Ukrainian borsch - both on holiday and in fasting!


Borscht is a real masterpiece of culinary skill of many hostesses, for it is not without reason that they say that if a girl does not know how to make borscht, then she is still too early to get married!

And often this turns out to be true, since no man can refuse a plate of burgundy and rich borsch! You can make lean borscht, you can add meat and offal to the dish.

Many even cook borsch with prunes or dumplings, so you will definitely choose one of the many recipes that you like, but all of them are based on the classic borscht recipe, which we will try to repeat.

Want to get the man of your dreams for a plate of borscht - cook with us!

For 4 servings of borscht you will need:

- 2 beets;

- 4 potatoes;

- 1 carrot;

- 1 onion;

- 25 ml of vegetable oil;

- 1/2 fork white cabbage;

- 1 tsp. sugar;

- 1 tsp. salts;

- 1 tbsp. vinegar;

- 2-3 bay leaves;

- greens to taste.

Consider the recipe for cooking borscht without meat - a classic lean version. If you decide to cook borsch with meat or on beef pits, then pre-boil them for 40-50 minutes until soft.

Potatoes are boiled the longest in the borscht, so with it we will begin the creation of this rich first. We peel the potatoes, rinse them in water and cut into large portioned cubes. Put them in the pan.

The next stage is cabbage. Choose a tight and downed head. We tear off the upper leaves, which served as protection, and cut it into two halves. Shred to your liking: finely, large or medium shred. Cabbage is also added to the pan. We put bay leaves on cabbage and add salt.

Fill all with hot water and put the pan on the fire. Boil the contents for about 10 minutes, and at this time they themselves are engaged in frying.

Beets and carrots are also peeled and washed. Sliced ​​to your liking: in the recipe, the beets are cut into small cubes, and the carrots are ground on a coarse grater. By the way, the color of your first depends on the quality and condition of the beets, so choose it carefully and scrupulously.

In a frying pan or in a saucepan, pour vegetable oil and heat it up to red. Pour the chopped beets and carrots and pass until soft.

Peel the onion and rinse. Cut into small cubes. As soon as the vegetables are fried, add onion cubes to them and simmer for about 3-5 minutes.

Then we move the frying directly to the pan with boiled vegetables, without turning off the fire. Watch the level of liquid in the pan, otherwise the soup can spill over the edges of the container. If there is not enough liquid, add some more hot water to the pan.

Pour sugar in borsch, pour in vinegar and taste. If you do not have enough salt - even salt the first.

We give the soup boil a few minutes and turn off the fire. Pour hot, nourishing in deep plates and serve with crackers, herbs, sour cream or mayonnaise. Fans of spicy can be offered garlic or a pod of bitter pepper.

Enjoy your meal!

Here is the dish and it's ready, and now let's break it down into products from the point of view of economy:

- 2 beets - 5 rub .;

- 4 potatoes - 13 rub .;

- 1 onion and 1 carrot - 5 rubles;

- 25 ml of vegetable oil - 2 rubles;

- 1/2 fork of white cabbage - 5 rubles;

- seasonings and spices - 5 rubles.

TOTAL: 35 rubles

So, 4 servings of Ukrainian borscht without meat will cost you 35 rubles. You will agree that for such money you will not order even 1 serving of lean borsch in any cafe or restaurant! So more often follow our budget cooking recipes and save with us.


Watch the video: Borscht As Made By Andrew  Tasty (July 2024).