Female opinion: only 11% of women buy gifts in advance


New Year's shopping “spins” with money even a merchant. Bright packaging, good discounts, excitement in every department of the store - this exciting pre-holiday atmosphere makes the process of buying gifts especially pleasant. Beautifully packed box with a bow - not only for children. Everyone knows the feeling of impatience when untying gift ribbons, even if you firmly know that there are no keys to the new apartment, nor a necklace with diamonds. It is pleasant to receive gifts and give them, seeing joy on the faces of loved ones.

Some begin to buy gifts for the New Year in advance, others at the last moment are enlightened by the idea of ​​a super-gift, and in his search they go shopping until the evening of December 31. The Women's Opinion portal conducted a study on how women prepared for the holiday the week before it.

A third of respondents (32.2%) were partially purchased. First of all, gifts were prepared for the most expensive people - parents, children, spouse. The rest can be postponed for later: souvenirs to colleagues or a new perfume for a girlfriend in the store can be bought at any time.

29.3% are still at the stage of compiling lists. It is most difficult to find a gift for those whom you have always gifted for many years or to someone who, it would seem, has everything.

27.1% have not even thought about gifts. They believe that just before the holiday in stores the most favorable discounts will save significantly on New Year's shopping.

Only 11.4% were fully prepared for the New Year - gifts were bought, packaged and hidden away from prying eyes. According to their experience, it is necessary to prepare in advance, because there is no guarantee that the discount will not end, and that the item you like will not be sold out.

Thus, the pre-holiday bustle does not seem to leave the Russians before the closing of the last store a couple of hours before the chimes. Experts in the field of profitable shopping advise you to take advantage of New Year's discounts and stock up on gifts for other holidays in the coming year, for example, birthdays and wedding anniversaries.
The survey involved 3170 people from 107 cities of Russia. The age of respondents is from 20 to 45 years.


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