Squeezing knees: the main causes of the onset of the disease. Knees hurt when standing up: what needs to be done and how to treat


The knee is the largest and most complex in terms of functionality articular "body", which is subjected to a large load every day.

Despite the fact that at first glance it seems quite strong and protected by muscles, the knee joint is often exposed to various diseases.

Let us consider in more detail why the knees hurt when squats, how to diagnose a possible disease and what to do to relieve pain.

Squatting your knees: the most common causes

Usually knee pain is associated with the development of such diseases:

1. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease that gradually affects the joint. The causes of its appearance are usually previous injuries, as well as viruses. In addition, an hereditary factor plays an important role in the development of this form of arthritis.

For the primary manifestations of this disease, aching pain is inherent in flexion, however, in the process of the development of a person’s disease, pains begin to bother without strong physical exertion. Over time, swelling and slight darkening of the skin develops on his knee. Also a special distinguishing feature of this particular disease is joint pain in the morning.

If this type of arthritis is not treated, it will provoke a strong inflammatory process, which will gradually switch to cartilage and bone tissue. This in turn will provoke deformation of the entire joint.

2. Gout - This is a serious chronic disease in which the level of uric acid in a patient rises sharply, which provokes the deposition of salts. The main symptoms of gout are acute, clearly localized pains in the leg, which occur even with a slight movement of the knee.

Very often, gout has a paroxysmal periodic course. That is, a person can feel severe pain for a week, after which they will subside for a while. After a few days, pain may occur again.

3. Deforming osteoarthrosis occurs with metabolic disorders in the knee joint. It is manifested by severe pain during physical exertion or simple bending of the leg. As a rule, this disease is diagnosed already when it has become chronic. As a result, the patient will need a fairly long supportive course of treatment.

4. Tendinitis. This disease is characterized by severe inflammation of the ligaments of the knee. It is usually diagnosed in athletes after injuries. Tendonitis manifests itself in the form of pains in the anterior zone of the knee that occur when squatting, running or walking.

5. Bursitis knee - This is a fairly rare disease in which the periarticular bag becomes inflamed. The causes of its development are infection, trauma or damage to the joint.

Usually bursitis is manifested by pain in the knee, which occurs when it is actively moving. Also, swelling of the joint, its redness and pain during palpation are inherent in it.

6. Ostechondropathy. In most cases, it develops in adolescents who are actively involved in sports, especially its running species. The disease is accompanied by acute pain in the knee area, which gives to the lower leg. It is important to know that pain occurs only during physical exertion, but is not observed at rest.

7. Arthrosis - This is the most common cause of knee pain. It is a joint disease that is chronic and constantly progressing. The previous injuries and bruises, as well as various joint infections, provoke the development of this disease.

Pain with arthrosis occurs during physical exertion. Less commonly, she may be disturbed at rest.

It is important to know that this disease requires serious treatment, otherwise, otherwise it can lead to a person becoming disabled.

In addition to the main reasons, knees can hurt when squatting due to such factors:

1. Improper performance of squats and other exercises that led to an overload of muscles and ligaments. Because of this, a person can damage the knee joint, therefore, during training, it is desirable that an experienced trainer be nearby and can tell you the exact performance of a particular exercise.

2. Earlier knee injury.

3. Subcooling.

4. Excessive physical exertion on the knee.

5. Excess weight.

6. Wearing high heels, due to which the load on the knee joint is unevenly distributed.

7. Lack of calcium and other nutrients.

8. Severe damage to articular cartilage.

9. Sprain.

10. Tendon damage.

11. The fall.

12. The knee kick.

13. The deposition of salts.

14. A long stay of the leg in an unnatural (uncomfortable position) can cause pain, numbness and tingling in the joint.

What to do if knees hurt when standing up

If knee pain occurs, you should contact a traumatologist and carry out the following diagnostic procedures as soon as possible:

• radiography;

• MRI;

• general blood analysis;

• CT;

• Ultrasound.

After diagnosing the disease, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment depending on the specific diagnosis, age and general condition of the patient.

Kneel pains when getting up: what to do and how to treat

The traditional treatment of knee pain is comprehensive.

Drug therapy involves the intake of such groups of drugs:

1. Anti-inflammatory drugs.

2. Analgesics for pain.

3. Antipyretic drugs at high temperature.

4. Glucocorticosteroids.

5. Chondroprotectors.

6. Local anesthetics (ointments with lidocaine).

7. The introduction of intraarticular injections, which are aimed at relieving inflammation.

In addition, there are the following features of drug treatment of diseases of the knee joint:

1. It is recommended to use anti-inflammatory drugs (Celecoxib, Nimesulide) for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. If the disease is started, then in this case the patient is prescribed basic drugs (methotrexate).

2. For the treatment of gout, a medicine called colchicine is quite effective.

3. Allopurinol is used for therapy against chronic arthritis.

4. When diagnosing bursitis, the patient is prescribed antibiotics and cold compresses on the knee joint. Sometimes a knee puncture is performed.

5. For the treatment of osteochondropathy, pain medications should be used, as well as electrophoresis with calcium and lidocaine. It is also recommended to apply mud compresses.

As auxiliary procedures for pain in the knee, it is recommended that:

• magnetotherapy;

• massage;

• electrophoresis;

• taking a contrast shower;

• applying warm compresses;

• performing therapeutic exercises.

Rewinding a sick knee with an elastic bandage is also very effective. It will improve blood circulation, relieve swelling and pain. As an alternative, a special orthopedic bandage can also be used.

In addition, it is important to know that during treatment, the patient should minimize the load on the knee joint. To do this, he is recommended to use a crutch or a cane.

With insufficient effectiveness of medical and physiotherapeutic treatment, the patient can undergo endoprosthetics - replacing the natural knee joint with an artificial one. This operation is very common today. It will relieve chronic pain and inflammation. As a rule, most patients, even after joint replacement, can again walk normally without using a cane. The rehabilitation period after arthroplasty takes from two to six months.

What to do when knees hurt when standing up: tips for prevention

In order to prevent the development of pain in the knee, you should adhere to such tips:

1. Do not wear high-heeled shoes.

2. Eat a balanced diet. The diet should be rich in vitamins and nutrients, especially magnesium and calcium, which are so necessary for the normal functioning of the joints.

3. Avoid excessive physical exertion.

4. In time to treat bruises and injuries of the knee, which can lead to the development of serious diseases.

5. Monitor your weight and prevent obesity, as excess weight will put a heavy load on the knee joint and cause pain.


Watch the video: The ultimate guide to knee pain. Types, causes, home remedies, when to see a doctor (July 2024).