The meaning of the name of Said, the origin and history of the name. What awaits a girl named Saida: easy character and happy fate


The name of a person is a unique code that portends him a certain fate. It is very important to get into the interpretation of your name, as there may be clues in it that will help you easier to survive the misfortunes, get more pleasure from joyful events. What does the name Said mean? It’s worth sorting out.

The meaning of the name Said

Saida - "happy", "happy." The meaning of the name Said has a short form - this is Saya, Saidushka, Ida. The zodiac sign that protects such a girl is the lion. The number that controls the name is one. This is the beginning, an easy start.

Such girls are easy to climb, they are always ready for new discoveries and new achievements. Said’s name does not answer, since in the Christian tradition there is no saint of the same name. Moreover, the name is widespread in Europe.

The origin and history of the name of Said

What does the name Said mean - "happy". It has a Tatar origin and that is why at first it did not take root too much in Europe. It was believed that babies named after that name could easily overcome all the vicissitudes of fate, therefore, if girls were born in a noble family, they were often called Saids.

The origin and history of the name of Said have rather ancient roots, which allows us to argue about its mixed origin. Some historians insist that the name is of Turkic origin and literally means - "enlightened". Such children are often welcome and loved.

The character and fate of Saida

Saida has a rather strong-willed character, which can manifest itself in different situations in different ways. On the one hand, having strong-willed traits of character and the makings of a leader, it will not be difficult for a girl to overcome life’s trials and remain happy at the same time.

On the other hand, it can be overly impulsive and thereby push away not only the opposite sex, but also people who love it. She is often angry with others for no particular reason, is often naughty and requires special attention even at an older age.

She is impulsive and therefore not entirely successful in business, where you need to plan ahead and calculate every step you take. She does not know how to lead, because her character lacks flexibility, she constantly finds reasons to be saddened and this affects her subordinates.

As a subordinate, she will show all her strengths of character and will greatly win in front of her colleagues, since she grasps everything on the fly. It is enough for her once to explain how to perform this or that job and she simply grasps on the fly. She strives to constantly learn and improve. That is why, she is a valuable employee to be treasured.

The team is not sweet with her. She constantly strives to dominate and subordinate to her will, which leads to excessive pressure on her subordinates. She does not know how to show flexibility and selectivity. Her colleagues are strict because they do not trust and envy Saida. She seems to them a hypocritical impudent, but experienced and wise employees see her as an extremely valuable employee. She cooperates well with men, it is easy for her to find a common language with them and agree on the nuances of the matter.

A partner can fully rely on Saida, because for the sake of the common good she is ready even for a sacrifice. Money for her is in some way secondary, since she strives more for recognition and self-realization, but she will never refuse additional profit.

Positive character traits of Saida:

• Curiosity;

• Creativity;

• A wide range of interests;

• Ambition.

Unfortunately, Saida does not always restrain her emotions and cannot always make concessions and find a compromise. Sometimes her ambitions lead to high self-esteem and high demands on others. She often enjoys the trust of loved ones and at the same time pursues her personal selfish goals.

It is believed that Saids born in winter have a more impulsive and unbalanced character, Girls born in summer are more rational and flexible, they are more used to trust intuition and rely on their own experience. Summer Saids, more creative personalities, they like to give light and emotions to people.

The nature and fate of Saida suggests that girl strive for freedom both physical and spiritual. She is in no hurry to get married early and is not in a hurry to become a mother early. Said is not inclined to obey the vicissitudes of fate, she likes to experiment and rebuild life for herself more.

Saida loves everything ingenious, the latest. She is impressed by professions related to creativity, creativity, therefore, she is looking for a life partner with a rather non-standard worldview. The girl’s fans are always many, but men with serious intentions are the other way around. She is more and more inclined to the fact that a calm, balanced man without special ambitions will suit her.

Saida loves his soul and seeks return from his life partner. She is the owner, so she is jealous not only of her husband, but also of her son. At the same time, this jealousy does not become pathological and in some way does not prevent her from building a trusting relationship with her soulmate. Saida’s man is always in the spotlight, he is not deprived of love and passion, on the contrary, his life is filled with joyful moments.

Saida not prone to second marriageonly if the first does not become an early experiment. If the man next to her is patient and loving, then she will be incredibly happy and filled with joy. She will be able to calmly move forward through life, supporting her life partner.

Saida - exquisite beauty, from her breathes calm and poise. This girl always finds a way out of a difficult situation and never lose heart over trifles. Having such a girlfriend, you can not worry that you will not be supported in difficult times. Saida always knows what her close people need and tries to give them this in advance. She tries to provide their life with everything necessary, since she herself is happy that everyone who is near her is happy.


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