Donuts are the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook donuts for yogurt and cottage cheese donuts.


Donuts - General Cooking Principles

Donuts are a popular confection in many countries that can be made with or without yeast. Donuts have a round shape and a hole in the middle. In America, these donuts are called "donuts". Whole donuts (without a hole) are sometimes called "Berliners." The essential ingredients of the donut dough are flour, sugar and eggs. The dough can be prepared with the addition of kefir or milk. For fluffiness, they add a little vinegar-soda soda to the dough, and for taste - a few grams of salt.

Yeast donuts prepare a little longer, but it turns out very lush and appetizing. First, the yeast is diluted in warm milk or water, then pour in the flour and add the remaining ingredients. The dough is left to come up for an hour and a half.

Very tasty are donuts on cottage cheese. For their preparation you need to mix fresh cottage cheese with flour, sugar, eggs and soda. Balls are molded from the finished dough and fried in a large amount of butter in a frying pan or in a deep fryer. To make a donut with a hole, you need to roll a thick layer of dough, cut circles, and make a hole in the middle of a small glass. Hot donuts are sprinkled with powdered sugar or coated with jam. You can also hide the stuffing in the middle of each donut: nuts, jam or pieces of chocolate. Then donuts are fried, as usual.

Donuts - food and tableware

Donuts can be fried in a fryer or in a skillet. In the latter case, you need to prepare a sufficiently deep and wide pan. Donuts can also be cooked in the oven. For these purposes, use a special pan with grooves for baking donuts. From the dishes and kitchen utensils you also need a bowl, a sieve, a rolling pin, a glass for cutting circles, a glass with sharp edges for cutting out the middle piece, a blender or a mixer may also be required.

Milk and kefir should be at room temperature. Milk is recommended to warm up, butter must be melted. Flour for donuts is desirable to sift. Also, you need to grind icing sugar from sugar beforehand.

Donut Recipes:

Recipe 1: Cottage Cheese Donuts (Option 1)

Cottage cheese donuts are incredibly tasty, fluffy and mouthwatering. The only negative is high calorie content, but if you cook them less often and do not use them in large quantities, nothing will happen to the figure. For the preparation will need not so many ingredients: flour, cottage cheese, sugar and eggs.

Ingredients Required:

  • 1/4 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 210-220 g of flour (about one and a half glasses);
  • 2 eggs;
  • Sugar - half a cup;
  • 2-3 g of soda;
  • Vegetable oil - 350 - 400 ml;
  • A bit of salt.

Cooking method:

First mix the flour, sugar and soda. Then add cottage cheese and break eggs. Mix all ingredients and add a little salt. From the dough sculpt small balls and fry until golden in oil in a deep fryer. Sprinkle hot donuts with caster sugar.

Recipe 2: Cottage Cheese Donuts (Option 2) “Ten Minutes”

Extremely simple, but very tasty treat to tea drinking. Such cottage cheese donuts are prepared in literally 10 minutes.

Ingredients Required:

  • Cottage cheese - 1 pack (about 200 g);
  • Flour - 5.5 - 6 tbsp. l .;
  • Sugar - 3-3.5 Art. l .;
  • Eggs - 3 pcs .;
  • 3-4 g of food soda;
  • Vinegar - 6-7 ml;
  • Refined oil - 1 liter.

Cooking method:

Curd knead, beat the eggs and mix. Add flour with sugar and mix all ingredients thoroughly. The dough should be homogeneous, viscous and elastic. Soda quench with vinegar and add to the dough. Stir all ingredients again. Pour oil into a large saucepan and heat it, but do not heat it up much. First, dip a tablespoon in the butter, then scoop the dough and dip it in the butter again. The oil should be of such a temperature that donuts are not burnt, but slightly “hissed”. The shape of donuts will be different, but in the end they will become fluffy and rounded. Fry donuts for 3-4 minutes on each side. If the temperature of the oil is too high, the middle part may remain unbaked. We put the finished donuts on a dish and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Recipe 3: Donuts from cottage cheese (option 3) with filling

Curd donuts with filling are perfect for any holiday. Donuts are made with a pleasant crispy crust and soft filling. As a filler, you can use chocolate, nuts or cherries.

Ingredients Required:

  • 1/4 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • A glass of coconut shavings;
  • Flour - about 1 cup;
  • Sugar - to taste (on average - 1 cup);
  • 2 g of soda;
  • A glass of sesame seeds;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Peanuts or any other nuts (almonds, walnuts, etc.);
  • Chocolate;
  • Cherry.

Cooking method:

Beat egg with sugar. Put cottage cheese and coconut chips in a bowl with sugar and egg. Sift flour and add along with soda to the curd and sugar. All components are thoroughly mixed and, if necessary, add more flour. The dough should not be too "hard", it should be quite tender. Peanuts fry. We make balls from dough and put in nuts or other stuffing. Rolls donuts in sesame seeds. Fry until cooked in oil in a fryer.

