The benefits and harms of almond milk. Why do we know so little about the composition, rules of use, the benefits and harms of almond milk?


The modern world has stirred up a new trend - nut-based milk. Almonds were no exception, because milk is extracted from it, which does not require heat treatment and retains the entire spectrum of vitamins and minerals.

What do we know about almond milk? Why is it better than cow and what are its beneficial properties?

Nutritional value and composition of almond milk

Almond milk is very similar in composition to its main component - almonds. It also, like the popular nut, contains a lot of healthy vitamins and minerals. As for the calorie content of the drink, it is approximately 60 kilocalories per full glass. This is a fairly dietary product.

Consider the composition of almond milk:











· C

Almond milk is especially rich in vitamins B4 and E.

Micro and macro elements in the composition of the product:







Per 100 grams of product are:

Protein - 18 gr.

Fats - 53 gr.

Carbohydrates - 13 gr.

Useful properties of almond milk

Almond milk belongs to the category of products called "wholesome". And not casual. Almond milk is produced without heat treatment, so the drink retains all the beneficial qualities and properties of almonds (and as you know, there are a lot of them).

· Positive effect on weight and figure

As mentioned above, the calorie content of almond milk is only 5-60 kilocalories per full glass, which makes the drink almost dietary, especially in relation to whole cow's milk. Despite its fat content - 0%, milk contains a lot of healthy vitamins and minerals.

· Positive effect on the cardiovascular system

It should be noted that almond milk absolutely does not contain cholesterol, due to this it cleans the blood vessels, and the content of the omega-3 drink helps relieve inflammation from them. Thanks to Omega-6, the walls of the vessels become elastic and compact, heal microcracks.

· Strengthening bones and teeth

· Improving the condition of the skin

Almond milk contains half the daily allowance of vitamin E, which is an antioxidant and perfectly affects the skin, and also protects it from ultraviolet radiation.

Does not increase blood sugar

Almond milk is included in the category of products with a low glycemic index due to the low content of carbohydrates in its composition. Therefore, the drink is recommended to be included in the diet for people suffering from diabetes.

· Strengthens the muscles

Due to the high content of B vitamins in almond milk, it provokes the growth and preservation of muscle mass.

· Normalizes digestion

Almond milk is rich in fiber, which, of course, can not positively affect the digestion.

Lactose free

· Positive effect on vision

Almond milk during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful event in the life of every woman. During this period, it is very important to monitor your diet and avoid foods that can interfere with the development of the baby or pose a threat to the mother.

As for almond milk, this drink should be in the diet of every expectant mother. Surely many have heard about the importance of vitamin B9 or folic acid. It is this substance that contains in excess milk from almonds.

Also, the drink has a high content of vitamin D and calcium. Everyone knows that these substances are simply necessary for the normal development of the bone structure of the human body and maintaining the skeleton and muscles normal.

Almond milk is useful during pregnancy, as the substances and vitamins that are contained in its composition positively affect the development of the fetus.

Almond milk for children

For infants, almond milk is contraindicated. The fact is that the drink does not contain enough vitamin C for breastfeeding, therefore, it should not be replaced with breast milk or a mixture.

As for older children, almond milk is welcome in their diet, however, they should not be completely replaced with cow or goat milk. In milk from almonds, the content of calcium and vitamin D is increased, which helps the trace element in absorption. These substances are useful and necessary for the full development of the bone structure of a growing organism.

What harm can almond milk cause to human health?

Almond milk, like any other product, has its contraindications and potential harm to the human body.

Unsuitable for breastfeeding

Almond milk is not recommended to be included in the diet of a newborn baby, since it is not able to replace special mixtures and breast milk. Moreover, in the world, a case of the occurrence of scurvy in a baby who was fed with almond milk was established. This reaction was provoked by a deficiency of vitamin C in the drink. Also, babies are more likely to be allergic to nuts.

· Allergic reaction

A rather large percentage of people with allergies to dairy products and nuts live in the world. Almond-based milk can cause a serious allergic reaction, so when you include the product in your diet, you should be vigilant and careful.


Not many manufacturers of almond milk treat the product in good faith. Some sin by the addition of dyes and carrageenan. With frequent use of low-quality product, this substance can cause gastric ulcer. That is why almond milk made at home should be preferred.

Why is almond milk better than cow's milk?

We often hear that almond milk is much better than cow's milk. This is indicated by nutritionists, scientists, as well as marketers. But what is this expressed in? Let's analyze the main advantages of almond milk over cow.

· Taste

The taste of almond milk is very different from cow's. Those who are not happy with the oily taste of cow's milk can replace it with a light and fresh almond. In addition, almond milk can completely replace cow's milk in cooking. It will not affect the appearance or taste of the dish.

No need to cool

We often worry about the fact that cow's milk sour quickly and requires storage in a refrigerator. Almond milk will save its owner from a similar problem. The product is recommended to be stored at room temperature. Due to the fact that the drink does not deteriorate from high temperatures, it can be taken with you on trips or on long walks.

Easy to cook at home

Almond milk can be easily prepared at home. This cannot be said of cow's milk. To make a drink you only need almonds, a little time and a blender. To make cow's milk at home, at least a cow is needed.

Almond milk is an excellent drink not only for people who adhere to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, but also for anyone who wants to discover something new.


Watch the video: What Will Happen If You Eat 20 Almonds Every Day? (July 2024).