Conspiracy from enemies at work


Accountant Maria Stepanovna always grumbles that your salary is too high? Colleagues strive to drag off your cup and swap sugar with salt? Does the boss criticize your desktop shortcut policy? If you feel killed before the start of the working day, do not despair! To help come conspiracies from enemies at work, time-tested and circumstances.

How to get rid of enemies at work forever - conspiracy

It is important to remember that a conspiracy is first and foremost an understanding of the psychology of people, and the second is already magic. The better you understand your motives and the motives of others - the higher the chance of magic triggering.

There are several types of conspiracies from enemies at work.


Oddly enough, the most effective way to speak from the enemies of himself. The way we treat ourselves and to the extent we are confident in our abilities, directly affects the attitude of those around us. If you yourself feel your weakness and timidity, stronger and tougher personalities feel them all the more and start treating you excellently. Conversely, if you hold yourself confidently, detractors will poke you a couple of times with a stick and shrug their shoulders. Making sure that you do not react, the enemies will treat you with respect. But what to do if you can not keep yourself confident?

In order to overpower the complexes and eliminate the consequences of improperly posing themselves in a team, the strongest defensive conspiracies against enemies, evil, damage and all harm will help. You can read them about yourself, without being distracted from work. Conspiracies on oneself are not so much surrounding oneself with a protective field. It is rather a setting of the outside world through a change in your own world view. Such conspiracies are like good prayers or funny magic spells. They look so special, to raise your tone, vitality and good mood.

The strongest conspiracies are often very short. But they need to be remembered and repeated often, especially in critical moments.

  • The conspiracy "I'm clever."

This plot is the easiest and most natural, its goal is to surround you with a protective field impenetrable for insults and provocations. Every morning, coming to work, take a chair at your desk. For a moment, cover your eyes and imagine yourself inside the submarine. Mentally adopting the Zen Buddhist pose, cast a magic spell:

“All around smarties, because I'm smarty, amen. Everything is good because I'm good, amen. Everyone around me loves me because I love everyone. Amen!"

After some time, the situation at work will magically change for the better.

  • Conspiracy "Otsyavis."

The beginning of this conspiracy lies in the famous magician "simoron". Simoron is the most popular type of white magic. It was created by young dervishes-esoteric in the early 90s. Simoron to this day is a popular, fast and effective everyday magic. Plot "Show off“- the shortest of the most conspiracies and the lightest, - does not carry a vengeful harm to the enemy. Being a magical synonym for the word "come in," he recommends that the enemy lose interest in you. The enemy feels the desire to do more useful things than unwinding the tangle of your nerves. A more complete version of this conspiracy is the phrase "Benefit yourself with your disappearance." Such a conspiracy can be pronounced every time you feel a negative or undesirable influence. Already in the first ten repetitions, there is a significant positive effect.

To "kill" him, you can cheerfully wave a pencil or a pen in the direction of the enemy. Imagine holding a magic wand. The surprise that has appeared on the face of the enemy will mark a successful conspiracy.

Plot on items

If you are perfectly able to lift your spirits in the first two ways, it is time to move on to conspiracies on objects.

They can be used in unlimited quantities. The time of day and the phase of the moon does not play an important role, although it is better to do it early in the morning. The most favorable phase of the moon will be growing. The main thing, applying magic, do not forget the important rule:

"Any conspiracy from negative energy must bear within itself the good and only good."

  • A plot of flowers for office workers

Unless, of course, you are allergic, indoor plants are your best magic friend. Go to the flower shop, consult with the florist and choose a beautiful plant. Small in size and pleasing to the eye. This may be your favorite flower: violet, Benjamin ficus, cactus. If you are a man - buy yourself a plastic palm tree. The flower can be purchased for yourself or for a colleague who is especially annoying to you. First make sure that your enemy is not allergic to pollen and act on this factor.

The conspiracy to flowers for themselves consists of two parts: revitalization of the subject and empowerment. To liven up the flower - give it name. Write the name on the bottom of the pot or, if you are an energetic and simple person who boldly shows the world his openness, on the side of the pot. You can also attach a leaf with the name of a decorative clothespin to the trunk of the flower or a supporting skewer. Now that you have named the flower, select how you will speak it.

Giving positive energy. The most effective option for optimistic people is the transfer of positive thoughts to the flower with the aim of subsequent reverse feeding. Put your flower near the monitor. Whenever you are in a good mood, or something positive happens, speak to him with similar words:

"Dear Arkady Cactus, how glad I am that you bloom and smell. Today, I also smell and bloom, because NameRek, with whom we have complicated relationships, behaves politely all day and even offered to make me coffee in the morning."


"Dear Violet Marusia, I give you the smile of accountant Mary Stepanovna, your namesake, who praised me for a good report. It seems that we have a relationship with her and she no longer grumbles about my high salary, which she is tired of counting."

