Castor-oil plant - medicinal properties and application in medicine


Castor-oil plant - general description

Castor oil ordinary - a plant of the family euphorbiaceae. In the tropics and subtropics, castor oil plant is a perennial shrub growing up to 10 meters. For Russia and other temperate countries, castor oil is an annual plant whose height is only 2-3 meters. Castor oil plant was known in ancient times, because its seeds were found during excavations in the tombs of the pharaohs (IV century BC). Castor (tick) - such a generic name for the plant was invented by the Romans because its seeds looked like a tick.

An adult plant has a straight stem with a hollow structure. The color of the stem can be pink, burgundy and purple. Large, deep-cut leaves of green or dark red color decorate castor oil. Having about a meter in diameter, they give the plant a special decorative effect.

In the summer, inflorescences appear on the plant, and a little later - fruits that look like round hedgehogs. Inside the fruit box and the seeds are located.

Castor oil plant is grown as a decorative plant, oilseed and medicinal.

Castor-oil plant - types and places of growth

Modern scholars tend to agree that the homeland of castor oil plants is North Africa. However, castor oil plants are now widely distributed on all continents, although in the wild they can grow and bear fruit only in the conditions of the subtropics or tropics. India is the first country in the world to use castor oil for industrial purposes: oil from its fruits is in demand all over the world.

Castor oil was imported to Russia from India in the 19th century.

Castor-oil plant - medicinal properties

Castor oil is used as a laxative, as well as during obstetric care. It perfectly stimulates the muscles of the uterus, causing labor pains. It is added to balms from burns, ulcers and wounds.

In addition to medicinal, castor oil has other remarkable properties: its oil does not freeze and does not dry. Therefore, it is used for lubrication even in aviation.

Castor-oil plant - dosage forms

A classic laxative, castor oil, is extracted from castor bean seeds. For industrial purposes, castor oil is grown for the sake of seeds.

Castor oil, made for medical purposes, is obtained as a result of the first hot pressing. In the production process, ricin, a chemically unstable, but very toxic substance that is part of castor oil, must be destroyed. To do this, the finished oil is subjected to hydrolysis - treatment with hot steam.

Oilcake, which is obtained after pressing castor oil, is a good nitrogen fertilizer. And it can also be used in the manufacture of glue.

Castor oil plant - recipes

Castor oil or castor oil - a familiar from childhood and widely used remedy for constipation. 1-2 teaspoons of castor oil, taken at the same time, will help to overcome this ailment.

It is believed that rubbing castor oil into the warts or age spots for ten minutes daily in the morning and evening, you can part with these unpleasant phenomena.

Castor oil, applied to cuts and abrasions, contributes to their rapid healing. With regular lubrication, castor oil will even cure hemorrhoids.

Colds and coughs will recede if you rub the piles with heated castor oil and wrap yourself up well. Not only a cold, but also bronchitis can be cured if you rub your chest overnight with a mixture of 2 tablespoons of castor oil and a tablespoon of turpentine.

Castor will help soften the feet and get rid of corns. Enough to apply it at night, not forgetting to put on warm socks. After three weeks, the soles of the feet will become soft again.

If you drop one drop of castor oil in your eyes before going to bed, the fatigue will pass, and your eyes will stop blushing. Castor oil is instilled into the eye and as an effective remedy for barley.

One tablespoon of castor oil mixed with half a glass of warm kefir will help make your hair soft and shiny. The mixture should be applied to the hair, wrap the head for an hour and a half. Then wash your hair and head thoroughly.

Castor oil - contraindications

Castor seeds include ricin. This substance contains cyanide and is deadly poisonous. It is they who get rid of it by hydrolysis in the production of harmless castor oil. In case of accidental ingestion of seeds into the body, urgently need to induce vomiting, rinse the stomach and immediately call an ambulance.

In case of poisoning with alcohol, benzene and other fat-soluble substances, castor oil should not be used.

Castor oil should not be used for a long time. This can damage the intestinal mucosa.

Castor oil can cause an allergic reaction.


Marina Barkova 11/18/2016
This year I first saw castor in the Crimea. seeds are decorative very unusual beauty, I decorated them with a bottle.

Hope 04/22/2016
And it was not what castor oil was made of exactly this plant that surprised me (although I didn’t know about it), but that the color of the castor bean stem can be pink, burgundy, and purple !! This is what a forest looks like with such a plant! Unusually, it says little.

Nastasya 04/22/2016
In, I knew that this plant is poisonous. Though not entirely, but you can die from seeds. In general, I noticed that in warm countries, there are an order of magnitude more poisonous plants than ours. I wonder what caused this. And castor oil, I have known for a long time, as well as everyone - castor oil.

Galina 04/22/2016
What is still interesting this plant !!! And everywhere it is used. Is it interesting that his fruits are edible? Do not be surprised that - yes. But how quickly castor oil can cope with warts in just one day. Then, as usual, this process takes at least three days.

Marina 04/22/2016
Yeah!!! And they use it in aviation, and they make glue out of it, and people are still being treated ... A plant is just where! And, of course, I did not know where this castor comes from))) It's nice to replenish my information baggage. Thank))


Watch the video: 6 Epic Uses Of Castor Oil You Wish Someone Told You Earlier (July 2024).