Clematis in the fall: planting and care, how to prepare a flower for wintering. Features autumn planting clematis (photo)


Clematis or clematis is a perennial vine of the buttercup family.

More than three hundred species of this amazing plant have already been bred, each of which is unique.

This is a rather unpretentious flower, the main point in its cultivation is the observance of the timing of planting and reproduction.

The autumn planting of clematis has its own characteristics that every gardener needs to know.

Features of autumn clematis care

Despite the selection work and the high ability of the plant to adapt to our climatic conditions, many varieties of clematis in the fall need special preparation for the winter season.

What a gardener should consider:

• dates for the autumn planting of clematis;

• the possibility of transplanting plants in the fall;

• the need for reproduction;

• Compliance with standard autumn care procedures.

Experienced gardeners care for the plant according to a clearly planned scheme, which was developed taking into account all the biological characteristics of clematis. But beginners need to take into account the characteristics of the region where the plant is grown in order to accurately adjust the timing of the autumn planting of clematis, transplantation and reproduction.

Choosing a seedling for planting clematis in the fall

Further flowering of the plant, as well as its duration, depends on the planting material.

When purchasing seedlings, you need to consider the following points:

1. Healthy planting material has no mechanical damage.

2. A developed root system consists of five or more roots.

3. The autumn seedling should have several shoots with buds.

4. The best time to buy a seedling is mid-September.

5. When choosing a seedling, it is better to stay on a plant with a closed root system.

Clematis: planting in the fall (photo)

Autumn planting has its own characteristics, which must be observed. Experienced growers are advised to plant the plant in September, but for each region, the timing is shifted depending on weather conditions. It is important to remember that clematis must have time to take root before the onset of frost. Depending on the climate, landing may be done ahead of schedule.

Choosing a landing place

Clematis is able to grow in one place for about 30 years, so you need to approach the choice of place responsibly. In the southern regions, it is not worth planting a plant in open sunny areas, as well as near walls and fences. The best option would be a secluded place in the garden, without drafts and the scorching sun.

Particular attention should be paid to the humidity of the site, intended for planting clematis. The plant does not tolerate stagnation of moisture at the roots, the proximity of groundwater will adversely affect the plant.

Clematis can grow on any soil, but preferably non-acidic soils. Especially beautiful plant blooms on nutritious loose soils. Fertilizers will help enrich the soil composition, but fresh manure should not be applied under clematis.

Autumn planting clematis

Planting this plant has some differences from others.

1. In the fall, clematis is planted, plunging it into the soil for several buds. Such a planting is the key to plant survival.

2. A landing pit is made at a depth of two bayonets. A thick layer of drainage is laid on the bottom, about 15 cm of broken brick, crushed stone.

3. The soil before planting is enriched by mixing it with humus, mineral fertilizers, peat, sand and ash.

4. The distance between the bushes is about 1 meter.

5. Before planting, a support is installed under the liana. It must be strong enough to withstand strong gusts of wind.

Immediately before planting, the state of the root system is checked. If the earthen lump has dried up, then the liana is pre-soaked in water for several hours. Fertile soil is poured onto the lower drainage layer and a seedling is lowered. The roots of the plant are straightened, deepening the root neck by 5-10 cm into the ground. Sprinkle the seedling on top with prepared soil. The landing site is mulched.

Important! Deep planting saves the plant from freezing in harsh winter, and also contributes to the development of additional shoots and protects the roots from overheating in the heat.

Clematis pruning

Autumn planting of clematis is a very responsible matter. If you do not follow the entire sequence of work, then the seedling will simply die. Pruning is one of the main planting activities. It is carried out necessarily. How to trim clematis? It depends on the plant variety. Those vines that bloom twice a season need little pruning. It is carried out so that at least 1 meter of escape is left.

If clematis blooms only on annual shoots, then it is pruned differently. The branches are shortened so that only 2-3 knots remain. This pruning is called radical.

When to transplant clematis?

If there is a need to transplant a plant, then it is better to wait for autumn. This is the best time to transplant clematis. The transplant is carried out no later than mid-September.

Experienced gardeners are not advised to transplant old specimens. They take root worse in a new place. Removing an earthen lump with roots is very problematic, you can not do without injuries. You can resort to cutting the root system, but you need to do it very carefully. After the vines are transplanted to a new location, flowering will not come next year.

If the cause of the transplant is a plant disease, then the root system must be thoroughly rinsed and ash added to the planting pit.

Important! Young plants tolerate transplanting better, adapt more quickly to new conditions and start growing.

Clematis: preparing for the winter

All kinds of plants need shelter from frost, despite their winter hardiness. Young clematis planted in autumn shelter especially carefully.

Things to consider:

1. Before you begin to shelter a plant, you need to remove all leaves from it.

2. A bucket of ripened humus is poured into the center of the bush, then they are hilled with sand, which is mixed with ash. Hilling height is about 10 - 15 cm.

3. The shelter should be dry. The main purpose of clematis shelter is to protect the plant from dampness and moisture, which has a detrimental effect on the vine.

4. The covering layer should be loose, well ventilated. Without access to air, the liana can vanish.

5. Sawdust should not be used for winter shelter of clematis. They absorb moisture, freeze, and spring prey. The plant will die under such conditions.

6. To remove the shelter from the creeper is possible only after the threat of return frosts.

The correct shelter for clematis is carried out according to the following technology:

• shoots are removed from the support and laid on a layer of fir spruce branches;

• from above they are covered with a thick layer of dry leaves;

• install shields of wood, you can cover them with foil.

Important! If you properly organize the wintering of clematis, then flowering will occur earlier than usual, and the flowers will become semi-double.

Problems When Growing Clematis

Most often, clematis is damaged by fungal diseases. Since the disease is in the soil, the root system of the plant is primarily affected.

To avoid the defeat of the liana, you need to monitor its condition and take action in time. You can notice the infection in early spring. At the first signs of its appearance, it is necessary to cut out the damaged parts of the plant and treat the shoots with fungicides. If most of the bush is affected, then it must be dug up as a whole. And process the landing site.


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