The splendor of asceticism: high-tech style interior


Unrealistic, fantastic atmosphere, rational and universal, not fully understood by the general public - this is high-tech, “high technology”.

Appearing half a century ago, the style continues to amaze with the latest equipment and materials.

He always had opponents, because not everyone will like the interior, in which there is no place for sentimentality.

But many high-tech attracts a combination of proportions and forms, space and light, dynamism and restraint of decor.

Therefore, since the end of the 60s of the last century, the harmony and integrity of style has constantly surrounded us in various offices, airports, beauty salons, and fitness clubs.

Do you know where we often see high-tech interiors? On television, where for decades, studios have looked exactly like this for filming many shows.

Popular, so beloved by many, the program "Voice" takes place against the backdrop of hi-tech.

A lot of people designed their home in this style. It’s not worth considering that all of them are extremely young people, high-tech is loved by those who are close in spirit to the fresh wind of change.

For example, Igor Vernik, a popular actor, showman and female favorite, designed the space of his country house in a similar style. He himself rated the design as minimalist, calm, with a restrained color palette, but at the same time very comfortable. He preferred just such an interior, abandoning pretentiousness, pomposity and classics.

What is it, hi-tech?

This style is difficult not to recognize or confuse with any other.

If, upon entering the room, you immediately notice the brightness and sharpness of the lines, plastic elements and glass tables, the luster of metal parts and the uniformity of colors - this is hi-tech.

On the windows - blinds or blackout curtains in calm tones.

No elaborate chandeliers or sconces with ornate curls. Only ordinary built-in lights, but there are many.

Photos, graphic paintings in metal or plastic frames adorn the walls.

Colors for the interior use restrained, cold, often light: white, silver.

Although there are many very interesting options for arranging the premises in dark colors.

To dilute the cold or dark interior of a room is taken with one bright spot. It can be a sofa or an armchair, a picture or a small carpet.

What this style does not accept is wood, wallpaper or fabric with patterns, complex decoration (in any case, whether it be walls, ceiling or furniture).

Perhaps, someone will find this atmosphere uncomfortable, more like an office or a hotel room. Energetic people feel comfortable in it, they are not afraid of experiments. High technologies, meaningfully and artistically crafted, distinguished not only by originality, but also by functionality, are becoming more popular.

After all, a hi-tech dwelling personifying the triumph of high technology does not have to be turned into a kind of spaceship. It can be arranged so that all family members are comfortable and cozy.

Positive aspects of hi-tech

How can he attract the mistress of the house?

This style involves a minimum of accessories and other trifles. All unnecessary cleaned in the built-in wardrobes. And this means that maintaining order in the house is much easier, he always looks well-groomed and tidy.

A high-tech style kitchen is generally the dream of every housewife: the most convenient working space, equipped with the latest words from the “techno century”.

Husband and children will appreciate the logic, practicality of space. No abundance of decorative elements, heavy draperies, complex furniture designs. But the abundance of high-tech equipment will delight them.

High-tech is a home style in which ascetic simplicity, laconic design and love of order coexist.


Watch the video: 13. Monasticism (June 2024).