It is very important that the words are simple and human. Plants, especially conspirators, take words literally. Like water molecules and sugar crystals, they accumulate positive emotions in themselves and give them back. Simoronists, using this technique, note the growth of energy in the shortest time after the start. It is important to overpower yourself at the beginning of the journey, dismissing doubts about the expediency of what you are doing (and this is not about work, but about magic).

A conspiracy of a flower for a colleague is different in that at the moment when the flower is transmitted to the recipient, the connection between you and the flower becomes thinner or disappears. Therefore, such a flower is necessary to speak at home or on the way to work. A conspiracy can be in free form, but it must carry a positive message and a desire for bright emotions. For example:

"Dear Ficus Benjamin, I carry you as a gift to a wonderful man named Yomomrek Yommerkovich Iomirkov, this is my favorite boss, his table is right through the wall from me / down the hall to the right / in the next room. so that they are even better. Therefore, I decided to (a) give him to you, because you are a wonderful flower and you feel fine that I wish Nomirek Nommerekovich only good and good mood. And also that he would scold me less for bad work and well done tasks. when i bring I’ll go to the office and give you to your future owner - please try to pass on these words to him. I’m saying you are “Flower” and we will know this secret name only and keep in touch with it. pass him candy through you. "

If upon receipt of such a gift your colleague smiled and thanked warmly - consider that the plot was a success. If the reaction could not be predicted and it turned out to be restrained and neutral, or even worse - the unfortunate ficus flew to the floor - do not be discouraged. There are other conspiracies, stronger!

  • Plot on the keys to the working room.

As you know, keys are a universal subject for a conspiracy. They speak not only for the sale of a house or car, but also for the friendly atmosphere in the unlocked room. For such a conspiracy, you will need your copy of the keys to the office. If it so happens that you do not have them, take a magnetic card or tablet from the intercom. If it didn’t work here either - find an unnecessary key, a toy golden key or a key from an old girl’s diary at home. If at the same time you manage to wear it as a jewel-amulet around your neck - great!

Of course, this ritual should be carried out at work, after the end of the working day, when you are left alone, but if this is not possible - perform the ritual at home, before leaving. Put on your work clothes and stand in front of the apartment / house door. Keeping the key on the tongue ready, in a conspiratorial tone, utter the words of the conspiracy:

"The key is a key, listen attentively. You will open the door like a spy. You will leak into the office, you will dissolve in the atmosphere. You will become a secret amulet, a friend to all my colleagues.

After this, pretend that you open the door with the key, but do not close it with a make-believe on the other side. The ritual should have an openness for better response.

Come to work and do not hide the key from yourself. Let him remind you that you have performed a magical ritual. Stick it into the ground to Andrei cactus, or carry it around your neck like an amulet.

  • Plot on the remote from the air conditioner.

One of the most famous Simoron techniques of white magic is channel switching. To do this, you need any remote control, but the remote control from a working air conditioner is best suited. If you feel that the situation in the office is heating up - pretend that you are switching the temperature mode. But in fact - conduct a quick magic rite, stretching the console in front of you and looking at the air conditioner blowers.

"The heat go away, the negative go away, calm friendly atmosphere come!"

Such a conspiracy will give you peace and goodwill for the whole day. The rest of your colleagues will feel it instantly. Thanks to your white magic, they will follow your example, unaware of the plotted conditioner.

  • Plot on the candy.

CAUTION! This plot is very effective and applies only if its goals are truly bright and benevolent. By applying a plot to candy for revenge, be ready to immediately receive a boomerang from the Higher Forces. For good magicians conspiracy does not amount to difficulties in execution.

Buy different candies. It is desirable - chocolate, so they quickly disperse to their colleagues and the magic will work most effectively. Pour them into a beautiful bowl and talk about it three times. It is advisable to do this, being in the center of an empty office.

"Chocolate candies become a magic drug. Become a wonderful potion, turn enemies into friends of devotees, bring goodness and happiness to them, I implore you with good authority!"

At the beginning of the day, treat all your colleagues with sweets. It is important not to miss anyone, even those who are already positively disposed towards you, this will combine their energy with the enemy. Light energy will be fed and the magic will work even more. Watch the plot work with a smile.

  • The plotted notebook.

Another very useful magical practice is called "The Conspired Notebook." Take any block of writing paper, a notebook, or a small notebook with a cover that you like. Keep it somewhere in a secluded place. No one should be aware of the existence of this notebook. Especially the cleaning lady Aunt Nyura, who darts around the boxes and plotting against you the evil.

During the week, write down all the negative events in it. As colleagues, you changed the chair to uncomfortable. As an accountant, wrongly counted your salary and pretended that it was. As your worst non-friend spilled coffee on your blouse and pretended that she was an accident. Write everything as it is, in colors and emotions.

