Fern: folk signs and beliefs. Is it possible to grow on the site and in the house?


In the superstitions of many peoples of the world, fern acts as a mystical plant. There are many legends associated with this plant. Even N.V. Gogol attributed magical properties to fern, in his work “Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupal” describes that, having picked a fern flower, one can find treasures belonging to evil spirits. There is a legend that fern blooms only one night a year; finding a flower is considered a huge success. Due to the mystical properties of the plant, not everyone decides to grow it in a house, apartment or on a plot. At the same time, fern often grows on a personal territory.

Should I be afraid of this plant? Will it attract good luck or, conversely, bring misfortune?

Esoteric opinion

It is known that fern grew on our planet in prehistoric times, when only dinosaurs inhabited the Earth. The plant has survived to this day in its original form.

Esotericists believe that fern has powerful energy. It can be used in various rituals, ceremonies.

The Slavs used it to drive out all evil spirits from the house, to remove spoilage, the evil eye, carried out with it the energy cleaning of the premises.

It is believed that fern has a positive effect on humans:

  • restores an aura;
  • protects against negative magic;
  • increases fortitude;
  • eliminates bad thoughts;
  • helps in healing from diseases.

To conduct a magical ritual, ferns are harvested from July to September. It is during this period that disputes mature.

It is believed that this is the peak of the plant’s magical power, it can be used for rituals, creating amulets, amulets. For example, a mascot that protects a person and his house is made from the stems of a fern. Such a magical item is worn on a naked body, hidden in secluded places in the house, and they try to place the stems higher. In addition to protection, such talismans attract luck to the house and increase wealth.

Healers have been using fern since ancient times. The healing properties of the plant have been known for a long time.

From it make decoctions, medicinal powders, lotions and the like. Fern helps healers, healers and herbalists rid a person of many ailments.

Is it possible to grow fern in the house

Signs regarding the content of fern in the house are ambiguous, sometimes contradict themselves. The main idea is that the effect of a plant on a person depends largely on himself. This refers to his lifestyle, actions, behavior, attitude towards other people.

There is a belief that fern helps a good person, and vice versa.

However, there are positive signs about growing fern in the house:

  • If you get a fern in the house, it will bring harmony, tranquility, peace. This will be especially useful when the family often quarrel and quarrel.
  • In a house where several generations of relatives live at the same time, it is recommended to keep a fern. The plant will help to erase the misunderstanding between the old and the young, will improve relations, and will teach you to be more tolerant and restrained.
  • The mystical plant will protect the house and all family members from damage, the evil eye, evil intentions and wishes. Also discourage enemies and envious.
  • It is believed that the fern, by its presence, drives away all evil spirits.
  • The plant will attract luck, prosperity, prosperity in the house. All family members fall under the influence of a fern.

An interesting fact: if you notice that the fern began to dry, wither, and change the color of the leaves - most likely, you or another family member tried to spoil or jinx it, and the plant took a hit.

In addition to positive signs, there are also negative ones. With the appearance of fern in the house, some negative aspects are associated:

  • Fern is an energy vampire, absorbs the energy not only of people living in the house, but of the whole house. The plant, as it were, devastates everything around it. Therefore, it can not be placed in the bedroom or living room, where family members spend most of their time. A suitable place is a window sill near any equipment, for example, a computer or laptop, TV.
  • Fern absorbs large amounts of oxygenespecially at night. If standing next to the bed, it may cause a headache in the morning.
  • In the period from July to September, spores mature in the fern. Therefore, the plant can cause a lot of inconvenience to people prone to allergic reactions.

The conclusion can be drawn as follows - it is possible to store fern in the house, however, some conditions regarding the place for the plant must be observed. Put it where you are least of all, fern will not cause harm, will help with its energy. In addition, the fern absorbs dust and absorbs electromagnetic radiation from devices.

Is it possible to grow fern in the garden

It happens that the fern itself grows on a personal plot. Usually the plant chooses a place where there is little sun and a lot of moisture, for example, near a ditch or a reservoir, if any. Also, fern is often used in landscape design, it is planted specifically, using its lush greens for the beauty of the composition. Is this plant harmful? Is it possible to grow fern in the garden?

Features associated with fern in the infield:

  • The plant becomes a charm for the house and family, being not only in the house, but also in the surrounding area. By his presence, he will drive away envious people, help preserve the crop, and drive away thieves.
  • If you catch the moment of flowering, you can make a wish - it will come true. There are many legends associated with fern flower.
  • The fern in the garden energetically suits Gemini and Aquarius, helps these zodiac signs find harmony within themselves, reveals the spiritual potential, develops a creative streak.
  • Fern can help everyone else in achieving their goals, not pay attention to the little things.

There is another belief associated with fern growing outdoors. It is strongly discouraged to tear off branches or tear out the entire plant with the root. This can lead to trouble not only for the person who did this, but also for his entire family. It is believed that fern should be treated with respect and care.

If you like fern, do not be afraid to store it in a house or in personal territory. You can purchase a decorative option in a specialized store, they will tell you how to care for the plant. Let the fern become not just a decoration, but also a reliable amulet for you and your family.


Watch the video: Top 15 Most Powerful Medicinal Plants (June 2024).