The absurd way to lose weight: tea with milk


Today, no popular publication is complete without tips on how to lose weight reliably and quickly. Perhaps among the hundreds of tips and ways to find effective, but, alas, it is not always necessary to expect that they will bring health benefits. Many fans of light weight loss prefer tea with milk. What attracts them in this way? Most likely, the mass of "enthusiastic" reviews and many recipes that are published at the initiative of the advertiser. And maybe this drink is really effective and useful? Let's try to figure it out.

On the Internet, the most common are two ways of cooking:

1. Brew green tea with hot milk;

2. Add warm milk to brewed tea.

Despite the debate between lovers of this drink about the benefits of a method, it is worth noting that none of these recipes is useful.

Only illiterate people can give advice to drink milk. Tea and milk are mutually exclusive products. Of course, if you really want to, then occasionally you can give in to your body, but not every day. You can not combine milk with cucumber, as advised by "experts." Such a “mixture” will certainly cause digestive problems - diarrhea, and against the background of general indisposition, it will lead to a decrease in appetite. It is possible that some consider it an effective way to lose weight. Surely you should think not only about the lost kilograms, but also about overall health.

Serious contraindications

The hypothesis that milk has a beneficial effect on the heart, cleans the gallbladder and kidneys is wrong. In fact, tea enzymes do not allow calcium to be absorbed from milk: it settles on the walls of blood vessels, making them brittle and fragile. As a result, there are heart problems, couperosis, and subcutaneous hemorrhages. In people with low blood pressure, this drink may cause fainting.

The myth that drinking tea with milk helps cleanse the body is absurd. Molokochay, on the contrary promotes the formation of kidney stones. And most importantly, the combination of these components does not affect weight loss. With daily use, they dehydrate the body (what causes the leaving kilograms), and later they slow down the metabolism altogether.

The danger of tea, brewed milk, is that it increases the number of carcinogens, respectively, the risk of developing tumors increases significantly. In addition, this combination mutually neutralizes the beneficial properties of both products. But individually, green tea and milk will be more beneficial than together.

The benefits of dairy products

For losing weight dairy products are required. They contain milk fat, which contains linoleic acid. Without it, the body is not able to burn excess fat. The process of losing weight is not possible without calcium, or rather, without the simultaneous use of calcium and linoleic acid. Dairy products perfectly combine moderate caloric content, the required amount of linoleic acid and high calcium content.

Green tea - a fighter for harmony

Green tea is a great helper in losing weight. The point is its unique composition. Green tea contains a wide range of vitamins, chemicals and organic compounds. So, tannin normalizes the metabolic process, and theine helps burn fats. Catechins of green tea keep blood sugar at the right level, smoothly saving the body from extra pounds. It is also necessary to allocate glutamic acid, it plays an important role in the body: to normalize metabolism.

Green tea, at least 3 cups a day, will help lose about two kilograms per month. So to kill all its beneficial properties with milk is completely useless.


Watch the video: I Ate Only Fruit For 5 Days, and Here's What Happened (June 2024).