On the eighth day, after leaving work, take a notebook with you if you left it there. Wait until midnight and make a fire or fire in the fireplace. Tie the notebook tightly with a red thread, saying the words of the conspiracy:

"Close the notebook with black words. Do not untie the thread. Burn off all resentment and anger along with the paper. Turn unpleasant people into pleasant people. From now on, from now on, I will let them go and wish them good. And let goodness return to me a hundredfold ! Amen! "

Solemnly place the notebook into the fire. Watching the paper burn, imagine how you come to work the next morning. And suddenly you find that your enemies have become your best friends.

Perhaps the effect will not be noticeable immediately, have patience.

Every magician has a magical object, concentrating his light power and endowing it with the surrounding space. It can be a personal thing: a statuette, a plush toy, a chair cover, a shawl, a handbook. Listen to yourself and you will find it. This way of protecting oneself from enemies is effective in all conditions. And yet, there is no allergy to such things.

Plots on the salt

In the use of traditional, come from antiquity conspiracies, there are two pitfalls. First, studying any conspiracy, imagine its possible consequences. If the text of the conspiracy refers to a negative result, revenge or sacrifice - the conspiracy does not belong to White Magic. Be prepared for the fact that a good defense of your enemy can mirror in your direction. Avoid conspiracies that are negative. Your goals should be noble - not get rid of, not revenge, but make peace and make friends.

Secondly, the conspiracy is the most effective, in which your sufferings are not stated once again. Mentioning them may become an unnecessary amplifier. A conspiracy is best suited where suffering turns into an experience, or it is said that they care nothing. Remember that your desires are taken literally. Remember that the particle "not" is ignored by the brain. Perceiving information, everything is alive: children, adults, and surrounding energy hear prohibitions as direct instructions to action. Especially if you formulate the query as "do not do this, because I can not do that." “Do something else, please, so I’ll better do that,” is a good conspiracy. Feel free to use it.

White magic plots have special power. It is important to make sure that you resort to them. The plot from the enemies at work should not be read so that the bad will come back. Wishing evil only multiplies it and ruins your own karma. It should, on the contrary, wish them well, and you will see the opposite effect immediately. Of course, such conspiracies are complex in execution and require the full impact of the magician. But the result is worth it.

Every white magician who has achieved a certain success in his skill knows how to read conspiracies from enemies correctly. A strong conspiracy on salt, initially carrying a negative message to enemies, is made light and more effective with the help of white magic. A white salt plot will affect more forces and will require serious preparation, but by the end of the process you will feel how things are starting to change.

You will need:

  1. Salt.
  2. Sugar.
  3. Boiling water.
  4. A photo.
  5. Food coloring.
  6. A small glass jar with a cork.
  7. Red thread.
  8. Candles are church.

For this conspiracy, we will need to make a protective amulet. This is an extremely personalized thing. Proceed to its production, presenting before the eyes of the one who causes you the greatest discomfort at work. It is better to even have in front of him (her) photo. Of course, without strangers.

Wait for the growing moon. A conspiracy on salt to read from enemies is necessary with the help of proper moonlight. On Friday night, retire at home. Lay the ingredients on the table or floor.

Take the salt from a new pack printed for the occasion. Sugar is better to bring from work, but not necessarily. If it was not found there - buy loose sand in the store. Jar of cork can be found in any office supply store. In the absence of such, take any small capacity - preferably a glass.

Again, the ritual is long, powerful and requires good preparation, hard work and confidence.

Having laid out the components on the floor, light five candles with a match. Sit in their light for some time, closing your eyes. Remember all the unpleasant moments associated with your foe, imagine how you want this person to change. Once in your thoughts his attitude changes to a benevolent one, open your eyes and start making an amulet. First, say the following words, trying to speak in a warm, gentle tone:

"In the moon growing, the carrier light, I will conjure my foe, let him become a friend as he rises in the morning."

Wrap the bottle with red thread, tie one knot at the end.

Adding each new element, sentence separate words for it.

"Protective thread, good flooded, become a talisman. I will tie the first knot - I will speak well for you, I will knot the second knot - I will forever fasten the word".

Carefully add a small amount of salt to the bottom of the jar. Поверх неё добавьте чуть больше сахара, оставив меньше трети не заполненным. Не забудьте о месте для пробки. Высыпав соль и сахар, произнесите для них слова:

"Соль стань им (ею), а сахар - мной. В соли едкой, в обиде крепкой, растворяю сахар, для сердца знахарь. Как соль растает, так сахар главным станет. Как вместе сольются - так вместе замкнутся".