Recipe 4: Donuts for kefir (option 1)

"Kefir donuts" - the perfect treat for family tea. Donuts are very tender, soft and tasty. Preparing is very simple from standard for baking ingredients: flour, eggs, sugar and soda. You will also need the main component - kefir.

Ingredients Required:

  • Egg - 1 pc .;
  • Kefir - 1.25 cups;
  • Sugar - 4-5 spoons;
  • Salt;
  • Soda - 2-3 g;
  • Flour - 3 cups;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

Kefir mix with the egg, add sugar and salt. Pour 45 ml of vegetable oil and pour soda. Then add flour and mix all the ingredients. Divide the dough into 2 parts, roll each into a layer about 10 mm thick. Cut circles in a glass, make small circles inside with a glass. Heat the oil in a wide pan. The layer of oil should be at least 1 cm. Lay out the workpiece and fry in each side until cooked. Sprinkle donuts with powdered sugar.

Recipe 5: Donuts for kefir (option 2) in the oven

Donuts on kefir can not only be cooked in a fryer or in a frying pan, but also in the oven. They turn out not less tasty, magnificent and appetizing. You will also need a special pan for baking donuts (with sockets).

Ingredients Required:

  • Flour - 1 cup;
  • 0.5 cups wholegrain flour;
  • Sugar - half a cup;
  • Confectionery powder - 1 tsp;
  • 3 g of soda;
  • 2 g of salt;
  • Egg;
  • 210 g of kefir;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Canola oil - 65 ml;
  • Milk - 65-70 ml;
  • Peel with 1 lemon;
  • Powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

Heat the oven. Spread butter pan for donuts. Pour the flour in a bowl, mix with sugar, add salt, soda and confectionery powder. Kefir mixed with milk, break an egg, add lemon zest. Pour the mixture into the flour. Stir all ingredients thoroughly. Spread the dough into the donut slots. For these purposes, you can use a bag or pastry bag. Bake donuts for about 15 minutes until golden. Mix lemon juice with powdered sugar. Hot donuts pour over the icing and cool, after which treats can be served at the table.

Recipe 6: Donuts for kefir (option 3) with jam

For the preparation of such donuts, you can use any jam, but most often they take apple one. Sugar in this case, you need to add a little less than in other recipes donuts, as the jam itself is sweet enough.

Ingredients Required:

  • 190-200 g of kefir;
  • 1 egg;
  • Sugar - to taste;
  • 4 g of salt;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Flour - one and a half-two glasses;
  • Apple jam.

Cooking method:

Kefir mix with egg, flour, sugar, salt and soda. All ingredients are mixed to a uniform consistency, if necessary - add more flour. Divide the dough into balls and press down a bit to make cakes. We spread jam in the center of the cakes and fix the edges. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry until brown on each side. Put ready donuts on a dish and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Recipe 7: Yeast Donuts (Option 1)

Yeast donuts are lush, airy and incredibly tasty. Pamper your loved ones with such an appetizing treat. For the preparation will need flour, milk, eggs and yeast.

Ingredients Required:

  • Half a liter of milk;
  • 10 g dry yeast;
  • 2 egg yolks;
  • Sugar - 2-3 spoons;
  • 4-5 g of salt;
  • Butter (melted) - 45 ml;
  • 500-600 g of flour;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

Heat 100 ml of milk, dissolve 2 spoons of sugar in it and dry yeast. Leave on for 10-12 minutes. Preheat 400 ml of milk, dissolve salt, 2 yolks and melted butter in it. Combine with yeast mixture. Sift flour and pour in small pieces. Knead the dough and leave for half an hour. After the time has elapsed, mix and leave again, only for an hour and a half. Heat oil in a pan. Form balls of dough and fry until golden brown with butter. Sprinkle the donuts with powdered sugar.

Recipe 8: Yeast donuts (option 2) with vanilla

Vanilla donuts with yeast - an ideal treat for children and adults. 2-3 donuts do not harm the figure, but they will lighten the mood and give a friendly warm atmosphere to a friendly tea party.

Ingredients Required:

  • 12 g dry yeast;
  • 3 g of vanilla;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs .;
  • Butter - 100 g;
  • 800-900 g of flour;
  • Salt - 5 g;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • Half a liter of sunflower oil;
  • Half a liter of milk;
  • 3-4 spoons of sugar;

Cooking method:

Dissolve sugar and yeast in warm water. Pour milk, break eggs, add melted butter and salt with vanillin. Beat the mixture with a mixer. Gradually pour in flour, without ceasing to mix.

Leave the dough for donuts to "approach" for an hour and a half. Roll out the dough 1 cm thick and cut the circles. Glass cut holes in the middle. Dough residues can also be used for donuts. Leave the donuts until they doubled in size. Fry the donuts in oil in a deep fat fryer until golden brown. Hot donuts sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Donuts - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

- In the dough for donuts with filling you need to put less sugar than usual;

- Dough for cheese donuts can add liqueur, brandy or rum for taste;

- If the donuts are a little stale or harsh, you can put them in a preheated oven for a few minutes;

- To remove excess butter from donuts, put them in a sieve or on a paper towel.


Watch the video: Italian Donuts (June 2024).