A celery stalk is a doctor in our refrigerator. What benefits does the use of celery stem bring to the body? Is there any harm?


It’s hard to imagine good nutritionists who don’t know about celery and don’t talk about its properties. Celery was known in ancient Greece. True, it was initially worn as a wreath on the head, and later it was recognized for its healing properties and began to be used not only to improve health, but simply as a food.

This vegetable goes well with meat dishes, highlighting them with its characteristic taste, and in salads and vegetable dishes gives an incredible aroma. Celery is also convenient in that it is not a big deal to grow it at home in the kitchen. Literally, a first aid kit on the windowsill.

Composition and calorie content of celery stalk

Most often, celery root is used in dishes, but it turns out that not only the roots, but also the stems with leaves have many useful properties. It all depends on the type of plant. Of course, all the beneficial and harmful properties are directly related to its vitamin and mineral composition.

The most famous fact about celery is that it has zero calorie content. In fact, this is not entirely correct. Celery stalks in 100 grams contain approximately 13-18 kcal. This is a very small amount for the product as a whole, and for the vegetable in particular. And its zero calorie content is based on the fact that the human body spends much more calories, digesting it than receiving it in return. Another remarkable fact is that celery stalks contain an incredible amount of fiber - about 2 g per 100 g of product. This has a very positive effect on the entire digestion process, which also helps the existence of the myth of zero-calorie product.

Also, celery stalks delight with its rich vitamin complex. It consists of vitamins A, E and a huge amount of B vitamins, and using only 100 grams of stem per day, the body receives a daily intake of vitamin C.

The mineral spectrum of the components is represented by phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium and iron.

In addition to vitamins, minerals and amino acids, the celery stalk is rich in essential oils, which also have a beneficial effect on the body and are successfully used not only in cooking, medicine, but also in perfumery. And yet, celery stalks are a powerful male aphrodisiac precisely because of the content of essential oils.

What are the beneficial properties of a celery stem?

So, taking into account the many flattering reviews about celery stalks, you can create an impressive list of its beneficial properties. It will look something like this:

· Strengthening and maintaining the immune system

Antiseptic effect;

Soft diuretic;

· Normalizes intestinal motility and metabolism in general;

· Natural antioxidant;

· Promotes regeneration at the cellular level;

· Reduces pressure, affects the cardiovascular system;

· Beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system, especially successfully affects the joints;

· Normalizes the nervous system, has relaxing properties;

· Promotes active weight loss.

Vegetable to the rescue. What diseases will the celery stem help?

The systematic use of celery stalk in food helps to reduce the influence of various nervous and stressful factors on the body, it is a natural and very useful source of well-being and mood, which can be easily shared with others. In addition, the celery stalk helps in solving problems such as:

Various urolithiasis;

Joint diseases: arthrosis, arthritis, rheumatism;

· Diseases of the cardiovascular system;

· headaches. Associated with vascular and nervous problems;


Infectious and catarrhal diseases;


Diseases of the respiratory system - asthma, tuberculosis



· oncological diseases;

Diseases of the nervous system.

The use of celery stalk to eliminate anxiety

Its calming properties are due to its high magnesium content. Magnesium not only normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, helps to cope with stress, fears and anxieties, but also helps to improve memory and attention.

Celery treatment for salt deposits in joints

Joints damaged by salt deposits lose their flexibility. When movements arise discomfort, creaks and crunching. And the usual celery stalk can also easily cope with this, because it contains sodium, which helps to neutralize the excessive influence of calcium and returns bones and joints to their previous health and flexibility.

Benefits in the treatment of kidneys

But due to the high water content in the vegetable, the celery stalk helps to cope with various urolithic diseases. Naturally, before the start of the treatment course, it is necessary to be examined by specialists, because uncontrolled use of celery can cause the movement of stones and sand, and this may entail the need for surgical intervention.

Celery and wasp waist: how to deal with overweight?

Earlier, we already discussed zero calorie stalk of celery. It is on this principle that his struggle with excess weight is based. Nutritionists confirm that only a seven-day diet, which is based on the daily use of at least one dish containing celery, perfectly helps to cope with excess weight and excess centimeters. Celery soup and salads from a fresh stem of celery are especially useful. It is this diet that is advised to patients who need weight adjustment before some surgical procedures.

What is the benefit of celery stalk for women?

In addition to the vast spectrum of struggle against various diseases, the celery stem is particularly beneficial to the beautiful half of humanity. Its rich vitamin and mineral composition promotes a flowering and healthy appearance, and also maintains a high level of condition of hair, nails and skin. It is also interesting that celery helps women smokers not to lose their natural attractiveness. Carcinogens contained in tobacco smoke adversely affect female beauty and youth, and celery helps get rid of adverse toxins.

A celery stem will also help beauties who like to run in heels. Fatigue of the legs and the appearance of the venous mesh are a long-standing problem for lovers of beautiful shoes. And the stem of celery, due to its beneficial effect on blood vessels and the circulatory system, helps to prevent varicose veins and venous thrombosis, improving blood circulation not only in the legs, but throughout the body.

Celery and masculine strength

And the ancient Greeks also conveyed to us also knowledge that helps to maintain male strength and health by simply using celery.

Celery stalks enhance sexual desire and potency. They help not only reduce the existing problem, but also prevent its occurrence long before. Specialists especially recommend using celery stalks for men who have crossed the 40-year mark. Thus, the whole body is rejuvenated, respectively, together with the sexual sphere, which will help to throw coal into the bonfire of intimate relationships.

And the essential oils contained in celery act as a powerful aphrodisiac for both men and women. No wonder they are used in perfumes. Therefore, at a romantic dinner with your soul mate, a dish containing celery will be very successful.

Damage to the celery stalk

The celery stalk cannot bring significant harm to the body. But there are, of course, contraindications.

Firstly, it is an urolithiasis. This was mentioned above, because the use of celery can contribute to the active removal of stones and sand, which may entail the need for medical intervention.

It is not recommended to use celery stalks during pregnancy, because it promotes blood flow to all organs, including the uterus, and this can provoke a tone, premature birth and miscarriage. Although, women who already spend the coveted 40 weeks are sometimes advised to eat a serving of celery in order to intensify labor.

That's all contraindications for eating celery. It seems that the celery stalk is really a universal doctor and first-aid kit for all occasions.


Watch the video: CELERY JUICE FOR 30 DAYS & WHY I SUDDENLY STOPPED (June 2024).