Can I sleep with my feet to the door or window: signs and Feng Shui


Sleep occupies about one third of our lives, this is an important component on which our state of health, mood, working capacity, psyche and much more depends. A sound and healthy sleep is the key to well-being and brain function. A comfortable state in a dream depends on many factors: a comfortable bed, fresh air in the bedroom, the correct position of the head and the whole body, and much more.

However, not everyone takes into account the very arrangement of the sleeping body in relation to the environment. Feng Shui teachings and many signs say that it is not recommended to sleep with your feet to the door or window. Where did this information come from? Is this really so? What is this connected with and what can happen to a person? Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Why you can’t sleep with your feet to the door

First, we turn to the signs of different nations of the world, warning us to sleep with our feet towards the door:

  • The Slavs, who lived in antiquity, believed that various evil spirits could get into our world at night. Doors served as a portal, so they did not sleep with their feet. People feared that they would be taken with them into the world of spirits.
  • It is believed that in a dream the soul of a person leaves the body and travels. So that she could return back, it’s better not to sleep with her feet to the door.
  • In the Scandinavian countries there is a legend about Asgard - the world of the gods, Midgard - the world of people, Utgard - the world of spirits, essences, lost souls. The Scandinavians believed that if you sleep with your feet to the door, this could attract the inhabitants of Utgard, they could take a person with you. From these places the soul could not return to the body, a person was dying in a dream. This sign is similar to the ancient Slavic.
  • If you sleep in this position, you may have nightmares, the dream will be restless and difficult, in a dream there is a loss of vitality. Many peoples of the world believed in this.
  • The Slavs carry the deceased with their feet forward, that is, their feet to the doors. If you sleep in the same position, you can attract dead energy to yourself, which will prevent a person from living normally. It is believed that this can even shorten life.
  • Another interesting sign says that a soul stolen in a dream can still be found back. However, the experienced shocks leave their mark - a person becomes insane or obsessed.

As for the teachings of Feng Shui, its representatives believe that a constant circulation of energy occurs in the human body.

It must not be lost, otherwise health, mental balance worsens.

If you sleep with your feet to the doors, the energy will begin to ooze out of the person, after waking up there will be no feeling that the person has slept and has gained strength.

On the contrary, devastation, fatigue, apathy will be felt.

Psychologists also have an opinion on this. Our phobias and fears play a cruel joke with us, especially when a person is superstitious, suspicious, takes everything to heart, has a fine mental organization. It happens that when such a person sleeps with his feet to the door, he feels uncomfortable, insecure. An ajar door or a dark corridor begins to literally scare, sounds seem, the outlines of objects scare. Of course, it is better to rearrange the bed and sleep in such a position that the ajar door does not interfere and does not overtake fears.

Can I sleep with my feet to the window

Everything is much simpler here. There are no special signs or superstitions, therefore, there is no categorical prohibition on sleeping in this position.

True, there are ancient legends that say that at night on the street, that is, outside the window, devilry can happen. This was believed in antiquity, especially in the villages. Yes, and many mystical cases occurred precisely at night, on the street.

Therefore, if you sleep with your feet to the window, it turns out that your face is visible through it.

It was believed that evil spirits and evil spirits can take a healthy sleep, reward insomnia, or simply nourish your life energy.

There is also a superstition that a window can also serve as a portal to other worlds, so it is better to protect yourself and not sleep in this position.

How to put a bed in feng shui

Ancient Chinese teaching has its own opinion on how to properly put your bed so that sleep is healthy, calm, replenishes the person’s vital energy.

So, what rules should be followed for a good sleep:

  • There should be no hanging interior items above the bed. It is necessary to remove chandeliers, lamps or just decor elements.
  • It is not recommended to equip a berth in a niche or under an arch. If you sleep in such a place, then there will be no energy fullness.
  • Do not put plants near, they will only interfere with healthy sleep.
  • The bed should not touch the wall on which there is a door elsewhere. Also, the place between the window and the entrance to the room is not recommended. Such provisions also block replenishment of energy.
  • You can not put a bed in the middle of the room. There should be some support and headboard protection.
  • Do not put things, boxes, or the like under your bed. Energy should circulate throughout the room, it is impossible to create stagnation places or block access.
  • The most suitable place to sleep is the farthest corner relative to the front door.
  • The bed should preferably be made of natural wood. Thread also has a beneficial effect. If the bed is old, in it the dream will be healthy and correct.
  • Do not put a mirror in front of the bed. In no case should a sleeping person be reflected in a mirror.

Icon in the bedroom

This question concerns believers. Someone believes that in the bedroom you can not hang icons. However, it is not. Images of saints can be placed in the bedroom. The main thing is that she should be in the east, so that, by offering prayers and appeals to higher powers, the person himself would be facing east.

You can even make a red corner, as was customary in Russia, is still done in the villages or houses of believers. The icon will always protect, help, guide and reassure.

Sleep and dreams are not simple, mysterious and complex, from the point of view of science, phenomenon. A person's condition depends on a sound, healthy and calm sleep. It is better to try to take into account the advice of our ancestors and the wisdom of the teachings of Feng Shui, to ensure the correct position of the bed. In any case, you also need to listen to yourself. Let the dream be calm, bringing vigor, strength and good mood.


Watch the video: Why can no sleep with your feet toward the door? (July 2024).