Greenery on the windowsill: will it grow if it is transplanted from the garden? How to grow parsley, cilantro, spinach and dill at home


Greens on the windowsill allows you to replenish the diet with useful vitamins all year round. At the end of the season, some green crops can be safely transferred to the house, where they will continue to grow and produce crops.

The basic rules for growing greenery in the winter on the windowsill

In order for the plants on the windowsill to feel comfortable and not to suffer from dry air, it is necessary to create suitable conditions for growing.

  1. Comfortable temperature for greens from 18 to 20 ° C.
  2. Humidity should be more than 50%, ideally 60 - 70%.
  3. Lighting at least 12 - 14 hours a day.

In winter, daylight hours are short, so natural light on the windowsill is not enough to grow greenery, and central heating dries the air very much. Therefore, the planting must be supplemented with lamps and additionally moisturize the air. You can regularly spray plants or put them on a pallet with wet expanded clay.

The rest of the growing greens is no different from the content of any plants. Use garden soil or a special store substrate. Garden soil is pre-disinfected.

Pots are prepared in advance and sprayed with a solution of Fitosporin to kill pathogens.

How to transplant parsley from the garden to the house: care and cultivation

Parsley feels good at home. The plant can be easily transplanted from the garden in order to cut vitamin greens all winter. However, there are some nuances that are worth knowing.

Parsley pot choose deep, but not very wide. Plants are dug carefully so as not to damage the growth point. Planted close to each other.

The soil for planting should be slightly moist, since after that the parsley is not watered for several days.

The pot is carried out in a cool room, for example, a corridor, a glazed loggia or a veranda. When the acclimatization period has passed, and young leaves begin to grow, parsley is brought into the house.

Cut the first greens when the shoots reach a height of 15 cm or more. If earlier chopped parsley, then it will not grow anymore.

We grow cilantro from the beds on the windowsill

Cilantro on the windowsill is a fragrant seasoning available every day. An ordinary resident of a city apartment can grow it, because there is nothing complicated about it.

At the end of autumn, the plant is dug up and transplanted into a spacious pot. The soil is used loose and moisture-resistant. Water the cilantro as needed, several times you can feed the greens with complex mineral fertilizers.

A significant role in the cultivation of lighting plays. Cilantro prefer bright light, pots set on the south window. However, even there the plant may feel a lack of lighting. You can notice this by the elongated shoots. In this case, it is better to use the backlight.

Is it possible to transplant spinach from the garden to the house?

Spinach is known for its beneficial properties; it cleanses the body well, increases hemoglobin, and improves metabolism. You can grow it at home, so that in winter you can treat your loved ones with fresh herbs.

On a windowsill, it is better to grow early varieties with a compact outlet. The following varieties showed good results:

  • Godry
  • Gigantic;
  • Virofle;
  • Victoria;
  • Melody.

The spinach transplant is easy to tolerate, the main thing is to water the plant well before work. The outlet is removed carefully, being careful not to damage the root system. Planted in a shallow but spacious pot. The soil is well compacted and watered abundantly.

In pots, the presence of drainage holes is mandatory so that spinach does not get sick with fungal diseases. The soil for planting is suitable for any, but not acidic. It is better to give preference to neutral or slightly alkaline soil.

If there is no spinach on the garden, then you can plant it at home with seeds. Use fresh seeds, since stale germination is low.

Growing spinach seedlings at home is not difficult. The seeds are soaked before planting in order to accelerate their germination and increase germination. Planted in a container with a height of 15 cm, which is filled with loose soil. Seeding depth is up to 2 cm. After planting, the container is placed in a greenhouse. Shoots will appear in 1.5 weeks.

When the spinach sprouts grow, they are dived into more free containers. Seedlings tolerate this procedure well, there should not be any special problems. Further plant care includes watering and top dressing.

Important! Spinach from seeds in the spring can be transferred to the garden.

Will dill grow from the garden at home

For cultivation on the windowsill choose bush varieties of dill. Gardeners often plant Gribovsky. It grows rapidly and gives a lot of greenery even at home.

Important! It is difficult to transfer dill from the garden, it does not take root well, so it is better to plant a plant with seeds.

For dill to grow thick and green, it needs good care. During the growing season, be sure to use the backlight, otherwise the seedlings will stretch. Planted in late summer or early fall, as the seeds sprout for a long time.

Dill is grown in seedlings or cassettes, which are pre-disinfected. The bottom of the containers must be drained, filled with fertile and loose soil. Then they begin to sow the prepared seeds.

It is most convenient to sow greens in rows, rather than chaotically. Top seeds are covered with a thin layer of soil and covered with a greenhouse. The container is cleaned in a warm place where the temperature does not drop below + 18 ° C. The first sprouts of dill will appear in 10 days.

The greenhouse is removed, the temperature is slightly lowered so that the sprouts do not stretch.

In the future, dill is regularly watered and fed. It is difficult to get quality greens at home without the use of fertilizers. Top dressing is applied every 10 to 15 days, using complex mineral fertilizers.


Watch the video: 9 Herbs You Can Grow In Water Over And Over Again For Endless Supply (July 2024).