Why dream needles, prick a needle? The main interpretations of different dream books - what are the needles for


In a dream, you can witness the most unusual events. But will dreams affect your life? What are the needles for dreams? How to interpret such a dream?

What are the needles for dreams - the main interpretation

In a dream, you can see yourself in your favorite pastime, in your favorite place. You can see yourself happy, or vice versa, miserable. In a dream, you can make decisions. But why do you have a dream in which you see needles? In order to fully interpret such a dream, it is necessary to carefully study all its details:

· Where exactly did you see the needles;

· Was there a lot of them;

· What metal they were made of;

· Have you lost them?

· Have you survived in a dream;

· Who else appeared in your dream.

If in a dream you see a huge number of needles scattered around you on the floor - you will face major troubles that you will have to deal with yourself. No need to worry and panic, start thinking about how to anticipate possible troubles and minimize their negative consequences for your life.

The dream book says that if the needles are scattered on the floor in your house, then you should expect troubles and a dirty trick from your loved ones. If the needles are scattered across the floor at your work in a dream, you should be wary of empty talk and gossip. Your professional abilities will not be appreciated and you will have to confirm them several times.

The dream in which you find the needle in your pillow indicates that your peace will be disturbed by some terrible event. It can be a disease of a loved one, or even a serious illness that will affect yourself.

The dream in which you see someone sticking a needle into your pillow says that you should know your enemy in person. Try to do it as quickly as possible. Do not trust all secrets to close people, leave something a mystery, let them not know what you have in mind, then it will come true.

A dream in which you see someone sewing a button with a needle speaks of your affection for someone that you cannot refuse. It may seem to you that you are sewn to another person. You may be burdened by this connection and somewhat annoyed that a person is imposing himself on you.

Do not be nervous and worry. Stay calm. Relax, consider all your further actions. If in a dream you sew a button with a needle to your clothes - it is worth paying attention to whether you are holding a person near you, whether you are managing his life, are you influencing her?

If you know what this could be, and you really have a huge impact on another person - stop doing this because you are harming yourself. A dream in which you are presented with a set of needles - says that you have to work hard for the good of the common cause. Do not neglect this necessity. Try to fulfill all the obligations that will be assigned to you - then you really will become a happy person, because your work will be appreciated.

The dream in which you pricked your finger with a needle, but the blood did not come out, indicates troubles that you can quickly cope with. If in a dream you see how your blood went from the wound, and you can’t stop it in any way - such a dream speaks of troubles that will be chronic. You will constantly fight with someone, prove something to someone and you won’t be able to stop. Try to be more attentive and not worry about nothing. It is in your power to change your life for the better.

The dream in which you stab someone with a needle indicates that you lack love and affection. You will try to get them from a stranger and as a result you yourself will suffer. You will want reciprocity, but in the end, you will be refused, they will tell you that you are not needed. Try to anticipate such events in your life and not be very upset because of them. Perhaps it was your recent actions and attitude towards the person that led to what is happening in your life now. No one is to blame for your situations except yourself. Try to come to terms with this and do no harm to anyone else.

The dream in which you buy gold needles promises you pleasant chores and a lot of pleasant communication. You will be the center of attention, and it will bring you new acquaintances and new opportunities. Try not to miss the chance to declare yourself and do more to develop your business.

The dream in which you buy needles of an unusual shape - says that you want to diversify your life and you will strive to do this in a variety of ways. Starting from an unusual vacation and ending with new acquaintances and communication. The dream in which you cook needles - says that something prevents you from building your own life. You will try to determine for a long time what exactly is bothering you. It will take a lot of time, but you will achieve the result.

The dream in which you sew up holes on clothes with rusty, old needles speaks of your illness and financial problems. Perhaps you really want to earn enough money and are afraid that you will not succeed due to some circumstances. Your fears are not groundless, you just feel that a lot of things in your life are not going as you would like.

A dream in which you have been trying to draw a thread into a needle for a long time indicates that it is time for you to understand business matters. You started some important business and you just can’t bring it to the end.

Why dream needles on Freud’s dream book

In Freud's dream book it is said that needles can dream of empty quarrels and insults. To avoid them, you need to devote less to other people in the affairs of personal life, not to allow anyone into personal relationships. Try to be honest and open with your soulmate, then you can resolve any conflict.

What are the needles for when you find them in your bed? Such a dream can indicate both problems in personal life and health problems of an intimate plan. Try not to be nervous and not worry, keep calm more and be aware of everything that happens to you.

If someone gossips and claims will provoke you to scandal - stop communicating with this person. The dream in which you see a broken needle indicates that something in your life will break sharply. You will be confused and want to restore justice, relationships, lost connections.

Why dream needles on the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book it is said that the needles dream of enmity and problems. If you see a needle with a precious eye - such a dream means that your desire to benefit from some event or event will not produce a result. A dream in which you will draw a thread into a needle for a long time indicates that you will make a decision regarding financial matters for a long time. Do not drag out. The more you think, the worse you do.

A dream in which you have been trying to find a needle for a long time and cannot do it at all means that you will not restore justice. You will increasingly try to defend your point of view and all in vain.

The dream in which you stick the needles into the pillow - says that you will accumulate evil and resentment for a loved one and one day this evil will splash out on yourself. Try to prevent such a conflict and save your face.

What are the needles for other dream books for?

In the dream book Grishina said that the needles dream of gossip and empty talk. You will be pricked with words and deeds. You will not know how to behave in a difficult situation. If you interpret the whole dream - this may give you additional clues. A dream in which there are a huge number of needles around you indicates that you have many enemies and ill-wishers. Try to refuse to communicate with those who once showed aggression towards you.

A dream in which you can’t sew something for a long time because of a blunt needle indicates that you are moving in the wrong direction. The Wanderer’s dream book says that such a dream can promise you difficulties in family life and in love due to a lack of understanding and support from partners. To restore relations, you do not need to be rude and unbalanced with your partner. You need to be understanding and loving. The dream in which you see a huge needle - says that you have to work hard, but it will benefit you and bring profit.


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