Puffs with cheese - delicious fragrant pastries for breakfast or dinner. Puff pastry pies recipes with cheese and mushrooms, cottage cheese, berries


There is no time to prepare delicious pastries, but really want to pamper your family with a delicious and satisfying dinner?

Then puff pastry will come to your aid, from which you can cook a variety of puff pastries.

The cheese puffs are especially interesting, the recipes for such baking can be very simple and more complicated.

Try to cook fragrant pies according to our recipes, your loved ones will appreciate your culinary talents and the taste of puff pastry with cheese.

Cheese Puffs - General Cooking Principles

The main ingredient of puff pastry pies with cheese, as the name implies, is the dough itself and cheese. You can prepare the dough yourself, but today it is easier to buy, the assortment offered by the shops is large, and the prices are affordable.

There are two types of puff pastry:

• Yeast-free. Baking from such a semi-finished product gets plump.

• Yeast. The pies come out lush and airy.

Both types of yeast dough are delicious, therefore, in principle, for the preparation of puffs with cheese, you can use any of the options.

Cheese for pies can be hard, processed, spicy, salty. It all depends on additional ingredients and your preferences. Typically, the cheese is either finely chopped or grated. You can also put ham, sausage, meat, mushrooms in puff pastry pies with cheese. In addition, puffs can be made sweet by adding cottage cheese, sugar, fruits and berries.

Cooking pies in the oven on a greased baking sheet. Harvested in raw form, greased with egg, sprinkled, depending on the ingredients, seeds, nuts, dry herbs, sesame seeds. Baking is served in both cold and hot.

1. Puffs from different varieties of cheese


• a pound of frozen puff pastry;

• two processed cheeses;

• 130-150 grams of hard cheese;

• 180 grams of suluguni;

• egg;

• sesame seeds.

Cooking method:

1. Place the dough on a dry, clean table to defrost.

2. At this time, grate all types of cheeses on a fine grater, mix.

3. Roll the defrosted dough into a thin layer.

4. Evenly distribute half the cheese to the half of the layer, cover the cheese with the second half. Press with a plump palm, roll out with a rolling pin.

5. Lay out the second half again on half of the layer, do the manipulations with the cover and roll again.

6. Cut the finished puff layer into four equal parts, each of them roll out a little more and cut again into four parts. You should end up with 16 square puffs.

7. Line the baking sheet with oiled paper, carefully lay the cheese puffs.

8. Lubricate each piece with a beaten egg, sprinkle with sesame seeds.

9. Bake for 20 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

2. Puff pastry pies with cheese and ham


• a pound of dough;

• 200 grams of ham;

• 200 grams of cheese;

• one egg;

• dill.

Cooking method:

1. Roll pre-thawed puff pastry into a thin layer without breaking the square shape.

2. Cut the formation into eight equal parts.

3. Cut both the ham and cheese into slices.

4. Put in each square of puff pastry a piece of cheese, a sprig of dill, a slice of ham.

5. Fold the puff pastry squares so that you have a triangular pie. Pinch the edges.

6. Transfer the products to a greased baking sheet, grease the surface of the puffs with an egg.

7. Bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.

3. Puffs with cheese, sausage, egg and herbs


• a pound of puff pastry;

• 250 grams of hard cheese;

• 400 grams of cooked sausage;

• 100 grams of green onions;

• three eggs.

Cooking method:

1. Cut boiled sausage into small cubes, grate cheese on a coarse grater.

2. Mix cheese with sausage and one raw egg.

3. Roll out the finished dough, cut into rectangles.

4. Lightly beat the two remaining eggs with a whisk.

5. Put the cheese mixture on one side of the prepared rectangles. Cover with a second half.

6. Lubricate the top and edges of the puff with a beaten egg.

7. Remove the billet from the puff pastry for 20-30 minutes in the refrigerator to set the dough.

8. Once again, grease the surface with an egg, bake for 20 minutes in an oven preheated to 180-190 degrees.

4. Puff pastry pies with cheese, spinach and herbs


• 500 grams of puff pastry;

• 150 grams of fresh spinach;

• medium onion;

• 30 grams of parsley and dill leaves;

• two eggs;

• 70 grams of hard cheese;

• two tablespoons of crushed crackers made of white bread;

• salt, ground pepper, dried herbs;

• 30 ml of vegetable oil;

• 30 grams of butter.

Cooking method:

1. Place the dough plates on the countertop to defrost.

2. Rinse all greens thoroughly, dry. Chop.

3. Peel the onion, cut into small cubes.

4. Put the onion in a vegetable oil heated in a pan, fry until softened.

5. Add finely chopped spinach, fry, stirring, for about 5 minutes.

6. Put parsley, dill and crackers. Pepper and salt to taste. Fry for 2-3 minutes.

7. Add the coarsely grated cheese and one egg and one protein whipped with a little salt.

8. Keep the green mass on the fire for one more minute, then you can remove the pan from the heat.

9. Roll out the thawed dough, cut out the squares.

10. Lubricate the edges of the square around the perimeter with water.

11. Put the prepared filling on one half, make three small cuts on the second half.

12. Cover with the second half of the square the first, cover the edges.

13. You should get a pie with the original half-open top.

14. Blind the remaining pies in the same way.

15. Put them on an oiled baking sheet, bake at 200 degrees for 25 minutes.

5. Sweet puffs with cheese and cottage cheese


• 200 grams of hard cheese;

• 500 grams of dough;

• 200 grams of cottage cheese;

• three tablespoons of sugar;

• egg.

