Conspiracies from smoking


Tobacco smoking is not just a bad habit. Daily smoking of a large number of cigarettes detrimental to the work of entire body systems, causing serious illness. Affects smoking and appearance. The skin on the face becomes yellowish, there are circles under the eyes.

However, in the modern world there are many ways to stop smoking. In combination with medication and traditional treatment, you can use the practices of white magic to get rid of the habit of smoking. But what conspiracies are there to quit smoking forever? What could be the consequences of magical interference?
Answers to these questions can be found in our article.

Conspiracy to quit smoking forever

Conspiracies from smoking are healing practices. Most of these are the rites of white magic. The exceptions are spells that transmit the addiction and its consequences to other people. You should not get involved in black rituals - they have a boomerang property. Dark energy does not evaporate anywhere, it comes back threefold.

In turn, the white rituals for getting rid of smoking that are completely safe for the bio-field of the sorcerer and the conjuret are divided into 4 categories:

  • Pagan - ancient sacraments that came from the depths of the ages. To prepare for those, one should go to nature more often and appeal to its powers;
  • Prayer - based on traditional religious rites, mainly Christian and Muslim. Preparing to read a prayer conspiracy from smoking is a weekly fasting, a vegetarian diet and daily prayers in the church;
  • Modern- copyright techniques developed by practicing magicians. Unlike the first two categories, they are not recommended for use by novice magicians;
  • Combined - a kind of mix of all the above categories.

Important! A conspiracy to quit smoking should not be quickly imposed on oneself. All quick conspiracies are black magic and can have the opposite effect. White sacraments operate more slowly, but more purposefully, and their use does not threaten anything.

For myself

The versatility of healing white rituals allows a smoking plot to be read by the smoker himself. If the caster decides to quit, his true desire will be the basis for a successful rite. If the desire to abandon addiction is too weak, the ritual may not work.

There are many conspiracies or rituals aimed at quitting smoking. We offer to get acquainted with the most effective of them:

  • Plot on the mirror. A smoker needs to stand near a large mirror, look at his reflection for about a minute, then, looking into his eyes, say: "On the mountain stands the holy temple, near the temple of that - the devil is lame. The devil stands, smokes smoke, blinks his eyes - tobacco smokes. Muzzle - like a trough, pulls a hoof. In a hoof - a cigar as a gift. God's Slave / God's Slave [His own name] did not order God to smoke, You - smoke, I - air, You - wormwood, sweet - Amen! ";
  • A conspiracy on candles. Read on the growing moon, all alone. At midnight, with a growing moon, 3 church candles are lit in front of a mirror. A conspiracy is made: "Great God, mighty God! Heal my soul, heal my body! I burn in a dungeon, shrouded in a dungeon with smoke, imbued with pitch. Drain, pull out smoke, put out the fire! In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen!" After that, the candles must be extinguished, wrapped in a white scarf and hidden from prying eyes;
  • Plot for a full moon.In the phase of the full moon, you need to go to the balcony or look out the window, reach out to the night luminary, and say: "Mother Luna! I suffered in full! I want to live, do not hurt! Help me to quit smoking! I am commanded, Luna seen, forgiven by the Lord, Amen!". After that, you should go to sleep without closing the window or balcony.

The first result will appear within a week after reading the plot to stop smoking, at itself. Dislike of tobacco smoke will gradually form and the desire to smoke will disappear.

For husband

Making another person quit smoking with a white plot is a little more difficult. But for the Higher Forces, nothing is impossible. In order to prevent her husband from smoking, you can use the following spells:

  • The plot on the sleeper.When the husband falls asleep, the caster must stand at his head, in one hand take a needle, in the other - a thread, and say the following: "On the sea, in the blue ocean, there is a small island. A huge stone is reclining on that island. I sit on a stone, I, my servant [my name], I thread a thread on a needle. As the silk thread enters a sharp needle, so will my husband God's servant [Name] will quit smoking. Amen! " After that, you need to thread and needle and hide them safely;
  • A cigarette plot. It is read on a pack of tobacco products belonging to her husband. The text of the spell is: "Speaking [Name of husband] from the habit of pernicious, from the smoke of the stinking, from the resin viscous, from the fire of the fuel. You will find yourself, my husband [Name], an interesting occupation, a sensible matter, bold and zealous. Stop smoking! Stop smoking! ! Hantaa ular! Amen! "

Important!If the plot is against the will of the smoker, the first time it may not work. If the wife wants to save her husband from this bad habit, but the man does not intend to quit smoking, rituals should be performed every month in the next six months. Over time, the dark spell will recede, the smoker’s bio field will open to light energy and the wife will be able to make him quit smoking forever.


As it was said earlier, the rituals of white magic are completely harmless both for the person who starts to speak and for the one who assumes the role of the sorcerer and the reader of spells. However, the conspiracy may not have the desired effect if:

  • The smoker does not want to quit smoking;
  • On the caster - a black curse, sealed by a strong adept of the dark beginning;
  • The exorcist does not believe in the power of his words or doubts their veracity;
  • The spell text is read incorrectly, fuzzy or hesitant;
  • An unsuccessful place in the energy sense was chosen for the ceremony (a room with dark energy, etc.).

It is possible to judge how successfully the ritual was performed, a month after reading the conspiracy. If a conspirator has a disgust with smoking, he smokes less and less, and his state of health and appearance improve significantly - the spell has worked. If this does not happen - in a month you can repeat the ritual. If a curse is suspected, there is no need to despair. It is recommended to turn to an experienced adept of light forces, who diagnoses a problem in a biofield, reveals a gap and restores a person’s energy flow.


Watch the video: Conspiracies about Cancer Alcohol, Tobacco and Cancer. Kulsoom Khadija Ghias. TEDxHabibUniversity (July 2024).