June 27: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on June 27th.


Holidays June 27

World Fisheries Day

This holiday has been officially celebrated by fishermen around the world since 1985. It covers a wide audience - from amateur fishermen sitting with a pair of fishing rods at a reservoir, to professionals engaged in fishing on an industrial scale. In many countries, educational and training seminars are held on this day, and fishing competitions are organized. Everyone comes to participate - both fishermen with great experience, and beginner anglers.

Since ancient times, fishing has been considered not only a way of catching food for food, but also an exciting activity. This is a great way to spend time in nature, chat with like-minded people, relax from the hustle and bustle of the city. Among the fishermen are not only men. More often on the shore with a fishing rod you can meet women.

From the side, fishing can seem like a rather boring task - is it really interesting to just sit by the pond and look at the float? But for many who at least once out of curiosity held a fishing rod in their hands and caught their first fish, this activity often develops into an exciting hobby or an all-consuming passion. Real fishermen cannot be scared by rain, cold, or annoying mosquitoes. They are ready in any weather for several hours motionless to sit on the riverbank, receiving incredible pleasure from this.

Youth Day celebrated in Russia

Youth is not only a wonderful time in a person’s life, it is also a sense of purpose, energy, movement, a special state of mind. The young generation is the hope and support of any state that has to determine the future prospects and development paths of its country. This holiday is relatively young, as are the heroes of the occasion who celebrate it. It was officially established by the Presidential Order in 1993. The Soviet Union also celebrated this day, only the date of celebration fell on February 7th. At the initiative of the Committee on Youth Affairs, in Russia they decided to postpone the holiday to a more convenient summer time.

On this day, meetings are held throughout the country, concerts and performances of youth groups are organized. Young people gather in cheerful companies, attend discos, open dance, concert venues, go out to town for picnics. And although the age of young people is determined in the range from 14 to 30, older people who often feel young in the soul often join the celebration and therefore consider their holiday their own.

June 27 on the folk calendar

Elisha Grechkosey

Buckwheat continued to be planted on Elisha. It was necessary to sow grain only in sunny weather, so that the earth was dry and dusty. The peasants sentenced - if there is dust on the harrow, then on the sieve pancake. But after planting it was desirable rains, so that the seeds germinated faster. Therefore, so that the long-awaited rain began, they conjured and cut the nettles until the burning juice appeared. It was believed that he would burn the skies and rain would pour from the sky. Buckwheat was a significant culture, therefore, when planting it, they always observed the necessary rituals to be with the crop. Although some believed that buckwheat could be dispensed with, it is better to sow more rye.

Historical events of June 27

June 27, 1936 Decree issued in the Soviet Union prohibiting operations to terminate an unwanted pregnancy

The ban on abortion lasted from 1936 to 1955. Making this decision, the state was going to solve several problems at the same time. First, preserve women's health. After all, such an operation caused significant harm to the health of women, many of them after the abortion became sterile. Especially, given the lack of qualified specialized medical staff. Secondly, with this method they wanted to increase the sexual cultural level among women. Indeed, for many of them, abortion at that time was the only means of contraception. And thirdly, the state in this way decided to correct the country's demographic situation - to ensure population growth.

June 27, 1964 a monument to Taras Shevchenko was unveiled in Washington, the capital of the United States

It was built and erected with funds raised by the Ukrainian diaspora living in North America. The opening ceremony of the monument was held in a big way. About a hundred thousand Ukrainians from around the world gathered in the US Capital, representatives of the American administration and delegates from other foreign countries attended. A parade passed through the city streets, in which more than 35 thousand Ukrainians took part.

June 27, 1967 the first cash dispenser in the world was installed in England

A cash machine was installed in Anfield, one of London's districts, at a branch of Barclay's Bank. In order to conduct a cash-out operation, it was necessary to have a card of a certain face value with a four-digit code. It was necessary to enter this code into the ATM, and then receive cash.

June 27, 1988 In French Lyon, at the station, two suburban electric trains collided

The tragedy occurred at rush hour. The commuter train approaching the station could not brake, and at high speed crashed into another passenger train standing at the platform. As a result of the collision, 113 people were injured: 56 people were killed and 57 were injured. It was the largest accident in the history of the French national railway company since its inception. The cause of the disaster was the unauthorized failure of one of the passengers of the stop crane, which blocked the brakes, and a combination of other adverse circumstances.

Born on June 27

Boris Khmelnitsky (1940 - 2008), Soviet, Russian actor

From childhood, Boris dreamed of becoming an artist, but he went to study not in a theater, but in a music school, because the future actor stuttered a lot. But the dream of an acting career did not leave him. And he decided to take a chance. He failed at VGIK, but he entered Shchukinskoye in 1966. graduated from it. All-Union popularity for the artist came after the painting "Arrows of Robin Hood", where he played the main character - Robin Hood. In 1982 Boris Khmelnitsky visited Hollywood. There he was offered to star in the movie "Rock Climber" with a guaranteed fee of a million dollars. But the Soviet leadership did not give the actor permission to shoot. In the biography of Boris Khmelnitsky there is another interesting fact: he was fond of the game of billiards and was a master of sports. This was the only master of sports in billiards among the artists.

Alsou (born 1983), Russian singer

For the first time, viewers could get acquainted with the work of Alsou in 1998. When a clip was released for the song "Winter Dream", which was performed by an unknown young singer. At that time she was only 15 years old, and this was her creative debut. He was quite successful. Therefore, two more songs of the singer followed - "Sometimes" and "Spring", which only strengthened the success of the young talent. A year later, Alsou released her first music collection, more than half a million copies of which were sold out over six months. Two years after the start of her musical career, in 2000, the singer represented Russia at the popular Eurovision Song Contest, where she took second place. The peak of activity of creative activity Alsu falls on 1999-2005. In 2006 The singer got married and began to devote the bulk of her time to the family and raising her daughters.

Name day June 27

Name Day Celebrate: Elisha, George, Yuri, Methodius


Watch the video: Celebrating June 27th & DJ Screw Houston, TX 2015 (July 2024).