В подтверждение предыдущим словам, осторожно влейте в лохань несколько капель кипятка. Старайтесь, чтобы соль с сахаром смешались в кашицу, но не превратились в жидкость. Не размешивайте.

Осторожно капните в баночку краситель. Лучше брать жёлтый или розовый, тёплые цвета. Не размешивайте. Наблюдайте за тем, как содержимое баночки окрашивается и тает, приговаривая:

"Как ярки краски - так крепки нитки. Как нитки крепки - так слово свято".

Теперь каждую из свеч осторожно поднесите к баночке и капните в неё воском. На каждую по очереди проговорите пять фраз ваши ожидания от ритуала. For example:

  1. Желаю (имя недруга) другом моим стать.
  2. Желаю (имя недруга) в хорошем настроении всегда быть.
  3. Желаю (имя недруга) в работе мне всегда помогать.
  4. Желаю (имя недруга) добрым быть.
  5. Желаю (имя недруга) здоровья и душевных сил.

Запечатав таким образом баночку, аккуратно вставьте пробку. Теперь разверните красную нить/ обвяжите ею горлышко, приговаривая последние слова заговора:

"Отныне станет соль сахаром, отныне нить не развяжется. Был (имя) недругом, стал (имя) другом преданным. Слово моё крепко, луна тому свидетель".

Завяжите второй узелок на другом конце нити. Спрячьте баночку-оберег в укромном месте.

Теперь, на утро следующего дня, отношение вашего недруга начнёт меняться. Вы провели очень тонкий и сильный заговор. Ощутите прилив сил и необычайную лёгкость.

На булавку

Заговор от врагов на работе читать на булавку придумала сибирская целительница Наталья Степанова, очень лёгкий, быстрый и надёжный, он используется повсеместно. Защищает в основном от сглаза и порчи. Поэтому против сильных недругов он станет лишь вспомогательным методом, а не панацеей.

Вам понадобится новая английская булавка. В лунную ночь встаньте перед окном. Подставив её под лунный свет, произнесите слова заговора:

"Колит, режет, врагов отгоняет, от злых пожеланий меня защищает".

Приколите булавку на одежду и всегда носите её с собой. Если булавка раскроется и уколет вас - это хороший знак. Значит заговор защитил вас от недоброго влияния. Ритуал после этого рекомендуется повторить. Такая защита поможет не только от врагов на работе, но и от других негативных проявлений.

Советы Натальи Степановой

Знаменитая сибирская целительница советует в заговорах не желать врагам и обидчикам мести. Наталья Степанова предлагает читать заговоры от врагов, зла и порчи с положительным посылом, формулируя запросы как просьбу о хороших изменениях.

Один из самых сильных заговоров Натальи Степановой приведён ниже. Он читается раз в день на заходе солнца. Для этого заговора не обязательно учитывать, где находитесь вы и ваш обидчик, но важно знать его имя.

«Во имя Отца и Сына
И Святого Духа.
Господи, благослови,
Святого Илью позову
С небесной силой
На помощь.
Земную силу позову
С земною силой
На помощь.
И водяную силу
Я позову на помощь.
Я зову на помощь.
Все силы могучие,
Мне помогите
И на меня и на моих врагов
А кто помыслит
На меня зло,
Творить им зло запретите».

Славянские заговоры от врагов, зла, порчи и всякого вреда

За помощью в белой магии можно прибегнуть к древним славянским заговорам. Их отличие в том, что славяне обращались за подспорьем к природе-матери. Поэтому для успешного славянского заговора необходимо иметь природный источник сил. Обязательно с началом в одной из стихий: огонь, вода, воздух или земля.

Великие белые маги предпочитают иметь в запасе набор из четырёх пузырьков. Его можно изготовить заранее.

Возьмите четыре баночки, подобные тем, что используются в заговоре на соль.

Первую баночку оставьте пустой. Во вторую налейте чистой некипяченой воды. В третью - насыпьте щепотку земли. В четвертую положите уголёк.

Произнесите заклинающие слова, чтобы закрепить обереги:

"Матушка-природа, силами земли, огня, воды и воздуха одари меня".

Теперь, когда возникнет необходимость в заговоре, вы сможете обратиться сразу к четырем стихиям, например, с помощью такого заклинания:

"Не трожь меня лихо тёмное, нет власти над девой скромною, нет силы над девой светлою, катись лихо в даль беспросветную. Не троньте враги меня злые, не троньте беды любые, огнём опалившись отпряньте, водой окропившись, отстаньте, землю не троньте сырую, пусть ветер обидчиков сдует!"

Избавиться от врагов - просто. А вот для того, чтобы сделать врагов друзьями, понадобится настоящее мастерство. Подведём итог цитатой великого Пауло Коэльо:

Лучший способ узнать и уничтожить врага - это стать его другом.


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