Flax - medicinal properties and use in medicine


Linen - General Description

Annual or perennial flax is an herbaceous plant of the flax family with a high erect, and on top - branched, and thin stalk, reaching a height of 40 or more centimeters. The leaves are whole, narrow-lanceolate, sessile, arranged alternately, less often - the opposite.

Flax flowers collected in thyroid brushes, rather large, pale bluish, blue, yellow or white, develop on long pedicels. As a rule, they have five correctly teardrop-shaped and tender petals, touching at the edges with each other. Flax begins to bloom in late May - early June. The fruit is an ovoid or rounded capsule with flat oil seeds.

Flax - types and places of growth

The genus represents over 200 varieties of flax growing in the temperate and subtropical zones of the entire globe. The most popular in the agricultural textile industry was ordinary flax, characterized by a large abundance of subspecies, of which only three have the greatest cultural value:

- Mediterranean subspecies of flax - grown in the Crimea, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and the Caucasus as an oilseed;

- intermediate subspecies - widespread in the Mediterranean countries;

- Eurasian subspecies - includes, perhaps, the most cultivated crops scattered throughout the continent of Eurasia. Of the greatest importance of them are: flax flax, oil flax (or curly), flax, and flax creeping. The listed species are used for the production of fiber and seeds, and the flax is grown for further processing into oil.

In decorative floriculture, 25 types of flax are used: flax, large-flowered, stiffly hairy, perennial and others. They live in natural conditions, demanding light, achieve better development in moist and fertile soils.

Flax - healing properties

Flax is a plant used not only for the production of tissue and oil, it is also widely used in folk medicine and homeopathy. Flax seeds have concentrated a whole treasure of nutrients. Flax contains in its composition vegetable proteins, fiber, trace elements and the most important vitamins A, E, B, F, and essential polyunsaturated fats.

The unique composition of the seeds determines their beneficial effect on the body and the treatment of such ailments and pathologies as diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases (it has been experimentally proved that flax normalizes A / D, lowers low blood cholesterol, eliminates arrhythmia and reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke and sudden cardiac death), stress, burns, ulcers, gastrointestinal and genitourinary diseases, neuralgia, etc.

In addition, flax improves immunity, has a beneficial effect on brain activity, eliminates constipation, neutralizes food poisoning, and mucus from seeds helps with poisoning by acids and other chemicals.

Flax - dosage forms

For medicinal purposes, only flaxseeds are used, which are collected as they form, that is, in September, when threshing flax. The collected raw materials are dried under a canopy, in dryers or in an oven at 30-40 degrees. Flaxseed oil is also extracted from seeds by cold pressing. In folk medicine, flax is used to prepare mucus, decoctions, infusions, compresses, poultices, etc. The range of possible applications is unusually wide.

Flax - traditional medicine recipes

Mucus recipe: a tablespoon of seeds a glass of boiling water; insist an hour, shaking occasionally, then cool, strain and drink two tablespoons each. 3-5 p. a day before meals (half an hour).

Decoction for oncological diseases: flax (3 tbsp. L. Seeds) add to boiling water - 600 ml and simmer over low heat for ten minutes. Then squeeze the raw materials and take the broth three times a day for half a glass.

For nephritis, urolithiasis: 1 teaspoon of seeds is added to boiling water (200 ml), boiled for only 2-3 minutes, then insisted for an hour and filtered. Use a glass in the morning and at night.

Skin diseases are treated with poultices, mucus and any of the listed decoctions, in the form of lotions. Decoctions are also used for enemas for hemorrhoids, inflammation of the intestine, dysentery and constipation, rinsing of an ulcerated oral cavity and inflamed tonsils.

Flax - contraindications

Flax is safe, but eating its seeds should be accompanied by a plentiful drink, since the rough structure of the seed without moisture can cause intestinal obstruction.


Anastasia 04/27/2016
These wonderful flowers, I plant to decorate the territory, and now, I will also use their seeds for treatment. Moreover, there are no practical contraindications, and flax seeds will not harm the body, but rather prevent various diseases.

Ksenia 04/27/2016
And the proteins in it, and fiber, and various trace elements. Flax is just a wonderful plant in every way. In our family, it has long been used for various ailments (which are rare), and for the prevention of various diseases. And we are very pleased with the results!

Marika 04/27/2016
I’m just in shock, how many kinds of illnesses are treating flax seeds! Even cancer! And a whole bunch of everything, I just wanted to get these seeds right away, just in case! Yes, as I understand it, it’s good to take them for prevention.

Lyusya 04/27/2016
Wow! It’s great that I came across this article. I just have a packet with flax seeds. I bought it for one person, they treated his stomach. It helped just fine! And now I will use some recipes!

Natalya 04/27/2016
These are just magical flowers. I like them much more than lilies of the valley. And the plant itself - flax, is almost indispensable. I plant these beautiful flowers in my garden, they give such a charming look to the whole estate!


Watch the video: Mayo Clinic Minute: Flaxseed - Tiny seed, nutritional powerhouse (July 2024).