The day after childbirth: the psychological and physiological state of a woman


The first day after the birth of a child is not an easy time, because the end of pregnancy includes a lot of physiological processes. The contraction of the empty uterus and the onset of lactation are supported by a powerful hormonal adjustment, which affects both the physical and psychological state of the young mother.

The physical state

  • Pressure change. Immediately after childbirth, almost every woman faces a sharp drop in blood pressure - it can rise or fall sharply. Sometimes the pressure surge causes headache, but most often the postpartum period is marked by weakness, dizziness and darkening of the eyes. In the first 5 hours, the woman must remain in bed, since severe dizziness can lead to falls and injuries. Low pressure and low body temperature will continue on the second day after birth.
  • Dehydration. The generic process and the beginning of lactation make the woman who gave birth to feel great thirst. The first day after birth, the need for fluid will be very high, so take care of abundant drinking in advance.
  • Bleeding. It will continue for several weeks after delivery, gradually weakening. During the first day should closely monitor the intensity of bleeding.

Pain sensations

Painful contractions on the first day after birth will remain just a memory, and by the second day the pain will begin to erase from memory. The process may be reminded of pain of varying degrees of intensity associated with:

  • Rips and seams. A woman will feel a sore peritoneal pain, there may be difficulty urinating. Do not forget that the timely emptying of the bladder and intestines are very important, and although the woman may not feel the urge, you should be very careful in monitoring the toilet trips.
  • Contraction of the uterus. This process will take time - the uterus will contract and go under the pubic bone with slight cramping pains.
  • Tide milk. By the end of the first day the breast will begin to fill, preparing for the appearance of milk. Up to three days the baby will eat colostrum. To successfully establish lactation, the baby will have to be applied to the breast as often as possible.
  • Cracked nipples. Incorrect attachment of the baby to the breast can turn into a serious problem - the appearance of wounds and cracks. To prevent this from happening, make sure that the baby captures the entire areola with its mouth. Small tingling in the area of ​​the milk ducts, severe swelling and heaviness in the chest are normal.
  • The load on the muscles during labor. The painful period, when the body of a woman made very intense efforts, can turn into muscle pain persisting on the second day after childbirth.


  1. Stomach. Depending on the elasticity of the skin and the elasticity of the muscles, someone will get rid of the abdomen almost immediately. However, it is not surprising that the stomach may not go away immediately and by the time of discharge it will be necessary to use the same clothes as before the birth.
  1. Stretch marks. For someone serious stretch will be stretching, which will become even more noticeable after childbirth. In addition, stretches on the chest, greatly increased due to the onset of lactation, can be added to the already existing ugly purple stripes on the abdomen or thighs.
  1. Face. If abnormal behavior during childbirth can affect the vessels of the eyes and face. Red squirrels and small hemorrhages on the face persist for several more days after delivery. And the beginning of lactation may be accompanied by a slight swelling, especially noticeable in the area of ​​the eyelids, nose and lips.

Psychological state

The strongest exertion and pain experienced in the generic process is replaced by a feeling of euphoria. Emotional rise is connected not only with the fact that the woman coped with the most difficult task, but the long-term pain finally receded. Hormones come into play - oxytocin, which causes contractions of the uterus, is also responsible for the high spirits of the mother and for the wave of love and tenderness that the mother experiences to the baby. It is the effect of hormones that explains the nature of the maternal instinct. Hormones are also responsible for a burst of energy - vigor persists for several weeks after giving birth, which allows the young mother to sleep in fragments and care for the newborn without falling off her feet from fatigue.

It is very important for every woman who gave birth to is the need for proper rest. Therefore, the first day after childbirth, you should try to postpone time-consuming contacts with friends and relatives, phone talks. Minutes and hours spent on communication, it is better to use for sleep. The body will need time to restructure and transition from a pregnant state to a normal state, so within a few days the woman will begin to experience fatigue and anxiety, and the euphoria caused by intensive production of oxytocin will give way to irritability or even depression.

Text: Vera Guler


Watch the video: Physiological Changes During Pregnancy (June 2024).