Life hacks that we spied on children


Parents and grandparents in disputes about children usually note that their offspring taught them a lot. We understand together what a child can teach an adult.

Children of tender age have few things or the concept of ownership is absent, so let's start the analysis with emotions.

Rejoice at every little thing

A mother’s smile, a ray of sunshine or communication with another baby makes the child absolutely happy. Just. Even if a moment ago he was sobbing sobbing.

Forget the grudge

Children quickly switch from one emotion to another. They do not get stuck on guilt or anger.

Do not perceive negative in relation to yourself

Not every adult can do that, but it would be worth learning.

Recover quickly

A deeply tired child who has not slept all night can have fun playing after a half-hour sleep in the fresh air. Surely envious adults have invented a sleeping capsule like this, where everyone else gets enough sleep in about an hour.


Without adaptation to the environment, it is impossible to survive. Even a baby is capable of it, so it is more difficult for an adult who has already acquired his own habits and behaviors to survive among a wolf pack, and the child has a chance thanks to mimicry.

See the beautiful around

"Mom, look, green grass!" - the kid sticks a finger. The parent honestly looks at the wasteland or lawn with cigarette butts, candy wrappers and even bottles. After 5-10 minutes of a diligent search, she finds a bunch of grass among this chaos that the child saw in seconds.

Learning to see the good right away is a talent.

Fantasy without borders

The imagination of children gives rise to bold images. Try, as a child, to come to the end with them and believe in them. So you can create an unusual thing.

Effective help

The observations, discoveries, and inventions that children made usually began with empathy. So a toothbrush was designed for astronauts, a font for blind people, hiccups, an umbrella for a ladybug, a tool for painless bandages and a cooling plug. All these works were performed by children.

To give from the heart

Do not refuse children's gifts. A child gives an interesting person everything that he currently owns. Favorite toy, a pebble from the road or a leaf torn from a tree. Gives unselfishly and does not expect anything in return.

Show your defenselessness

Yes, adults knew how to do it themselves. But which of the parents can confess their feelings just to remind them that they value a person? And the children do not forget to say to their mother “I love!”, While she reports to them for slow fees, and thereby disarm her.

Openly expressing and accepting your emotions as they are is a sign of courage.

Be a healthy egoist

Children can empathize and take care. But what will the child do, who stroked the sick mother on the head and said: "Get well soon"? Will go play. So much so that you want to get up and join. An example of healthy selfishness works better than any medicine.

Hide in the house

When children are afraid of something, want to retire or avoid a problem, they hide in a "house" that they can build from a bedspread or even a mother’s dressing gown. Sometimes it’s worth letting go of the situation or “catching your breath” before a new battle in your den, in the circle of close people. Adults often forget about this.

Be fearless

Not every adult is able to leave the comfort zone for the sake of a dream. The child does not think about the consequences and boldly goes to the desired. Children struggle with obstacles as they arise and do not limit themselves in advance to the boundaries of fears, as adults do.

In extreme cases, children will secure themselves with a talisman before decisive action. They can even become my mother’s button, and it will “work” thanks to the child’s faith in her own strength.

Avoid perfection

Perfectionism came up with adults. The child does everything as it turns out to the best of his ability, he is not upset if he could not do it perfectly. Just next time, he performs the usual actions faster and does not give up the idea of ​​doing something else.

What else can you learn from a child?

In material terms, children can also tell adults something. They exchange experiences, and can quickly

... find a replacement

Instead of glue for application without prompting adults, children can, for example, use plasticine or water. You can also quickly learn with children, for example, to build interchangeable plans.

... use available materials

The first to create a picture of pebbles was probably a child. In modern conditions, they use not only them, but also pasta, for example.

... set up your hearing

The incessant chatter of children can adversely affect the parental psyche. The advent of children teaches many adults to learn how to isolate the right sounds among dozens of others. Adults admit that at the very epicenter of the noise they learned to hear what the actors of their favorite series say when the TV is at the other end of the room. The same can happen to a child who hears her mother’s cherished whisper about ice cream.

... work together for the common good

For the sake of something interesting or useful, children can unite even with those they don’t play with, they consider it “bad”. So the guys can together build a house, which both participants in the process want to have, and play together in it.

... move

Slowly drinking coffee, lying in the bath or also leisurely going out for a walk with parents, as it was before the advent of the children, often fails. Adults admit that this makes them more focused, teaches you to plan your day more carefully and even easier to relate to failures.

All parents go their own way of learning from their own child. It doesn’t matter how many children they have, each kid directly or indirectly teaches adult family members something. Almost all parents agree that the child taught them:

  • unconditional love;
  • humility;
  • tolerance;
  • multitasking;
  • optimism.

All parents also note that children aroused their desire to become better.

And what emotional or everyday life hacks did your child teach you?


Watch the video: 28 SPY HACKS FOR KIDS EVERY ADULT SHOULD KNOW (June 2024).