Clover - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Clover - General Description

The genus Clover from the Bean family is represented by perennial herbaceous plants with branched upright stems reaching a height of up to 50 cm. The color of the flowers of different species varies and can be red, white and even multi-colored.

Clover flowering continues in July-August. It is valued as an excellent honey plant and cultivated as a valuable fodder plant. Also, due to a number of useful properties, clover is widely used in traditional medicine. As a rule, meadow clover (red) is usually used in recipes.

Clover - types and places of growth

The main places for the distribution of clover are the south-eastern and south-western zones of Russia, Siberia, Central Asia and the Far East, where it grows in meadows, forest edges, glades. About 300 species of this plant are known, among which the most common among us are white clover, or creeping, and red clover (meadow).

Clover - medicinal properties

Clover has a choleretic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-sclerotic, diaphoretic, expectorant, hemostatic, diuretic, astringent, anti-allergic and antifungal effect. Also, his preparations strengthen the walls of blood vessels. This plant is used in the treatment of colds; bronchial asthma; atherosclerosis; exhaustion and anemia; indigestion diseases of the liver and biliary tract; frequent bleeding; malignant tumors; diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Clover - dosage forms

As a medicinal raw material, the aboveground part and the roots of the plant are used. Grass and flowers should be harvested during full bloom by tearing or cutting flower heads with adjacent leaves. They should be dried in the shade, laying out in a thin layer.

Clover - recipes

For the treatment of kidney diseases, urolithiasis, general malaise, overwork, alcoholism, painful menstruation, as well as uterine diseases, an infusion of clover flowers is used as a diuretic. In order to cook it, 1 tbsp. l dry flowers pour a glass of boiling water and insist about half an hour. After cooling, filter and drink three times a day, 70 g. half an hour before meals.

For the treatment of headaches, dizziness, hypertension, atherosclerosis, anemia, tinnitus, malignant tumors, use alcohol tincture, for the preparation of which 4 tbsp. l raw materials are poured 500 gr. vodka and insist in a warm place.

For the treatment of neurological and rheumatic pains, boils, abscesses, clover is used externally in the form of powders.

A clover decoction is used for lotions for fungal diseases. To cook it, 3 tbsp. l pour raw materials with a glass of water and, boiling for about a minute, insist 2 hours and filter.

In inflammatory diseases of the eyes, it is useful to rinse them with fresh clover juice or its infusion.

When cancerous tumors are used for applying ointment from clover inflorescences, for the preparation of which 1 part of the flowers is infused in a dark place in 2 parts of olive or sunflower oil for 2 weeks.

Clover - contraindications

Clover preparations are contraindicated in diseases accompanied by a tendency to increased blood coagulation: varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, the state after a stroke or myocardial infarction. Also, they can not be used by pregnant women.

Before using products prepared on the basis of clover, as in the case with other medicinal herbs, you should consult your doctor.


Elena 08/31/2016
Tincture of red clover flowers is an excellent remedy for myositis, joint pain (from personal experience), I call it "magic".

Svetik 04/26/2016
And clover helped me fight liver disease. Of course, I didn’t have anything particularly serious. But, from the pills, it became even worse, and the stomach began to hurt. But from clover, the liver has decreased, and there are no side effects. And at the same time, I rubbed my eyes with decoction - it became noticeably better!

Alla 04/26/2016
I, on the advice of this article, bought clover. I take it as a tincture for headaches. This is the fifth day. And despite the cloudy weather, atmospheric pressure - the head practically does not hurt! I am very grateful for such advice.

Maria 04/23/2016
It became news to me that with the help of clover, you can fight cancerous tumors. I heard about its healing properties, but not to that extent. And, also, she did not know that clover should not be used for people with varicose veins.

Lyudmila 04/23/2016
I have a friend who gave her husband a clover as an expectorant. She was completely satisfied with this weed. Also, I know that clover is used for bleeding, it can stop the blood. In general, a good, affordable plant.


Watch the video: 5 Medicinal Plants And Herbs You Can Find In Your Yard (June 2024).