Cooking method:

1. Roll out the thawed dough, cut circles in any convenient way.

2. Put all prepared circles in suitable silicone molds.

3. Mix the grated cheese with the rumpled fork with cottage cheese, sugar and an egg.

4. Put a tablespoon of cheese filling in the middle of each cup.

5. Cover with the remaining scraps of puff.

6. Cook in an oven preheated to 185 degrees for 30 minutes.

6. Hearty puff pastry pies with cheese and chicken


• kilogram of puff pastry;

• 150 grams of cottage cheese;

• 250 grams of hard cheese;

• 400 grams of chicken fillet;

• salt, black pepper;

• a couple of spoons of tomato paste.

Cooking method:

1. Put the chicken fillet in a pan with water, cook until tender for 15 minutes in slightly salted water.

2. Cool the finished fillet, cut into small cubes.

3. Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater. Leave 1/5 of the cheese to decorate the puffs, mix the rest with the chicken.

4. Add curd cheese, spices, salt and tomato paste to the curd mass to taste.

5. Dough rolled into a thin layer, cut into squares with a side of at least 15 centimeters.

6. Put the filling in the middle of each square, pinch the edges of the dough so that you get a kind of bag.

7. Cover the pan with parchment paper, grease it with oil.

8. Put the pies with cheese and chicken. Sprinkle each puff with the remaining grated cheese.

9. Cook for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

10. 15 minutes before the readiness, puff pastry patties with cheese can be greased with slightly beaten egg.

7. Puffs with cheese and mushrooms


• 200 grams of hard cheese;

• 500 grams of dough;

• a pound of oyster mushroom;

• onion;

• salt pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the onion, cut into the thinnest quarter of the rings.

2. Rinse the mushrooms, dry a little and finely chop.

3. Fry the mushrooms with onions, adding pepper and salt.

4. Roll thawed puff pastry into squares measuring approximately 10 by 10 centimeters.

5. Cut the cheese into thin slices.

6. Put the fried mushrooms in the center of each square, lay the cheese slices on top.

7. Fashion dumplings.

8. Arrange the prepared pies on a greased baking sheet, bake in an oven warmed up to 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

8. Sweet puff pastry pies with cheese and berries


• 0.5 kg puff pastry;

• 250 grams of cream cheese;

• two tablespoons of granulated sugar;

• pitted cherries;

• half a glass of powdered sugar;

• 50 ml cream;

• vanilla to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Whip the cream with icing sugar and vanilla in a small bowl for icing, put in the refrigerator to cool.

2. Warm up the oven to 200 degrees, unfreeze the dough.

3. Mash cream cheese with a fork, whisk with granulated sugar.

4. Roll out the thawed dough, cut into squares of the same size.

5. Put in the center of each box a spoonful of sweetened cheese, put three cherries on top.

6. Connect all the ends of the square in the middle.

7. Bake puffs with cheese and berries until golden brown for 10-15 minutes.

8. Pour the pastries with fragrant glaze before serving.

Puff pastry pies with cheese - tricks, tips

• If you decide to make puff pastry yourself, you already imagine how hard it is. Therefore, you should prepare it for future use. It is quite easy to freeze the finished dough even in an ordinary freezer. Make layers that are convenient for storage, sprinkle them with flour and pack them in cling film. Put the wrapped dough in the freezer.

• Do not forget that when mixing puff pastry, you should not use cool, warm water. Only ice water.

• Puff pastry defrosts at room temperature very quickly, so do not use additional devices for this purpose: soaking in hot water, a microwave oven, etc.

• If you plan to bake sweet products, do not forget about sweeteners, for example, honey, sugar, because there is no sugar in the composition of puff pastry.

• It happens that during baking, molten cheese flows out of the dough. The fact is that the edges of puff pastry stick together heavily, and even often stick together from each other. To avoid the leakage of cheese, grease the edges of the puffs with egg, milk or plain water.

• To make the fillings enough for all slices of sliced ​​and rolled puff pastry, lay the cheese with other ingredients immediately on the whole dough, only after that start sculpting the puffs.

• If you grease a workpiece with an egg, the finished product will not only acquire an appetizing golden color, it will well stick to all kinds of loose additives: sesame, sugar, spices and others.

• Do not forget about the temperature in the oven. Puffs of cheese are placed strictly in an already heated oven, and not in a cold one.


Watch the video: Beth's Goat Cheese Tartelettes. ENTERTAINING WITH BETH (July 2024).