The raven eye - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Raven Eye - General Description

The raven eye is a genus of annual grasses belonging to the lily family. It is a green plant, consisting of four sepals, four ovoid leaves with a net venation, sometimes three leaves, five, and six are found in the whorl, but such specimens are not common. The only nondescript four-membered flower leaves from the very center of the plant on a low pedicel (about 40 cm), from which the fruit is formed in August - a bluish-black berry. The raven eye is poisonous, especially its rhizome and berry.

Raven eye - types and places of growth

In the world flora, there are about 40 species of the raven eye. It is a plant of moist soils and shady forests. It grows in beech forests, among many flowers, at the foot of slopes and in artisanal thickets. It occurs throughout the range of Siberia, the European part of the Russian Federation, the Caucasus, Central Europe, Asia, the Himalayas.

In folk medicine and homeopathy, the raven eye plays a huge role. Most often use its three main types:

- The black eye is four-leafed;
- The raven eye is incomplete;
- The raven eye is multi-leaved.

The raven eye - healing properties

As we noted above, the plant is very poisonous, but dried fruits and leaves are widely used in folk medicine in small doses. The raven eye contains glycosides, steroids, saponin, flavonoids and various vitamins. Rhizomes also include alkaloids.

Thanks to a certain number of biologically active substances, the raven eye has a calming, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and diuretic effect on the body.

Helps to deal with diseases and troubles such as neuralgia, migraine, tuberculosis, ascites, laryngitis, metabolic disorders. It is also used as a means of improving appetite, enhancing the functioning of the intestines and eliminating tachycardia. Good results have been achieved in the treatment of seizures, heart failure (as adjuvant therapy), tremors and concussions.

Raven eye - dosage forms

As a healing raw material, use the green part of the plant, less often berries. Fresh grass must be collected during flowering. In the vast majority of cases, a tincture based on fresh or dried herbs is made to treat a particular disease.

Hard-healing wounds, sores, acne and boils are rubbed with berries. A fresh juice in homeopathy treat migraine (rubbing the temples), headache, eye disease, drowsiness, bronchitis, concussion. Internal use of the poisonous raven eye requires special care.

Raven eye - recipe and tincture application

For tuberculosis, neurosis, convulsions and constipation: prepare half a liter of good vodka 50 g of crushed dry, and preferably fresh, grass of the raven eye, fill it and put it in a dark, isolated place for a couple of weeks. Then we filter, add two teaspoons of tincture to a glass of water and take on the table. spoon every 2-3 hours, regardless of food intake.

With a concussion: tincture can be prepared on the basis of dry grass. Four table. spoons of dry extract pour 500 ml of vodka, remove to a dark place, infuse for 7-9 days and use only five drops diluted in a glass of water, three r. per day for a week or two.

In heart failure (with edema): pour a dozen fresh berries in half a liter of good vodka, insist for two weeks in a dry, dark place. Next, do not forget to strain and take twenty drops diluted in a small amount of water, three p. in a day. The course is three weeks, then you need to take a ten-day break and spend at least 2 more courses.

Raven eye - contraindications

- pregnancy (all trimesters) and breastfeeding;
- age up to 12 years;
- individual intolerance.

Before using the preparations based on the raven eye, it is necessary to consult a specialist. The permissible doses should also not be exceeded, since poisoning with toxic substances causes vomiting, diarrhea, bradycardia, a decrease in respiratory and cardiac activity, intestinal colic, dizziness up to loss of consciousness. With the development of side effects, self-medication is not permissible!


Daria 04/19/2016
I also heard that someone was treated with this plant for tuberculosis. And the treatment really helped this person. Therefore, I believe in the healing powers of the raven eye. And at the expense of consulting with a specialist, so I generally think that you yourself can’t be treated at all.

Kalinka 04/19/2016
How many essential substances are contained in this poisonous plant. If it is taken in strict accordance with the recommended doses, then nothing bad will happen. But, you can recover from many diseases.

Tamara 04/19/2016
I remember, in childhood, we constantly wanted to taste this berry, it’s interesting))) But somehow no one decided, thank God. It is good that parents warned about this danger. Yes, and to be treated by the raven eye on my own, I would not.

Vika 04/19/2016
The raven eye really helps a lot from all kinds of head diseases. And from a simple headache, and from a migraine, and from a concussion. A few years ago, a woman told me this, her son had a severe concussion, and he was recovering this plant.

Sonya 04/19/2016
We have such a plant growing in the taiga. I knew that they were being treated, but also everyone has known since childhood that the raven eye is very poisonous. Therefore, we did not try it either, although I really wanted to))) Such pretty berries.


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