Several ways to feel more sexual


Most women do not consider themselves to be sexual. In some, this is due to low self-esteem, others like to be victims of non-recognition. But in fact, any lady is not so difficult to feel that she is attractive. For this you need her desire and love for herself. If you give yourself just a few minutes each day, the result will be excellent. The woman radiating love becomes attractive for all. In this article, we invite you to consider several ways how you can make your body and look seductive.

Take a bath

Usually women are always in a hurry somewhere, so it’s easier for them to quickly take a shower. But a full bath will allow you to pamper your own body a little, get it closer. For these purposes, you can use aromatic foam. It is better to turn off all the phones and turn on the music, light candles and dream a little while swimming. Watch the water slide through your body, listen to your feelings. Try gently rubbing your body with a washcloth, starting at the feet and gradually rising upwards. This relaxation will appeal to you.

Dine naked

Enjoying the meal, try to feel the richness of the taste of the dish. By removing the clothes, you can better perceive the food, exposing all the receptors. It is clear that anyone is more accustomed to eat in the dressed form, but novelty can greatly aggravate your feelings. If you are embarrassed about this, you can create a twilight in the room. Bed cover, do everything to make the dinner more romantic.

Strip your body

Most of the women interviewed on the topic of sexuality admitted that they had never slept in their barefold form in their lives. Remember, it will be difficult for you to love your own body if you never study it. Try to get used to sleep naked. Before bed, you can rub your skin with aromatic oils. Enjoy how the skin touches the sheet, try to relax and just enjoy. In the morning you should not get out of bed quickly. Lie down a bit, let yourself stretch and soak up a bit.


Your body can be known by touching and stroking. Try to go for a massage to a specialist, so that your skin can feel the energy of other people's hands. Stroking the skin allows it to wake up. Try to memorize every movement of the masseur’s hands so that later you can use these methods with your partner.

Erotic lingerie

Even in everyday life, you can use lace underwear every day. It is important that it be of high quality, made from natural fabrics. If on your underwear there will be even a small lace strip, you will be provided with a romantic mood. Special attention should be paid to the choice of bra. Try different options, with a different arrangement of strapless, with randomly looking bows, etc. Such elements will give a woman seductiveness.

Beautiful pictures

Ask for help from a professional photographer so that he can create the right lighting, think through your poses, etc. Black-and-white photos of a naked woman will look great. These photos usually do not focus on skin defects. If you are shy, you can take a photo from the back. If you are afraid that various folds will be visible on the body, then remember that correctly selected poses will hide all the flaws. Look in the mirror more often, experiment or trust a professional photographer, then calmly enjoy the photos you received. The so-called "side" look will give you more confidence and inspiration.


Kira 07.31.2016
It seems to me that many women are excited and feel sexual mainly because they are aware of their sex skills. I saw it very clearly on my own, because in life I am a very enslaved, shy person. So after a girlfriend accidentally dragged me to the training on the art of oral sex, I felt such a seductress myself, and most importantly the men around it smelled, began to peer, although this had never happened before. At work, too, my colleagues said that I had become more self-confident. And to look in the mirror often for a woman is contraindicated, even the most ideal woman doesn’t see something in herself, it’s a female feature.


Watch the video: Rihanna Breakdown. How to Develop Sexual Confidence wo Judgement. Dating for Women (July 2024).