Self-restoration of hair with masks from eggs and honey. Effective egg-honey hair masks: effective recipes


Healthy and shiny hair is a sign of a well-groomed girl. Very popular among a fair half of humanity is hair care made from natural ingredients. One such lifesaver is a mask based on honey and eggs.

Benefits for hair from egg and honey masks

The unique combination of honey and eggs has a healing effect. Rich in beneficial substances, honey improves the condition of hair from roots to ends. Included in it:

• Folic acid stops hair loss and gives health to weakened hair.

• Ascorbic acid nourishes the hair and improves the blood supply to the scalp.

• Vitamin E moisturizes, gives shine and volume to curls, and also perfectly protects from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

• Vitamin B6 eliminates itching and dryness, combats dandruff and hair loss.

• Glucose and fructose saturates with radiance and brilliance.

An egg, added to the diet, supplies vitamins necessary for human health. However, external use also has a number of positive properties, thanks to the following trace elements:

• Biotin enhances splendor and accelerates growth.

• Niacin helps strengthen hair follicles, stimulates the growth process, and improves blood circulation.

• Retinol prevents cross-section and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.

• Thiamine gives strength, smoothness and obedience, combats dryness and brittleness.

• Pantothenic acid gives vitality to the roots and ends of the hair, eliminates dandruff and loss.

How to apply hair masks based on eggs and honey?

In order for the action of the procedure to be maximally focused on these points:

• Village eggs, not store eggs, will have the greatest effect.

• It is preferable to take honey from beekeepers, such a product is better.

• If bee nectar is too thick, melt it.

• Honey should be added to the mask when cooled, otherwise the egg will curl.

• To distribute the therapeutic mass, it is better to use a hair comb.

• Rinse off the egg mask better with cool water so that the egg does not curl.

• Mix the ingredients better with a mixer or blender, so the mass will spread less.

• Rinse off the product thoroughly, if necessary, rinse twice so that the effect of dirty hair does not occur.

• To avoid unpleasant odors, add 3-4 drops of your favorite essential oil.

Egg-honey hair beauty recipes

Among the abundance of hair beauty care products based on eggs and honey do not take the last place. Thanks to the valuable components in the composition of these products, the hair takes on a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

Repair mask

The recipe for hair restoration is simple and consists of only two ingredients. The number of products depends on the structure and length of the hair. For curls of medium length, it is enough to mix an egg and a tablespoon of melted honey. Lubricate the curls, collect them and wrap them tightly with a towel. After an hour, wash the mixture with shampoo.

Oil Masks

Masks made from eggs and honey when adding vegetable oils give a greater effect. Such an addition in the composition of the product saturates the curls with a healthy radiance and brilliance. Depending on the expected result, add the appropriate oil. Castor and burdock - for active growth or against loss. Olive and coconut - with brittleness and dryness. Strengthens hair and eliminates dandruff, sea buckthorn, peach and mustard oil.

Beat three yolks, pour six tablespoons of oil and one honey into them. Lubricate the roots and the entire remaining length with a porous mass. Let us saturate the curls with nutrient for an hour. Then, with the help of shampoo, wash all the remains of the mask.

Cleansing mask

Cognac (vodka) - 2 tablespoons are added to 2 whipped yolks mixed with a spoon of honey. We bring everything to a homogeneous mass. We apply along the entire length, put a hat on the head and wrap it with a towel. We wait until the mask gives a result and wash it off. The procedure for dry hair is 50 minutes. For fatty - 80 minutes.

Mask for density

Beat 1-2 eggs and mix with a tablespoon of honey and milk (1/3 cup). The mixture is liquid, so carefully apply it. Over the plastic cap we wrap our head with a towel. In the past hour, wash off.

Healing mask

Beat one egg yolk and mix with a tablespoon of melted honey. Add the same spoon of shampoo and henna. We mix all the components to a creamy state and lubricate the roots and tips with a tool. Wrap the head with a hat and a towel. Wash off the mask with shampoo after 20 minutes.

Mask against fat

Take two tablespoons of honey, add whipped yolk. Pour a tablespoon of lemon juice and vegetable oil. The resulting mass is left to soak in the hair for 50 minutes. After a while, thoroughly rinse the head with shampoo.

Important Points in Hair Care with Egg and Honey Masks

• Do not expect a noticeable result from the first session. Masks must be applied twice a week all month. Then you will see real changes in the structure and condition of the hair.

• A deep effect is exerted by products made from natural products. The content of chemical impurities may not lead to improvements, but rather worsen the quality of the hair.

• Egg-honey care is contraindicated in the presence of an allergic reaction to the components in the composition of the product. In this case, redness and itching occurs.

• You can check the body for an allergic reaction to the prepared mixture in this way: lubricate the nape of the neck with a medicinal mass and wait about a quarter of an hour. If the reaction did not occur, you can proceed with the application of the product.

The masks have proved their effectiveness in the fight against baldness, the problem of hair loss, weakening of hair follicles and the appearance of dandruff. Permanent procedures from egg-honey products will lead to the appearance of additional shine and smoothness.


Watch the video: Hair Mask To Double Your Hair Growth In Just 1 Month. DIY Egg Hair Mask (June 2024).