Can peaches be for a pregnant woman or a nursing mother: who should not? The benefits and harms of peaches for breastfeeding


When a woman prepares to become a mother, she has to limit her diet.

Everything that she uses is transmitted to the baby in the womb.

It is very important to monitor proper nutrition so as not to harm your child.

Is it possible peaches during pregnancy?

This fruit can be said to be indispensable in the female diet.

It is characterized by low calorie content, while satisfying hunger and is quickly digested. Doctors recommend consuming peaches for nursing mothers and women during the period of gestation.

Why peaches are useful for a nursing mother: fortified product

Peaches contain a huge number of components that have a beneficial effect on the health of mother and baby.

The composition includes the following vitamins and minerals:

• vitamin C, E, B, K;

• wine acid;

• a nicotinic acid;

• lemon acid;

• iron, potassium, phosphorus, zinc;

• essential oils;

• carotene;

• pectins.

The benefits of peaches for breastfeeding

Pediatricians and nutritionists recognize the fact that peaches are the safest fruits for nursing mothers. A saturated vitaminized composition favorably affects the body of a woman and a child, they are allowed to use during pregnancy.

1. Due to the content of magnesium, peaches help strengthen the nervous system.

2. Excess fluid, toxins and toxins are removed from the body, the formation of edema is prevented.

3. The use of sweet fruits affects the female mood - it improves. Peaches also help cope with postpartum depression.

4. Peaches for nursing mothers are recommended to be eaten, as the content of minerals and vitamins in the composition stimulates the development of the children's brain.

5. The woman who has given birth often faces constipation. Here, sweet fruits will also come in handy, they allow you to forget about constipation and regular bouts of heartburn.

6. The immunity of both the mother and her baby is strengthened.

When the baby is 3 months old, he can be given peach juice, as he is not a strong allergen. The only exception is individual intolerance from birth to the product and overeating. Peach juice is useful especially if the child is often sick.

Can peaches harm a nursing mother and baby

Young mothers often do not give peaches to their child because they are afraid of an allergic reaction. It is worth noting that it can occur in several cases:

• overeating fruit;

• an allergy that has been inherited;

• eating peach along with the peel (it contains the most allergens).

Signs of an allergy:

• runny nose;

• sneezing and coughing;

• rash in the neck and on the face;

• swelling.

If the baby after consuming peaches has one of the symptoms shown, it is recommended to temporarily exclude the fruit from the diet.

Is it possible to peaches during pregnancy and is it safe for the baby in the womb? During the period of gestation, the baby must be extremely careful in the event that there is a hereditary predisposition to diabetes.

Important to remember, that peaches are considered a natural laxative and overeating can lead to severe intestinal upset, frequent emptying, both in women and in children. If this happens, it is best to contact your pediatrician to help solve the problem.

Peach Recipes for Breastfeeding and During Pregnancy

Peaches are very useful to eat fresh, but a nursing mother or woman during pregnancy sometimes wants variety. There are several delicious recipes for making dietary fruit dishes that are allowed and healthy for the body.

1. Casserole with peaches and cottage cheese

For cooking, you will need the following ingredients:

• 2 chicken eggs;

• low fat cottage cheese (400 grams);

• 4 tablespoons of semolina;

• fresh peaches.

Step by step recipe

1. Cottage cheese is thoroughly ground with egg yolks, semolina separately mixed with salt (on the tip of a knife) and sugar (150 grams, less can be).

2. Peaches are cut into medium sized cubes.

3. Proteins are whipped until foam is formed.

4. A mixture of semolina with salt and sugar is added to the cottage cheese, everything is mixed.

5. Squirrels are added, whipped to a foam, then peaches. Everything is mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed.

6. The baking dish is greased with vegetable oil so that the dish does not burn, then a peach-curd mixture is laid out there.

7. The casserole is baked in a preheated oven for 20-25 minutes.

The dish is very light and airy. The casserole is absolutely safe for a nursing mother and her child.

2. Peach Parfait

Ingredients Required:

• fresh peaches, diced into small cubes (4 full glasses);

• half a glass of natural yogurt;

• nonfat sour cream - half a glass;

• brown sugar and fresh mint to taste.

The presented ingredients are designed to prepare 4 servings of parfait.

Step by step recipe

1. Yogurt with sour cream are mixed in a bowl until a uniform consistency is formed.

2. Prepare portioned glasses. Each of them is half filled with chopped peaches.

3. Pour sugar to taste, then pour 2 tablespoons of a mixture of yogurt and sour cream.

4. A few more peaches are added, the remaining space is filled with sauce and decorated with mint.

Peaches for breastfeeding prepared in this way will be an excellent dessert for the daily menu. To avoid overeating fruits, you can eat no more than 2 glasses of parfait during the day.

Is it possible peaches during pregnancy and lactation: the basic rules for eating fruit

To prevent an unwanted reaction of the mother and baby, you need to know some useful recommendations for eating peaches.

1. To avoid an allergic reaction, the fruit is recommended to peel.

2. In the first month after childbirth, it is advisable not to eat peaches, but to adhere strictly to a diet. The baby's body has not yet matured, so it is not worth experimenting.

3. Like any other product, peaches to nursing mothers need to be introduced into the diet gradually. A month after giving birth, you can try to eat a quarter of the fetus and see if the stool of the child has changed, if there are any rashes. If all is well, half the fruit is already allowed. A whole peach is allowed only after the mother makes sure that the baby is not allergic.

4. The daily norm of peaches in lactation is 1-2 fruits. In such an amount, the fruit will not adversely affect the state of the body of the woman and her child.

5. Canned peaches are prohibited for use, as they have a lot of chemical additives. However, you can eat a small amount of jam, if it was prepared independently at home.

You need to eat peaches for a nursing mother so that vitamins and minerals that are not enough after childbirth enter the body. The main thing is not to overeat and follow the basic rules of eating fruit. During pregnancy, it is also not recommended to abuse the fruit, as everything eaten by a woman is transmitted to the baby.


Watch the video: 6 Superfoods for Breastfeeding Moms - Childrens Healthcare Tips (July 2024).