Alexey Panin arrested for 10 days


Alexey Panin received 10 days of arrest for petty hooliganism. In particular, the actor was charged with violation of public order and disobedience to authorities. The lawyer of the ex-wife of Julia Yudintseva actor Alexander Pocheuv was brought in as a witness, who provided a certificate with the recorded bodily injuries. This happened when Alexander helped the police to take Julia and her daughter out of the apartment on the second floor of the station in Peterhof.


Evil Fairy 01/18/2016
After the infamous pictures of naked Panini with whores put on public display, he is close to his daughter and can not be allowed. Moral freak, drunk bydlovan, dishonoring his daughter to the whole world. Found a topic of PR, since for a long time nobody as an aterish has been interested. Now in the next television show he will lament "Nyusya, Nyusya." Then it will receive a bubble.


Watch the video: Актер Панин арестован на 10 суток за мелкое хулиганство. Panin Actor arrested for 10 days (July 2024).