Grapefruit is an "insidious" product. Doctor's opinion on the benefits and dangers of grapefruit


Grapefruit (Latin name: Citrus paradisi) is a fruit of the grapefruit tree that is found in almost all subtropical countries. The fruit is the result of crossing orange (Citrus aurantium) and pomelo (Citrus maxima). While grapefruits are available year-round, pomelo is relatively difficult to find in Russia.

Grapefruit was first discovered in the early 18th century on the island of Barbados. The origins of economic exploitation lie in Florida, where the first plantations appeared. Today, grapefruits are grown in almost all subtropical countries: the United States, South Africa, Mexico, Syria and Turkey. The fruits are very heat resistant and grow both in deserts and in humid tropics.

Grapefruit Description

Often the term grapefruit is mistakenly used to mean pomelo. At room temperature, exotic fruits can be stored for up to 3 months. Grapefruit is sensitive to cold, so the shelf life in the refrigerator is much less - up to 1 month.

The skin color is yellow, and the flesh is from bright yellow to dark red. The grapefruit peel is divided into different segments and usually has a bitter taste. The pulp has a sweet-sour taste, and sometimes it is bitter. Grapefruit is considered the largest fruit of all citrus fruits. The diameter can reach up to 30 centimeters, and weight - up to 6 kilograms.

Nutritional Information of Grapefruit

Compositionper 100 g
Kilocalories50 g
Water90 g
Sugar8 g
Fats0.2 g
Potassium180 mg
Calcium18 mg
Magnesium10 mg
Vitamin C44 mg

Healing effects

Clinical studies show that regular consumption of grapefruit helps to reduce body weight. An enzyme called AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPP) is activated by an organic compound from grapefruit juice. It increases the availability of glucose (sugars) for cells and speeds up metabolism.

AMP is usually activated during exercise to help muscles use stored sugar and fats.

The bitter substance "naringin" destroys cholesterol and stimulates digestion, especially the digestion of fat. Improving digestion is associated with the bitter taste of the fetus, which stimulates the production of gastric juice.

Bitter substances improve satiety from food; this makes grapefruit useful in a healing diet.

However, the fruit should not be consumed in too large quantities. Naringin improves insulin sensitivity. Since it has a positive effect on blood sugar, it can prevent diabetes.

In addition to vitamins and nutrients, grapefruit juice also contains calcium and iron. Iron is known to be responsible for energy production and supports the transport of oxygen in the blood. Calcium is responsible for the physicochemical properties of hard tissues; It promotes the growth and formation of bones and teeth. A chemical is also necessary for normal kidney function.

Daily use of 1 liter of grapefruit juice helps to fill the deficiency of minerals and fluids in the body. Exceeding the daily dosage of juice is not recommended, because the likelihood of side effects increases.

Side effects

The decomposition products of bitter substances in the body disrupt the enzymatic system of the liver. They block an enzyme in the liver that breaks down some drugs. As a result, the concentration of medications in the blood and their side effects may increase.

Medicines that affect the heart rate, along with grapefruit, can disrupt the functioning of the heart.

Blood pressure lowering medications are also dangerous because blood pressure can drop much more than usual. It is necessary to avoid taking all types of drugs with grapefruit juice. The same goes for pomelo consumption.

The ability of grapefruit to interact with drugs was accidentally discovered in a 1989 clinical study. Then it was confirmed in experimental conditions by the same research group in 1991. It was found that the combined introduction of grapefruit juice with calcium channel blockers increases the effects of the latter. Patients significantly decreased blood pressure and accelerated heart rate. Since then, this phenomenon has been studied in many other studies.

Patients with kidney disease should also be careful with grapefruit. Too much potassium can be problematic for people whose kidneys do poorly. If the urinary system is unable to remove excess potassium from the blood, this can lead to fatal cardiac arrhythmias. Patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) experience heartburn and belching when consuming grapefruit, as the fruits are very acidic.

In 2007, a study revealed the ability of the fetus to increase the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women. Research shows that a product can increase blood estrogen levels by blocking the P4503A4 molecule. It has already been established that estrogen is associated with a risk of breast cancer. However, this is the first time that commonly consumed food is associated with cancer in older women.

Why do doctors call grapefruit "insidious"?

The safe use of grapefruit

The fruit gained popularity at the end of the 19th century, when manufacturers in Central America and Florida began to export their products to Europe. It is valued for its low calorie content and high vitamin C.

It is usually eaten at breakfast and slightly sweetened with honey, sugar or artificial sweeteners.

Grapefruit can be consumed whole or with other foods. The fruit can also be used in desserts or salads. Most types of fruit are used in the production of juices.

Grapefruit is most often used in a salad along with chicken, herbs, apple and egg. The best combination is grapefruit, bananas, orange, apple and chocolate sauce. It also goes well with tangerines, kiwi, pineapple, pears and blue grapes. It is recommended to add figs, dates, walnut kernels or pistachios to the fruit salad.
