Ideal girl: 10 characteristics from men


Who is she, the perfect girl? Mystery, mystery, incomprehensible dream, or each of us girls, but we don’t know about that? Anyway, why not get closer to the masculine ideal. Each person has their own taste and preferences, but there are standard female features that are fascinating.

The girl must be attractive, which means:

  1. Look after your face, hands, body, hair. Bringing beauty - at home or in the cabin - you decide. Remember, only regular care gives the best effect.
  2. Work on your figure. And it is not necessary to achieve model standards (men love and slightly chubby), but just to be fit, with a beautiful silhouette.
  3. In time and more thoroughly get rid of body hair. Hairiness for girls is a taboo.
  4. To select clothes that fit favorably, breaks down imperfections and highlights advantages.
  5. Use cosmetics and perfume sparingly.

Nobody has canceled the rules of hygiene, I think this is natural for everyone.

Basic care is easy to perform, and the result is amazing.

Men love to chat and really appreciate a good conversationalist. Sociable, comprehensively developed woman, able to win any heart. Feel free to talk about your hobbies, travels, funny stories from life.

A girl who knows how to communicate, catches her charm, well-read, erudition.

A sense of humor is an important aspect of a light and easy conversation, it should be developed absolutely for everyone.

It is worth noting that a sociable person is not the one who chatters without stopping any uninteresting nonsense. A sociable person is, first of all, a pleasant conversationalist, talking with whom you don’t notice the time.

Naturalness is a tidbit that attracts any person. Do not seem better, be yourself: laugh, have fun, joke, speak when you want.

In some situations you will look funny or ridiculous, but believe me, funny girls attract more proud and insensitive queens.

As for cosmetics, its minimum quantity is welcomed here. After a kiss, men do not like to wash off lipstick and foundation. Luminous eyes, a slight blush on the cheeks and a laid-back smile are much more attractive than tons of makeup.

Drinking or smoking a girl causes disgust and dislike. Of course, men get acquainted with such instances, and even start a relationship, but this relationship will be short-lived and it won’t reach the wedding.

A girl who smokes or drinks does not brag to her friends and does not introduce her parents.

In addition, sooner or later, a woman will give birth, and what kind of child can a person lead a similar lifestyle? The answer is obvious.

Coming home, the man wants to be met by a beautiful wife with a hot dinner on the table. They love to be pampered with something tasty.

We all know that the path to a man’s heart lies through his stomach. So why not learn how to cook?

To do this, there is a bunch of material on the Internet and books in the store. Culinary skills in life will definitely come in handy. It is very important to maintain cleanliness in the house, to create coziness, atmosphere. I always want to return to such a house. If you do not know how to manage, then this is a business, the main desire.

Smart women are always surrounded by attention. They have a fascinating conversation, are able to beautifully express thoughts and give advice in various fields.

It is only in films that men love silly blondes, for life you need not a beautiful doll, but a smart personality.

In this matter, the main thing is not to overdo it, and to shut up in time. Too reasonable girls, men shy away, as they fear being dumber against their background. Remember, nothing decorates a girl like a book.

The strength of a woman is her weakness, and you can not argue with that. Modern girls are used to solving problems on their own, as they say, "drag everything on their shoulders," thereby preventing the man from showing his strength, reliability, ability to support and help out. But it’s precisely fragile, graceful girls who most of all want to love, groom and cherish.

Obedience, meekness, mystery, easy gait, simplicity - all this is typical of a real lady.

With such girls, the man feels majestic, strong, confident, next to her is ready to conquer new heights.

A woman (according to men) should not have any impudence, arrogance, swear words. The ideal companion does not raise her voice, she is calm and calm.

Such a girl does not make a scandal, does not scream about and without him, and if there is a nuisance, she will give the man an opportunity to make excuses.

Of course, expressing your emotions and feelings is possible and necessary, but here we are talking about everyday scandals and reproaches that only destroy relationships ... A wise woman understands that she can achieve her in another way.

Caring and kindness perfectly complement the ideal image of a girl. Every man, even a brutal male, needs care, attention and affection. Do not forget about it, and next time, instead of another quarrel, prepare a man's favorite food. Help, praise, support, be for your man, not only a girl, but also a reliable friend.

Share the hobbies of your beloved: go fishing, travel, play dominoes.

No matter what you do, the main thing is to spend time together, taking care of each other, because it makes people cool and changes their relationship only for the better. Finding in your face an ideal woman, lover and friend, a man will not look for someone on the side.

A perfect woman ignites, inspires, makes a man truly happy, becomes for him a source of delight and joy. A man will never let such a woman go, he will do anything for her: he will get a star from heaven, and he will throw the world at his feet. It is difficult to achieve the ideal, but if you try, the result will not be long in coming. You will be amazed at how dramatically your relationship with men and life in general will change.


Watch the video: 10 Characteristics Of The Perfect Woman (July 2024).