How to eat with the flu


Every person in his life has repeatedly experienced all the "charms" of the flu. And everyone struggled with them in their own way: someone was looking for help from the doctors, someone was treated by their own methods. But the task of the patients is always the same - as soon as possible to restore their health.

The incidence of influenza, as a rule, increases with the arrival of cold. Flu symptoms are well-known - it is an indisposition, fever, chills, feeling of aches. All these symptoms appear on the background of a weakened immune system. Very often, the flu gives complications in the kidneys, heart, lungs. Therefore, the task facing the doctor and the patient is to stop the symptoms of the flu as soon as possible and prevent complications.

An important role in the process of treatment and recovery, except for medicines, is the nutrition of the patient. In a sick person, as a rule, the appetite is reduced or absent altogether. Therefore, to begin the path to recovery is necessary from the water regime.

Drinking for the patient is, first of all, the removal of the intoxication of the body with a viral infection. As a drink, you can take a weak tea with the addition of a slice of lemon. Lemon contains a large amount of vitamin C, which helps to increase the body's vitality. Honey is also added instead of sugar to tea. This drink lowers the temperature and improves the condition of the patient. Take a drink should be up to five glasses a day. In addition to tea, various infusions are also used. An infusion of dry linden inflorescences, raspberry berries, black currant tea with a spoon of honey removes intoxication well.

To fight the infection the patient needs strength and energy. What are the products shown for the flu? They should be light, gentle, easily digestible. From the first course, chicken broth and vegetable broth soups are recommended. They are not only well absorbed by the body, but are also additional liquid.

The basic diet of the patient should be food rich in protein. These are the second fish dishes or from lean meat. Buckwheat is desirable for the side dish, as it is rich in vitamins and microelements that help the body to cope with the infection. Sea fish is better suited as it is rich in vitamins, fatty acids. And from meat, preference is given to chicken, turkey, or lean mutton. The fish is steamed, and the meat is boiled. Such culinary processing of protein products is necessary for the patient so that the body can cope with the digestion more easily.

It is also necessary to add to the menu of the patient various porridges boiled in water and with the subsequent addition of milk. Dairy products are also welcome. This low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir and ryazhenka.

A person with the flu must have a diet. Eating is necessary to fractional, in small portions. But everything will depend on the condition of the person. If the appetite is not at all, then it can be limited at the beginning of the disease only to fluid intake. With the improvement of the patient and appetite, it is necessary to expand the diet, introducing various dishes, both the first and second. Also, do not forget to add fruit to the menu.

A consistent and definite approach to the nutrition of the patient with the flu will speed up the healing process and shorten the sickness in bed.


Sveta 01.11.2016
Indeed, with the flu you need to drink a lot of fluid, because there is no desire at all. I had the flu, the doctor prescribed me Arbidol, but I didn’t buy it at the pharmacy, and I simply didn’t have the strength to go to another pharmacy. The seller advised to buy Kagotsel, for the price they are about the same. On the first day I almost did not get up, by the evening of the second day I felt better and did not even eat much.


Watch the video: Know the common symptoms of flu (July 2024).