disadvantages of egg masks include the fact that eggs quickly deteriorate and, prepared yesterday mask, can not be used the next day. You can not use egg masks for those individuals who have delicate and sensitive skin prone to rashes. Protein is a highly allergenic substance to which many of the skin of the face responds with an instantaneous allergic reaction. Therefore, before using a mask, you need to test it. Take a little and apply with the thinnest layer on the inner side of the arm - a place where the skin is so tender that if you are allergic, you will know about it in a few minutes. Only after such a small test mask can be applied to the face. You do not want her to do more harm than good.

1. Egg and Fruit Face Mask

It is summer now, outside the window there is great weather, the circle is full of all kinds of fruits that are waiting for you to taste their magic flesh. But fruits will not only benefit you if you eat them. They are concentrated many vitamins that have beneficial properties for the skin.

The best additional ingredient in a fruit-egg mask will be bananas or apples. Bananas because they best help moisturize dry skin. This fruit is added to the mask and then, when you want to give the skin on your face a feeling of velvet and tenderness. And also, after the mask with a banana, the skin has a very pleasant smell. Beloved and want to eat you.

An apple is not just a treat loved by many. This is one of the most accessible and suitable components of the fruit-egg mask, which will bring a lot of benefit to the skin. Apples contain many useful vitamins, trace elements, various minerals. It is difficult to find a fruit that will have so many magical properties. But it is worth remembering that apples are rich in vitamin C, so they can not be added to the mask for those who have too sensitive skin. Since you still want to try, first test the mask on a small area of ​​skin to see if there is an allergic reaction to one of the components of the mask.

If you decide to give preference to apples and prepare a fruit-egg mask with them, then you need to know that it cannot be prepared in advance, as apples tend to blacken and oxidize quickly. The mask will lose all its most useful properties, if after cooking it will take more than 20-30 minutes.

The source of vitamins are just homemade apples, which have not been subjected to any chemical processing. If you use homemade apples for a mask, then the risk of allergies is significantly reduced, because you may have it not at all on the apples themselves, but on the chemicals that they have.

But, actually, the mask recipe itself: take one not very large egg, break it and beat it with a mixer or a regular fork. Add to it a large spoonful of sour cream and mix thoroughly. Now take the fruit that you want to add to your little mask. Let it be a banana, for example. Then take a medium sized ripe banana, peel it off and mash the flesh. Gruel, which turned out, add to the egg with sour cream. Soak on face for no more than 20 minutes and wash off with water at room temperature.

2. Mask of carrots and eggs for the face

This recipe is useful to those ladies who are already tired of struggling with the constant peeling of the skin and its excessive dryness. Carrots will help even the complexion, make it matte and beautiful. She will be a good companion in the fight against inflamed areas of the face, will solve once and for all the problem with redness and small pimples.

Vitamins with which carrots are saturated will help remove wrinkles and heal microcracks. If you regularly use these masks, then soon the skin will look healthier, because it will receive from the carrot a lot of useful vitamins, which it lacked so much.

Recipe carrot-egg masks: take one carrot and rub it on the smallest grater, which only you can find. Add protein from one egg and mix thoroughly. Apply the mask in a thin layer and keep on the skin for 15 minutes.

3. Mask of eggs and potatoes

The main plus of potatoes is that it, however, like eggs, is always in the house and at any time you can make a mask. Potatoes can moisturize the skin, because 75% consists of water. Vitamins and antioxidants, available in potatoes, will help get rid of wrinkles, make freckles less noticeable and narrow pores.

The recipe for a mask of eggs and potatoes: Boil the potatoes, mash it. Take a few spoons of it and mix with a small spoonful of olive oil. Add a little low-fat sour cream and stir. To the resulting mass, you need to add the yolk from one egg, whipped in advance. Mask hold on the skin for about 15 minutes. Only by washing it away, you will already feel how the skin has become softer and more tender. To achieve the desired effect, you need to do this mask 2-3 times a week.

A few secrets of the correct use of egg masks

To mask had the best effect on the skin, you must be silent and not smile while it is on the face. Eggs are always a little bit skin, freezing, like a film that does not need to be damaged.

Before applying the egg mask, the skin must be cleaned with an oil cocktail or scrub.


Watch the video: EASY DIY Egg Blackhead Remover Peel Off Mask (July 2024).