Vitamin E benefits for men: what is the danger of tocopherol deficiency? How to make up for a man’s vitamin E deficiency: food and medicine


Vitamin E is considered "female" because it has a beneficial effect on the skin, hair and nails, making them beautiful. However, this substance has other beneficial properties that are equally important for women's and men's health.

Vitamin E is indispensable for men, and its deficiency leads to serious consequences.

Benefits of Vitamin E for Men

The useful quality of tocopherol, common for men and women, is the ability to maintain healthy muscular system, strengthen blood vessels, improve blood circulation, reduce high blood pressure and prevent early aging of the body. With a deficiency of vitamin E, the muscular framework is destroyed, a person is chased by colds, chronic diseases begin, and the risk of strokes and heart attacks increases.

When the amount of vitamin E in the body is normal, then the cells receive a sufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients. Otherwise, the cells experience chronic hypoxia, which leads to constant diseases, weakness, and dysfunctions.

For men's health, the lack of tocopherol is associated with a deterioration in sexual and reproductive functions, the appearance of specific diseases. The beneficial properties of vitamin E for men are as follows:

• promotes the production of seminal fluid and ensures the viability of sperm;

• supports the normal functioning of the reproductive organs;

• provides normal hormonal status and testosterone production;

• protects against cancer of the prostate and bladder;

• provides endurance and normal muscle reflexes;

• prevents thrombosis;

• Prevents not only dystrophy of muscles and nerves, but also prevents male infertility.

In general, it is tocopherol that makes a man a man in many ways. In addition, this wonderful vitamin of youth prevents retinal degeneration, lowers insulin and sugar levels, preventing the formation of diabetes. If you constantly maintain the level of tocopherol in the body, then you can delay the aging process in the long term.

Vitamin E for men is also important because it is involved in the synthesis of interleukins. These are special biologically active substances that ensure the health of the prostate gland, inhibit the growth of cancer cells, destroy bacteria and viruses.

Thanks to tocopherol, male meat eaters are protected from inflammatory diseases of the esophagus and intestines, which are provoked by leukotrienes and prostaglandins. Smokers are also very important to monitor the level of vitamin E, which reduces the harm of nicotine, supports lung health, reduces fatigue.

Signs of Vitamin E Deficiency in Men

A lack of vitamin E in a man is manifested in a sharp deterioration in general physical condition. A person feels constant weakness, does not get enough sleep, is unwell, cannot perform work that he used to easily cope with. A decrease in working capacity is accompanied by an increase in nervous excitability: a man seems to live in constant stress, becomes irritable and emotionally unstable.

At the physiological level, vitamin E deficiency in men is manifested in the following:

• heart problems begin;

• anemia may appear,

• metabolic processes are disrupted;

• disturbances in the functioning of the liver, intestines, and kidneys develop;

• dystrophy of muscle tissue appears;

• change towards pathology of testicular tissue;

• nerve fibers are destroyed;

• constant hypoxia leads to frequent dizziness, headache, apathy.

Lack of tocopherol can provoke diseases of the liver, pancreas, kidneys. If a man has impaired fat metabolism, then with a high degree of probability it is possible to suspect a vitamin E deficiency.

Symptoms of a shortage are: frequent tingling in the hands, numbness, impaired coordination of movement, restraint, irritability, decreased vision. In advanced cases, the bones of the skull soften, small vessels suffer, and the state of the capillary network worsens.

How to take Vitamin E

Scientists have calculated how much vitamin E per day should enter the body of an adult healthy man. The generally accepted norm is 100 mg. Relative to this norm, a system of changed values ​​is built:

• during illness, acute or chronic, the male body requires 300 mg of tocopherol per day;

• the same amount is needed during increased physical exertion, for example, at competitions;

• if a man is constantly training, the norm should be doubled, that is, be 200 mg daily.

The easiest way to get the daily tocopherol is to eat a handful of sunflower seeds or almonds. One hundred grams of these products contain 220% and 175% of the standard daily norm of tocopherol, respectively. Pine nuts are slightly less useful: to get 100 mg of vitamin E, you need to eat about 200 grams of nuts.

There are pharmaceutical preparations of tocopherol, which should be prescribed by a doctor. You need to take them in a strictly recommended dose after a meal. As a rule, recommendations and dosages are as follows.

• For diseases of the joints, pathology of muscles and nerves for one to two months, you need to take 100 mg of vitamin E daily. Then take a break for two months and repeat the course.

• For disorders of the genital area and infertility, 200 to 300 mg per day is prescribed for a monthly course.

• In case of vascular disease, the amount of tocopherol varies from 100 to 200 mg once a day. The course of treatment is a month and a half.

It is recommended to combine the intake of tocopherol with the simultaneous administration of selenium, ascorbic acid, retinol (vitamin A). this improves the effectiveness of treatment, quickly restore sexual function and sperm quality.

It is important that the uncontrolled use of any substance, even such a useful one as vitamin E, is detrimental to health. An excess of tocopherol is manifested in chronic diarrhea, migraines, increased fatigue, and visual disturbances. The absorption of fat-soluble vitamins is impaired, therefore, simultaneously with an excess of tocopherol, a deficiency of retinol and vitamins K, D develops. Vitamins need to be taken only after consulting a doctor strictly for its intended purpose.

What foods contain vitamin E

Obtaining natural vitamins from food in a timely manner is much more useful than making up for a deficiency amid weakened immunity and upset health. For the intake of vitamin E in the body, you need to eat every day:

• all kinds of nuts and seeds, including pumpkin;

• vegetable oil - sunflower, corn, raspovy, linseed;

• seafood: shrimp, squid, mussels;

• oily fish: salmon, zander, pink salmon, herring, sardines;

• cereals: a bag, wheat, oats;

• dried apricots;

• sea buckthorn and viburnum;

• spinach and sorrel;

• olives;

• chicken eggs;

• whole milk;

• butter;

• fresh herbs;

• potatoes;

• carrot;

• avocado;

• broccoli.

Proper nutrition, ensuring the flow of vitamin E into the body, is the best way to stay healthy for a long time, to feel good, to be in a good mood.


Watch the video: Vitamin E: magical supplement for many health conditions (July 2024).