Chris Kelmy has renounced his brother


The star of the 80s singer Chris Kelme has seriously quarreled with his brother Eugene. The musician actually renounced a relative with whom he had been inseparable for more than 20 years.

According to Eugene, the cause of the conflict is the abuse of Chris alcohol. According to the man, in recent years, the singer simply cannot imagine a single day without a glass. All this led to unpleasant situations, the way out of which Eugene had to look for.

Despite all attempts to reason with his brother, the singer slid lower and lower. The last straw in the relationship of Eugene and Chris was the absence of the latter at the airport, which resulted in the cancellation of two concerts and the payment of penalties.

However, Chris Kelme himself looks at the situation differently. According to him, brother just threw it.

Yevgeny believes that the musician urgently needs qualified help from doctors. However, if Chris himself does not want to get out of alcohol addiction, no one can help him in this.


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