Can you get obesity? The obesity epidemic in developed countries is not accidental (shocking photos!)


In some countries in America and Europe, the scale of obesity and overweight problems exceeds all acceptable standards. Commonly called such reasons for being overweight:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • personal lifestyle.

However, researchers at Harvard University James Fowler and Nicholas Christakis came to the conclusion that the social situation and the general standard of living in the country are of great importance.

They came to the conclusion that people subconsciously adapt to others in order to look identical and protected by common standards. Therefore, they subconsciously choose food and clothing that brings them together and makes them look like.

Key risk factors

They used theses from Eric Aronson's book “Man is a Public Animal,” in which social life has a decisive influence on personal preferences. Therefore, simple self-control is not enough, it is necessary to monitor such factors:

the ratio of income and expenses on sports and healthy nutrition;

the presence of friends and relatives with an uncontrolled lifestyle, impaired metabolism and problems with being overweight;

adequate assessment by others and self-esteem - people in anti-obesity groups, instead of solving the problem, often begin to console each other and convince that this is just such a feature that distinguishes an individual image.

Female opinion: as they say, they can afford it, first create a problem, and then courageously solve it and wait for the sympathy of others. These are the costs of a developed civilization - affordable nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle and the effects of hormonal medications. But the manufacturers of "diet pills" are satisfied with the growing demand.

In the photo below - the everyday life of America. Every year, more and more people are no longer able to walk.

Do you know how much the world's fattest child weighs?

Most likely, shock awaits you now! Because the girl Jessica Leonard, who lives in Chicago (USA), weighed at the age of 7 years ... 222 kilograms! Due to her nightmarish weight, Jessica could not sit, walk, independently roll over on her side.

Her daughter helped her move around, and she fed Jessica to enormous proportions, constantly stuffing with fried meat, french fries, chips and other fast food. In the photo below, a shot from a television show featuring Jessica.

The heaviest person in history is also recognized as an American John Brower Minnock, who weighed 635 kilograms! This record was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. John also set another record. He was subsequently able to reset 419 kg!

In the photo below, children's photos of John Minnock.

Against the backdrop of these creepy numbers, the extra 5-10 kg that bothers you does not look so scary anymore, does it?


Watch the video: This Whole Family Is Morbidly Obese. Family by the Ton (July 2024).